Chapter 8: Struggle for a fundamental improvement in the situation of the Anti-Japanese War [194210~194312] Section 1: Anti-"mopping up" and "anti-friction struggle" 〖1〗 1. Adjusting the organization and streamlining personnel In order to crush the enemy's winter campaign The r

Chapter 8: Struggle for a fundamental improvement in the situation of the Anti-Japanese War


Section 1: Anti-"mopping up" and "anti-friction struggle" 〖1〗

1. Adjust the organization and streamline the personnel

In order to Smashing the enemy's winter sweeps made the party, government and military institutions more adaptable to wartime needs. During the autumn and winter of 1942, party committees at all levels adjusted their party, government and military institutions and enriched and strengthened leadership at all levels.

In early November 1942, the Central China Bureau decided to establish the Jiangsu North District Party Committee, and Huang Kecheng was also the district party committee secretary. The original Huaihai District Party Committee was changed to the Huaihai Prefectural Committee, and Jin Ming was appointed as the Secretary of the Prefectural Committee. At the same time, the Northern Jiangsu Military Region was established, and Huang Kecheng was also the commander and political commissar of the military region. The original Huaihai Navy District was changed to Huaihai Navy Division. Liu Zhen was also the commander of the military division, and Jin Ming was also the political commissar. The Huaihai Administrative Office remains unchanged. In mid-November, the Huaihai Prefectural Committee, Administrative Office, and Military Division divided the jurisdiction into Dong (Hai) Guan (Yun) Shu (Yang); Si (Shu) Su (Qian); Tong (Yang) Su (North); Huailian Four central county committees were established in each of the four districts to unify the leadership and command of the anti-Japanese struggle and various work of the party, government, military and civilians, and based on the principle of localizing the main force, the New Fourth Army's 10th Brigade, 29th Regiment, and 7th Brigade, 21st Regiment and 1st Battalion were integrated with the local The armed forces are organized into 4 detachments. Suqian is under the leadership of the Second Central County Committee and Secretary of the Second Central County Committee Shi Ying. The second detachment leader Zhang Wanchun, political commissar Shi Ying (concurrently). The second detachment has three regiments under its jurisdiction. The Suqian Yihe Brigade was reorganized into the second detachment and the fifth regiment. The regiment leader Zhang Chengcheng and the political commissar were Chao Fuxiang, secretary of the county party committee. The Fifth Regiment is still stationed in Suqian as a local armed force and persists in the anti-Japanese struggle.

In September 1942, the Canal Special Zone was established. The three districts of Daxing, Shuanghe and Chengdao that were moved from Harajuku were placed under the Canal Special Zone. In October, after Subei was established as a county, the Xindian District, Yantou District, and Luoma District that had been moved from Suzhou were transferred to Subei County. Suqian governs Shaodian District, with Zhang Yintang as the district chief and Chen Shiming as the district party secretary; in Taishan District, Lu Jun serves as the district chief and district party secretary; in Longji District, Lequn serves as the district chief and Chao Daiwen serves as the district party secretary; in Taoyuan District, Jia Fusan serves as the district secretary The mayor is also the secretary of the district committee; in Lailong District, Xu Zhen is the district mayor and Ye Xiafeng is the secretary of the district committee. The Shaodian District Chang'an Brigade was promoted to the Suqian County Corps, with Zhang Yintang, the captain, and Xiao Songfu serving as political commissars.

In the process of streamlining the organization, the Suqian County Party Committee, in accordance with the instructions of the Huaihai Prefectural Committee, generally streamlined and properly resettled the old, weak, and young personnel in the army as well as the party and government agencies' handymen, so as to make the party, government, and military agencies more capable. , more adaptable to the needs of war, and will be of great benefit to improving the combat effectiveness of the people's army, reducing the burden on the people, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of the people to resist Japan.

