On June 24, the results of the 2022 College Entrance Examination were announced: Graduates of Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary School achieved excellent results in the vocational education undergraduate examination - a total of 93 students took the exam, 66 passed the undergrad

6 24, the results of the 2022 college entrance examination were announced: Graduates of Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary Vocational School achieved excellent results in the vocational education undergraduate examination - a total of 93 students took the exam, 66 passed the undergraduate exam, and the passing rate reached 71% , ranked among the best in the province. Among them, student Liu Yutong scored a total of 401 points, ranking among the top three in the province (full score of 450 points); 9 students scored full marks in mathematics! was once a failure in the high school entrance examination, but he continued to strive for self-improvement on the track of the vocational education college entrance examination, overtaking in corners, breaking out of his cocoon and becoming a butterfly. He reaped the wonderful things of his life and vividly practiced "vocational education has a bright future and a lot to do".

What is also exciting is that the students of this school not only have strong cultural quality, but also have very "hard-core" vocational skills - they won the 2022 Shaanxi Vocational School Skills Competition announced by the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education on June 23. In the list, Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary School won the Excellence Award . The school's students won many awards in professional skills competitions such as tour guides, vocational English , hotel services, automobile mechanical and electrical maintenance, tea art, and virtual reality (VR) production and application. First, second and third prizes. On the same day, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education also announced a list of 22 high-level demonstration secondary vocational schools in Shaanxi Province. Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary Vocational School was on the list, becoming the vanguard of vocational education in our province. The achievement of

’s brilliant achievements is inseparable from the school’s advanced educational philosophy, excellent teacher team, and advanced education model. Recently, the author visited Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary School to explore the stories behind the results.

Excellent graduates: "They are the best teachers I have ever encountered!"

"Mom and dad, 401 points, 401 points!" Just after 12 noon on June 24, Liu Yutong, a graduate of Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary Vocational School At home, excited sounds echoed throughout the room. At 12 o'clock that day, the college entrance examination results were announced online on time. Liu Yutong happily hugged his parents after finding out his results for single-entry admission, and the family shed tears of excitement.

"For achieving such results, what I want to thank most is the school and teachers!" Liu Yutong recalled that 3 years ago, with the disappointment of not taking the high school entrance examination, she stepped into the door of Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary Vocational School, "Junior High School Most of my classmates were admitted to the General High School, but I felt like a laggard and couldn’t do anything when I first entered school.”

The head teacher and classroom teachers understand this mood of the students very well. They are like spring breeze, like drizzle, moistening things and encouraging students silently. Every word, every look, is like a magical key, opening the children's closed hearts; it is also like rays of warm sunshine, stimulating the children's upward power.

"Some people think that teachers in secondary vocational schools are not as good as teachers in ordinary high schools. This is definitely a misunderstanding." Liu Yutong said that all her teachers are excellent, and the English teacher's pronunciation is pure and authentic; the math teacher can always guide them to The complex problem-solving ideas are simplified; the Chinese teacher's profound literary skills make listening to the class a pleasure; the children's psychological knowledge and examples explained by the professional teachers will surely benefit the students for life...

Before graduation, Liu Yutong taught each class The teachers all wrote a "thank you letter". "They are the best teachers I have ever encountered, and it is my honor to be their student. This time I want to apply for Xi'an University of Arts and Sciences . I am determined to become a good teacher in the future and pass on this teacher's ethics. , helping more children grow into pillars of talent.

Phoenix Nirvana Stands up High-quality Development "Strong Backbone"

Strong teaching staff, strict campus management, excellent training environment, multiple opportunities for further education, and superb Professional skills, smooth employment channels, diverse student aid policies...

The achievement of any achievement is by no means an overnight effort. The development process of Xi’an Tourism Vocational Secondary School is like “a phoenix rising from the ashes and reborn from the ashes.” As a full-time boarding public vocational school directly under the Xi'an Municipal Education Bureau, in December 2006, with the approval of the Xi'an Municipal Government, the school was established by the former Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary School (the school site is Juhuayuan, East Street), Shaanxi It was formed by the merger of the Provincial Chang'an Normal School and the Butterfly Watch Factory School.

In 2013, the school was in a period of deep conflict after the merger. It only enrolled 170 students that year, and there were more teachers than students. Feng Xiangmin was appointed as the principal in the face of crisis. He led the new team members of the school to carefully study and judge various issues that restricted the development of the school, and actively looked for breakthroughs. Relying on the vast number of faculty and staff, he embarked on a development path that emphasizes connotation, improves quality, and strengthens characteristics. In five years, a "butterfly change" has been achieved, with leaps and bounds in enrollment and employment, management reform, education and teaching, professional construction, team improvement, talent training, and social services.

