According to the latest report from Taiwan's "United Daily News", an arson incident occurred at the Tire Automobile Repair Factory on Dongda Road, Hsinchu City at about 22:00 on the evening of the 15th. The 31-year-old criminal suspect surnamed Chen was sent to the hospital with

Source: Global Network

[ Global Network report] According to the latest report from Taiwan's "United Daily News", an arson incident occurred at the Dongda Road Tire Auto Repair Factory in Hsinchu City at about 22:00 on the evening of the 15th. The 31-year-old suspect surnamed Chen was slightly injured. He was sent to the hospital, but eight family members who lived with him died in the flames because they could not escape, including the wife of the suspect surnamed Chen and their three children. According to reports, the owner of the tire and automobile repair shop, whose surname is Chen, is a three-generation family. The arsonist was his second son. It is reported that on the evening of the 15th, he had a quarrel with his family over "washing dishes" and then poured gasoline and set the house on fire.

reported that after overnight rescue by the police and firefighters, 8 bodies were recovered. After examination by prosecutors, forensic doctors and forensic personnel, their identities have been confirmed. They are the suspect's mother, sister, wife and 3 children, sister-in-law. and 1 child.

"United Daily News" stated that the boss of the tire and car repair shop surnamed Chen escaped from the fire on the evening of the 15th. Seeing the fire becoming more and more fierce, he collapsed at one point and said, "Look at the second floor! (The fire is like this) How to save it?" !” The boss’s eldest son was serving as a soldier in other places and rushed back immediately after learning that there was a fire in his home.

reported that this factory is located at the intersection of Dongda Road and Central Road in Hsinchu City. It has been in business for many years. The owner of the house, surnamed Chen, has a three-generation family with 11 people. The family members include the boss and his wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters-in-law and 1 She has a daughter and four grandchildren, aged 1, 4, 7, and 10 years old respectively. The eldest son does not usually live with her.

reported that before the fire broke out on the evening of the 15th, nearby residents heard quarrels. It is reported that the 31-year-old second son, a man surnamed Chen, who was suspected of arson, quarreled with his mother over washing dishes. Unexpectedly, he was in a bad mood and went to buy gasoline. , spilled and set fire after returning home. The man surnamed Chen suffered slight burns and was rescued first and sent to the hospital. The other 8 people, 4 adults and 4 children, were unable to escape and were unfortunately killed in the flames.

The report also stated that after the arson, the man surnamed Chen stayed at the scene expressionlessly to watch. He was discovered by the police and subdued. He was later sent to the hospital due to burns on his hands. The police also went to the hospital to guard him to prevent him from escaping.

The Hsinchu City Fire Department stated that it received a report of an arson incident due to a family dispute on the evening of the 15th, and successively dispatched 25 vehicles and 165 people to the rescue. When they arrived at the scene, the tire repair shop was fully in flames, and an injured male was first sent to the hospital. The owner of the house said that eight people were trapped inside. After putting out the fire, firefighters immediately searched for the trapped people and found eight bodies one after another. They were obviously dead.