On October 25, 1942, "Huai Poster" published "Preparing to Defeat the Enemy's Big and Small "Mopping Up"", saying: "The number of enemy troops in Suqian, Yanghe and other places has increased; strongholds have been added along the Sushu and Sisu highways, roads have been built, and enemy forces have been launched from time to time. They have conducted probing harassment in our base area and sent a large number of plainclothes detectives to collect our military and political intelligence. All these signs indicate that the enemy is going to carry out a large-scale "mopping up", so we must carry out a large-scale "mopping up" ideologically, materially, and operationally. Be fully prepared to counter 'mopping up'." Based on this spirit, the county party committee promptly convened a meeting of district and township cadres to convey and implement the instructions of the prefectural party committee and the spirit of the "Editorial", requiring the county's party, government, military and civilians to cultivate and carry forward the two spirits. , One is the "border spirit". The cadres of the party, government and army are required to be brave and enterprising, take the initiative to attack, use all means to develop outward, advance into the enemy and puppet areas, conduct deep activities in the enemy and puppet areas, and carry out instigation work towards the enemy and puppet area strongholds. We must realize that only by continuously developing the peripheral areas can the central area be consolidated; if the peripheral areas cannot be developed, the central area cannot be consolidated. The second is to persist in the spirit of struggle. We must persist in every area, especially in the central area, fight guerrillas on the spot, work together, be mobile and flexible, and seek opportunities to attack the enemy based on the strength of the enemy's and our own forces. We must never allow any base area to be abandoned. The militiamen in all districts and townships must strengthen the work of anti-corruption and security, lead the masses to clear the country, and conduct extensive publicity and education among the masses. They must not lead the way for the enemy, tell the enemy the real news, and leave nothing to the enemy... In order to crush the enemy's " "mopping up", make full preparations; and fight for a fundamental improvement in the situation of the anti-Japanese struggle.

2. Smash the rampant offensive of the Japanese puppets

In the winter of 1942, after "mopping up" the anti-Japanese base areas in Shandong, the Japanese army shifted the focus of the "mopping up" to the Huaihai and Huaibei areas in central China. On November 14, more than 8,000 people from the First Division of the 17th Division of the Japanese Army and the 36th Puppet Army Division attacked the Xiaohuzhuang and Zhangwei areas of Huaihai District in multiple directions in an attempt to annihilate our Huaihai District leadership and then destroy the Huaihai base area to achieve a comprehensive The purpose of pseudoization. The leading organs and main forces of Huaihai District avoided its sharp edge and jumped out of the encirclement in time, allowing the enemy to encircle and defeat them. At the end of the month, the enemy dispatched for the second time to set up strongholds based on highways and carry out "sweeping" operations in the liberated areas. At the same time, the Japanese 17th Division, each section of the 13th Independent Mixed Brigade, and the 15th and 28th puppet divisions, which were entrenched in the areas around northeast Anhui, totaling more than 7,000 troops, were divided into five groups to attack the Huaibei Anti-Japanese Base Area. An unprecedented "sweep". At that time, the Sushu, Suxin, Susi and other highways in Suqian County had been opened by the enemy, and Wangwei, Zuozhuang, Lailong, Fangwei, Weiweiwei, Luowei, Shuangcaiwei, and Shuangcaiwei were added along the highway lines. Quy Nhon Ji, Magong Branch and other strongholds. The Suqian anti-Japanese base area shrank and was divided into several areas. The county party and government agencies could only maneuver within an area of ​​more than ten miles. The troops could only move in company units and had to move several times day and night. The situation was very serious.