Finding the right direction is the fundamental prerequisite for all efforts. The school adheres to the school-running positioning of "paying equal attention to employment and further education", focusing on improving skills on the one hand and improving academic qualifications on the other, so that students have the ability to find employment, have advantages in further studies, and have channels for development.

school regards improving the quality of education and teaching as the starting point and goal of all work. On the one hand, it "empowers" teachers to improve their professional literacy; on the other hand, it "upgrades" teaching materials to highlight their application and practicality; at the same time, it "activates" teaching methods and deepens classroom teaching reform.

In the 2021 Shaanxi Provincial Vocational College Teacher Teaching Ability Competition, the school won 3 first prizes, 2 second prizes, and 2 third prizes, ranking first in the province in both the number of awards and the total number of awards. In 2022, the school will once again form 10 teacher teams, and 40 teachers will continue to challenge the provincial and national competitions. The school has developed 6 school-based textbooks including "High-Star Hotel Restaurant Service". In 2021, 3 textbooks were shortlisted for the national "14th Five-Year Plan" teaching materials. The school became the only secondary vocational school in the province to be shortlisted. The "seven-step teaching method" for constructing an efficient classroom for the theoretical course of tourism management major won the second prize of Shaanxi Province's third secondary vocational teaching achievement award, and was recommended as a typical experience at the third Western Vocational Education Forum. The school's high-star hotel operation and management, child care, animation games and production majors have been recognized as municipal key majors.

Proud parent: "I made the right choice to choose this school for my child!"

"I can now proudly say that I made the right choice to choose this school for my child!" The mother of graduate Xu Jiahui mentioned that her child has been there for three years With the growth and changes, I cannot conceal my gratitude to the school and teachers.

She told reporters that her child's studies in junior high school were average, and his high school entrance examination scores did not reach the admission score for general high school, making the child even less confident. Three years ago, on the recommendation of a friend, she came to Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary School for consultation. The teacher who received her at that time was very patient and polite, and introduced her to the school's educational philosophy, development plan, curriculum, management model, teaching staff, etc. She decided to send her child to the school. In the past three years, thanks to the school's simple and rigorous style of study and the teachers' teachings, the children have undergone tremendous changes. They have become more proactive in learning, their grades have been greatly improved, they have learned many vocational skills, and they have become confident, cheerful and sensible. Always have a smile on your face. The child also has a plan for his future - his learning path will not stop, he wants to get a graduate degree in education and become a junior high school Chinese teacher.

Gold Cup and Silver Cup are not as good as parents' reputation. The school's previous enrollment dilemma of "nothing in front of the door but few horses and horses" has turned into a hot scene of "busy traffic and crowded people". In 2021, the school enrolled 699 students, with more than 500 students scoring more than 300 points. Some students scored more than 500 points, with the highest score reaching 507 points, exceeding Xi'an's general high school admission score of 496 points.

Today, the school is one of the first national pilot units of the "1+X" certificate system for auto repair majors, a pilot school of Xi'an Vocational Education Modern Apprenticeship Preschool Education major, and the only one of the first batch of high-level model schools in Shaanxi Province in Xi'an. It is the first secondary vocational school in Xi'an to implement the "Three+" project ("Famous School+", "Famous Principal+" and "Famous Teacher+").

school offers child care, high-star hotel operation and management, tourism service and management, Chinese cooking, Western cooking, automobile operation and maintenance, animation and game production, beauty and body art, urban rail transit operation services, imaging and film and television technology 11 technical secondary school majors, including tourism management, preschool education, and animation production technology, as well as 3 "3+2" five-year secondary and higher vocational joint majors in tourism management, preschool education, and animation production technology. Each major has a corresponding training room.The school cooperates with well-known enterprises such as Guangdong International Hotel Group and Flower Kiss Beauty Group, and has cultivated a large number of high-quality workers and technical and technical talents for the society.

Thinking about making further progress, riding high on the horse and whipping up the whip. In the next step, Xi'an Tourism Vocational Secondary School will be guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on vocational education, conscientiously implement the spirit of the national and provincial vocational education conferences, adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, and further deepen the school-running mechanism and education. Reform of the personnel mechanism, quality improvement, value-added empowerment, and quality-based improvement, comprehensively improve the level of school running and education quality, strive to provide students with high-quality vocational education resources, build a good school at the doorstep of ordinary people, and strive to write a new era of Xi'an vocational education A new chapter in educational catch-up and beyond.

Author: Wang Yan

Editor: Wang Bo