To this end, the Suqian County Party Committee followed the instructions of the Huaihai Prefectural Committee and actively organized and led the local army and militia to cooperate with the main forces in the anti-"mopping up" struggle. At the same time, a mass "demolition, demolition, and beating" movement was launched in the liberated areas. "Destroy" means destroying communication lines and digging anti-Japanese ditches that are convenient for concealment, transfer, and attacking the enemy; "demolish" means demolishing temples, ancestral halls, gun towers, and earthen polders so that the enemy cannot build strongholds; "fight" means destroying the enemy's strongholds. It is to beat the dogs so that our army can move at night. This movement was carried out with great vigor in all the liberated areas in the county. Its scale, scope and number of participants were unprecedented. In Suqian's Taishan District, 92 miles of roads were demolished at one time, 103 blockhouses were demolished, 35 tile-roofed houses were demolished, 98 wire fences were demolished, and more than 780 dogs were beaten. The county plans to destroy more than 300 miles of roads. There are 350 miles of broken roads in Sisu County. As a result, the roads from Caoji to Yuelai (Sushu section) and Suqian to Qui Nhon were completely paralyzed. In the liberated areas, anti-Japanese ditches crisscrossed each other, forming favorable positions from which to attack the enemy everywhere, and playing a certain role in the fight against "mopping up".

When the enemy launched a large-scale "mopping up" campaign in Huaihai and Huaibei, the soldiers and civilians of Suqian and Sisu actively cooperated with the main forces to carry out the struggle against the "mopping up" campaign. In mid-March, 1,500 Japanese and puppet troops from Suqian, Shuyang, and Xin'an Towns "mopped up" the Shaodian and Yehai areas in the central area. Suqian Chang'an Brigade cooperated with the Second Detachment and the Fifth Regiment to repel the enemy after several days of fierce fighting. Killed or captured 12 Japanese soldiers and more than 100 puppet soldiers, and surrendered 5 machine guns and more than 50 long and short guns. At the same time, Sisu local armed forces cooperated with the 26th Regiment of the 9th Brigade of the New Fourth Army to storm the Japanese and puppet strongholds in Yanghe, destroying more than 20 bunkers, capturing more than 20 Japanese and puppet officers and soldiers, and killing more than 200 people. Housisu local armed forces cooperated with the 26th Regiment. Attacked the puppet stronghold of Luowu again, killed the puppet township chief, and wiped out a squadron of puppet troops. In November, the Third Brigade of Sisu had an encounter with the Japanese army in Luotiogou, and political commissar Yan Ping died. In Sudong, the Second Detachment and the Fifth Regiment cooperated with local armed forces to besiege the puppet stronghold of Fangwei and set up a "stinky dog ​​formation" to cut off the water source of the puppet troops, thus conquering the stronghold and annihilating a squadron of the puppet troops. At this point, the Liberated Area of ​​Suqian County, like the entire Huaihai District, has completely restored the situation before the enemy's "mopping up". In December of the same year, the soldiers and civilians of Huaibei District achieved victory in the 33-day struggle against the "mopping up" after passing through the Zhujiagang battle.

When the Japanese and puppet troops carried out a large-scale "mopping up" campaign in the Huaihai and Huaibei areas, the Kuomintang diehards worked for the enemy and wantonly harassed and sabotaged our base areas. Kuomintang die-hard Suqian County Magistrate Shi Yawu and Susui Guerrilla Detachment Commander Liu Zisheng cooperated with more than 2,000 people from the Subei Kuomintang Detachment 25 and 26 Zhang Fengyi and Ma Huan to attack Subei. Our Maling brigade and Subei party and government agencies were besieged for several days, and were finally relieved with reinforcements from the Yunxi Army. On the night of August 27, 1943, Liu Yiqi (also known as Liu Zhiwu), Minister of Enemy Engineering of the Canal Zone, Dong Zhan, Enemy Officer, Special Agent Wang Fengyuan and Correspondent Wu Changzhu were returning to their posts from Zhangwei Village on the south bank of the canal. They passed through Luowei Ferry and were ambushed by Shi Yawu. , Wang Fengyuan died on the spot, Dong Zhan waded through the water to break out, and Liu Yiqi and Wu Changzhu were captured.They were tortured but remained unyielding and were brutally murdered in Yangweidong on September 2. In order to eliminate harm to the people and avenge the martyrs, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the 26th Regiment of the 9th Brigade, with the cooperation of local armed forces, defeated the Kuomintang Suqian County Magistrate Shi Yawu Department in Yangwei, and then eliminated the Kuomintang Susan District Team in Suwei , captured district chief and district captain Su Hengfa (nicknamed "Su Liu Lame") alive. On the night of September 14, the 27th Regiment of the 9th Brigade, with the cooperation of the Suisu Brigade, eliminated the Suisu guerrilla detachment in the Jintang and Wuzhai areas, captured the detachment leader Liu Zisheng alive, and achieved a decisive victory in the anti-friction struggle in the northern part of Sisu and the Suisu border area. victory. At the same time, the Second Detachment, the Fifth Regiment and the Third Detachment cooperated with Guo Xiaxuan’s Department and the 25th and 26th Detachments of the Kuomintang to launch a week-long battle and conquered more than 10 strongholds such as Mawei and Wanglou, which suppressed the arrogance of the Kuomintang reactionaries and eased Suzhou’s influence. situation in the North.

Section 2 "Double Reduction and Capital Increase" Movement and the Formation of Mass Organizations

1. Rent and Interest Reduction and Wage Increase Movement

As early as August 1940, the Jiangsu and Anhui District Party Committee formulated the land policy in accordance with the spirit of the relevant regulations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. and labor policy. In terms of land policy, the policy of confiscating land from landlords during the Agrarian Revolution was changed to a policy of rent reduction and interest reduction, and a "two-five-year rent reduction" (the original payment of one stone was reduced by two buckets and five liters) and a half-share interest rate reduction policy. In terms of labor and management policies, it is proposed to "increase wages" for farm laborers. The wages are always calculated in grain. The senior clerk is 700 to 1,000 jins per year, the second clerk is 500 to 700 jins per year, and the junior clerk is 300 to 500 jins per year. At the same time, it is also stipulated that the employer will provide employees with an additional set of clothes and a towel every year. The employer shall bear the temporary medication expenses for employees. Employers should allow workers to join the employers' union and participate in labor union activities. In market towns, labor and management enter into a contract, stipulating that workers must abide by labor disciplines, ensure working hours, and bosses are not allowed to abuse workers. This not only protected the vital interests of employees and apprentices, but also made employers profitable, thus mobilizing the enthusiasm of both labor and management to resist Japan. On May 21, 1942, at the Huaihai District Council meeting, the Regulations on Improving the Treatment of Employees and the Regulations on Reducing Rent and Interest Rates were re-promulgated. Under the leadership of the superior party, the Suqian County Party Committee and County Government conscientiously implemented the rent and interest reduction policy and the labor policy, and carried out an extensive campaign to reduce rent and interest and increase wages. This movement can be roughly divided into three stages:

The first stage is the launch stage from the establishment of the anti-Japanese democratic government in October 1940 to the summer harvest of 1942, which is mainly to publicize and implement policies. In November of the same year, the Susuhai Office held a meeting of gentry representatives from the three counties under its jurisdiction in Xianguanting. The director of the office, Jiang Jiannong, conveyed the policies of the Jiangsu and Anhui District Party Committee on rent reduction, interest reduction, and labor and management policies. After the Suqian County Peasant Rescue Association was established in July 1941, it immediately trained key personnel to learn about rent and interest reductions and labor policies, widely publicized them to the people in the base area, and tried rent and interest reductions in some villages. However, due to lack of experience and the difficulties faced by grassroots farmers, The rescue association has not yet been organized, and most of them are replaced by local security chiefs. Therefore, some different situations occurred during the trial: for example, Wang Wenyuan, a landowner in Taishan District, Suqian, was relatively open-minded and expressed his support for the people's government's rent and interest reduction policy. At present, he did not have food to refund the rent, and voluntarily The land is offset by the price of 10 yuan per mu, and the land deeds for 15 acres are written to the tenants at a time. Chen Erduo, a landlord in Longhe Township, Panshan District, Sisu County, took the initiative to negotiate with tenants and creditors and expressed his willingness to reduce the rent by 20% to the Peasants' Rescue Society. His family has more than 500 acres of land, and the rent of more than 20,000 kilograms was refunded at one time, and the interest was refunded several hundred silver dollars. However, there are also landowners who defy government laws, refuse to reduce rents and interest rates, and spread rumors. For example, Ye Xingwu, a landlord in District 8, owns 18 hectares of land and exploits and oppresses farmers. The county party committee organized 18 township cadres and groups to reason with him. Intimidated by the power of the masses, Ye admitted his guilt of exploitation and promised to reduce rent and interest. There are also some places where the masses have not been mobilized, and there is a phenomenon of lightness and darkness. The second stage of

was from the autumn of 1942 to the end of 1943 as the specific implementation stage. At this stage, the Peasants' Relief Association mainly led farmers to reduce rents and interest rates from landlords, and the reductions were made according to policy provisions and cashed in on the spot, reversing the past practice of being handled by the Baojia chief. Based on the instructions of the Huaihai District Party Committee and the actual situation in the Suqian base area, the county party committee roughly divided it into three steps: (1) Conduct a pilot project. At that time, it was decided to use Hanji and Taoyuan Townships in Daxing District as pilot projects to learn from experience.(2) Fully launched, all districts mobilized, and the Peasant Rescue Society came forward to ask landlords to reduce rents. In the autumn of 1942, Suqian County planned to reduce the rent by 37,369 jins and the interest rate by 510 jins and 90 yuan; it also increased the wages and wages of employees by 61,034 jins and 990 yuan, benefiting poor peasants and laborers. (3) While reducing and increasing capital, mobilize the masses to organize workers, peasants, youths, women, etc. to save the country, and organize peasant self-defense forces to protect the fruits of victory.

Through the struggle to reduce rents and interest rates, the political advantages of the peasant masses in the countryside were truly established, and a group of grassroots political powers controlled by landlords and gentry were transformed. and conditions for production movement are prepared.

2. Anti-Japanese Mass Groups

In the autumn of 1941, the Huaihai District Party Committee of the Communist Party of China held a district-wide party activist conference. The conference conveyed the instructions of Comrade Liu Shaoqi and the Central China Bureau on carrying out mass work. After the meeting, the district party committee sent Ji Zihua, Yang Tianjue, Luo Tao, Lu Jun and others to Suqian to carry out democratic movement work. At that time, the Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area mainly covered most of the 2nd and 8th Districts of Yundong. Districts 5, 6, and 7 in Subei are basically guerrilla zones. In October of the same year, after the victory of the Chengdaokou anti-friction struggle, the situation in the Suqian base area eased. The county party committee lost no time in making a decision to launch a peasant movement in the vast rural areas of the second and eighth districts under control, and established mass groups such as the Peasant Rescue Association, the Women's Rescue Association, the Youth Rescue Association, the Sisters' League, and the Children's League in towns and villages where conditions permit, and mobilized people from all walks of life to participate Anti-Japanese struggle.

In the autumn of 1941, the Suqian County Peasant Rescue Association was established, with Ji Zihua, deputy secretary of the county party committee and director. At the same time, the first executive committee of the County Farmers' Rescue Association was convened, and the main tasks of the County Farmers' Rescue Association were approved as follows: mobilizing farmers to participate in anti-Japanese activities, publicizing rent and interest reductions, punishing rape and fighting against hegemony, mediating civil disputes, and mobilizing farmers to pay patriotic payments. Public grain, etc. After the meeting, members of the County Farmers' Rescue Association went to all the towns and villages in the 2nd and 8th districts to initiate preparations for the establishment of the Farmers' Rescue Association. On December 1 of the same year, Suqian County's first rural farmers' rescue association, the Second District Dongquan Township Farmers' Rescue Association, was first established in Guanmiao. The county party committee held a celebration meeting there, attended by more than 500 members of the 13th Party Committee of the township, plus guests from other townships and county and township head cadres, a total of more than 1,000 people. The red flag was waved at the venue, the singing was loud, and Lu Duokui, director of the preparatory committee of the District Farmers' Rescue Association, reported the significance of the conference. Then Hu Zhenqiu, captain of the County Yihe Brigade, and Dai Wen, head of the County Farmers’ Rescue Association, spoke on issues such as the rights and obligations of the County Farmers’ Rescue Association. Finally, Luo Tao, deputy district chief of the Second District and representative of the District Peasants' Relief Association, spoke about the current work of the Peasants' Relief Association and introduced the experience of the Shuyang Peasants' Relief Association. The conference was held grandly and enthusiastically, and the participants were deeply moved. The meeting elected Zhang Yubin, Gao Qingxiang and other 9 members as members of the Dongquan Township Peasant Rescue Association.

The next day, the Dongquan Township Farmers’ Rescue Association held its first meeting and passed the following matters: (1) elected Zhang Yubin as president, Gao Qingxiang as vice president, and the remaining members as executive committee members; (2) called on farmers’ rescue members to actively Participate in breaking the road; (3) Establish 5 literacy classes in the entire township and invite intellectuals who are enthusiastic about the war to teach; (4) Convene an executive committee every half month. After the first shot of

, the Peasant Rescue Associations in Chonghe, Dongxing, Daxing and other towns were also established. After the establishment of the Shaodong Township Peasant Relief Association in District 8, it led to the establishment of Peasant Relief Associations in Liuji, Taishan, Chongnan and other townships. After most of the township farmers' rescue associations were established, the 28th District Farmers' Rescue Association was established. By 1943, Suqian County, District, Township, and Bao-level Peasant Relief Associations were basically established.

After the establishment of the Peasants' Rescue Association, under the leadership of the Party and the People's Government, it actively did practical things for farmers. Qiao Yongping, a landlord in Taoyuan Township, District 2, beat tenant farmer Li Xianyan without any reason, leaving him with a bloody head and a bloody head. He was also unable to walk. He also plundered the land so that he could not plant. District pro-democracy cadre Luo Tao mobilized all rural farmers’ rescue members to find reason with the landlords. At the struggle meeting, landlord Qiao Yongping apologized to the tenants, confessed his crime, and stated that he would continue to rent the land and would never beat or scold the tenants. Since then, the power of the Peasants' Rescue Association has been expanding day by day, and its prestige has been greatly improved. The Chonghe and Dongquan Township Peasant Rescue Associations launched a campaign to borrow grain from wealthy households, lending a total of more than 5,000 kilograms of grain and dried potatoes to help 141 poor farmers survive the spring famine. The Shaodong Township Peasant Rescue Association found out that the security guard Kong Mou had embezzled 147 kilograms of public grain. The Peasant Rescue Association doubled the fine and fined 294 kilograms of grain as a temporary loan for poor farmers.In addition, the Peasant Rescue Society promoted anti-Japanese resistance in rural areas, cracked down on gangsters, punished illegal landlords, and organized public welfare undertakings, which was very popular among the masses. People also seek help from the Peasants' Rescue Association to resolve family disputes, house mortgages, and land sales. The Peasants' Rescue Association of Shaodian Town, located in the guerrilla zone, its members often visited poor farmers and asked about their sufferings, publicized rent reductions during the Second Five-Year Plan period, and was very active in anti-Japanese activities.

On March 18, 1942, the Youth Salvation Association of Suqian County was established, with Chen Xiu as president. The main tasks of the Youth Rescue Society were to publicize anti-Japanese and national salvation, mobilize young people to join the army and fight, help the Peasant Rescue Society establish clubs, and carry out anti-Japanese literary and artistic propaganda activities. A group of passionate young people including Cheng Zhen, Chen Shaoshan, Zhang Fuyong, and Zhang Qiyu of the Second District Youth Rescue Association actively participated in the fierce anti-Japanese struggle. They ran their own wall newspapers to publicize the situation of the Anti-Japanese War, reflect the lives of young people, organized reading clubs, and collectively read anti-Japanese periodicals. They also often went to the fringe areas to post slogans, distribute leaflets, and carry out political propaganda. The Eighth District Youth Rescue Association is also very active. According to the work summary of the County Youth Rescue Association in July 1942: In the past three months, 17 Youth Rescue Associations and 188 Youth Rescue Groups were established in the county, and 2,192 members were developed. At the joint meeting of the Youth Rescue Presidents, the "Membership Code" was adopted. The article states: "Members of the Youth Rescue should take the lead in the war of resistance, obey the organization, and should set an example; implement resolutions and must practice them, strictly observe discipline, and do not disobey the war; love the group. , go to the national disaster together; work actively without complaining; pay membership fees and behave faithfully; serve the country for life and never betray."

In the spring of 1943, the Suqian County Women's Salvation Association was established. President Xu Yuzhen (later Lu Jiying and Chen Kai). After the establishment of the County Women's Rescue Association, it actively participated in various anti-Japanese activities, washing and repairing clothes for army soldiers, making military shoes, supporting frontline workers, punishing rape and fighting against hegemony, reducing rent and interest rates, and large-scale production movements. During the struggle, it developed party members and established district , township and village women's rescue associations. The vast number of women in the Anti-Japanese Base Area in Suqian County have made certain contributions to the consolidation and development of the base area.

Ms. Zhang Li, the president of the Women’s Rescue Association of Xinhe Township, Taoyuan District, is a popular person. During the army expansion movement, she took the lead in sending her sons to join the army. At the farewell meeting for the recruits, she made an impassioned speech: “If we don’t protect the fruits of victory, who will protect it?” !” Under her influence, young people in the entire township signed up to join the army, and the entire township completed the army expansion task ahead of schedule. Shan Yuying, president of the Women's Rescue Association of Chonghe Township, Taishan District, is bold and vigorous in her work and dares to fight against feudal forces and decadent ideas. Regardless of the obstruction of her family, fear of retaliation, and criticism from others, she mobilized some abused women in the township to join the Women's Rescue Association, and persuaded and warned their parents-in-law and husbands: The people's government advocates equality between men and women and freedom of marriage, and does not allow the abuse of women. Anyone who interferes with women's participation in social activities will be prosecuted. She also mobilized widows to remarry. They usually organize women to grind military noodles and make military shoes, and mobilize young people to join the army. They do all kinds of work well and are well received by the party committee and the masses. Lu Hong, the president of the Women's Rescue Association of Beining Township, Zhatang District, Sisu County, has a firm stance and does not follow personal motives in her work. Her husband's aunt is a landlord and has a stubborn mind. Lu Hong acted righteously and held a mass meeting to fight against his aunt, exposing her crime of hiding a gun. Qi Yuehua, leader of the sister group in Shenqiao Township, led more than 20 sisters and traveled more than ten miles to visit the sick and wounded. They pancaked, rolled out noodles, fed and washed blood-stained clothes for the sick and wounded... and was well received by the head of the army. Whenever there is a festival or a victory congratulatory meeting is held, the youth rescue association, women's rescue association, and sister groups in the base area will perform civilized dramas, dance yangko, and participate in the celebrations. There are children's regiments in every village. They assist the militiamen in standing guard, guarding, and checking roads, and they are very active. In short, various anti-Japanese mass organizations, in their respective positions, made certain contributions to the consolidation and development of the Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area and to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

3. Peasant Self-Defense Forces

After the summer harvest in 1942, after the rent and interest reduction movement in Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area ended, each district and township established Peasant Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Forces to protect the fruits of victory.

On August 13 of the same year, to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Anti-Japanese War in Shanghai, the county party committee and the county government held a grand review of the Peasant Self-Defense Forces in Baoanwei. Participating in the review were 6,147 Peasant Self-Defense Army soldiers from the four districts of Daxing, Shaodian, Taishan and Longji, carrying 851 guns, 1,802 cannons, 274 broadswords and 951 javelins. After the review, the conference solemnly announced the establishment of the "Suqian County Peasant Self-Defense Army Corps Headquarters".The county magistrate Cai Gongting is also the captain of the corps, the county party committee secretary Chao Fuxiang is also the political commissar of the corps, and Dai Wen is the deputy of the corps. The conference required each district and township to set up peasant self-defense army brigades and squadrons, and every village to have self-defense army groups. Captain Cai and Political Commissar Chao made respective reports on the significance, nature and tasks of organizing the Peasant Self-Defense Army. Deputy Commander Dai read out the "Oath of the Peasants' Self-Defense Forces". Then, the Corps Headquarters presented flags to each brigade. After the meeting, a massive parade was held, and the slogans of the parade team shocked everyone.

Section 3 Financial and Economic Work in the Base Area

On June 10, 1942, the Huaihai Administrative Office held a district-wide financial and economic work conference to further implement the general policy and specific tasks of financial and economic work of "developing the economy and ensuring supply" proposed by the Party Central Committee. The Suqian County Party Committee and County Government conscientiously implement the party's general policy on financial and economic work.

1. Cadre participation in labor system

County committees and county governments, regardless of cadres and civil servants, must participate in labor; responsible comrades should set an example; they should also help farmers work for one day every month. Labor projects for government officials generally include spinning, growing vegetables, raising pigs, and accumulating manure, etc. At that time, everyone working in the county party committee and county government agencies had a spinning wheel, and they started spinning whenever they had free time. In addition to spinning yarn, County Magistrate Cai Gongting also found time to carry a dung pan and go out to collect dung. The agency canteen uses leftovers and digs some wild vegetables to make do, and feeds two pigs every year. The cooks are responsible for feeding the pigs, and when the pigs are fat, they are kept and slaughtered during the New Year and festivals to improve their lives. At that time, the county and district authorities borrowed a small piece of land from the residents to grow vegetables, and selected an experienced person from among the cooks to take care of it. Planting, fertilizing, watering... are all done collectively, and the vegetables are self-sufficient every year.

2. Industrial and commercial taxation and grain collection work

The county government established a production department at the end of 1942, with director Wu Zhifang and deputy director Zhang Guosi. The Production Department is responsible for leading all production work run by the agency. In the spring of 1943, the production office opened oil mills in Hetangmiao Village and Zhangyoufang Village respectively. Later, he opened an oil mill in Byoufang Village using a set of oil pressing equipment provided by the landlord. In order to facilitate unified leadership, the county government decided to merge Hetang Temple and Zhangyoufang into Buyoufang for unified management. The county production office also moved to Byoufang. After the merger, the oil mill has four large rollers, six or seven mules, and more than 30 oil press workers. It processes materials supplied by merchants and earns processing fees. The oil produced by ourselves is mainly supplied to government agencies and troops. It is sold to local people at a 15% discount and is very popular among the people.

During the mass production movement, the county government also established a weaving factory in Byoufang Village. The factory has 40 wooden looms and more than 40 workers. Most of its members are family members of party, government and military officials, and a few are local people. The county government sent people to the fifth district to purchase 30,000 kilograms of cotton. The local village government distributed it to the people for spinning. The spun yarn was handed over to the weaving factory. The price was determined based on the quality and a handling fee was paid. In this way, it not only solves the source of cotton yarn for weaving factories, but also increases farmers' income. The income of the Production Department was originally attributed to the Production Department, and was later transferred to the Finance Bureau as local fiscal revenue to solve financial and economic difficulties during wartime. In the winter of 1943, Suqian County, district and township cadres were each given 8 feet of homespun cloth produced by a weaving factory, enough to make a quilt (2.4 feet). A cotton robe (2.4 feet) and a pair of trousers (3.2 feet). Before that, when the cold winter came, only a few feet of cloth were given to some comrades who were in particular need, in exchange for jackets or cotton trousers. The weaving factory solved the problem of dressing for the army and government officials.

At the end of 1943, the Canal Special Economic Zone opened a local product store in Daxingji, organizing the oil stores, grain stores, cotton stores, and daylily stores that were originally privately owned, and unified them under the unified management of the government. The staff of each bank remains unchanged, with Chen Ruzhen responsible for the overall work of the local product bank. On market days, the commissions collected by each bank will be handed over to the local product bank, which will be divided uniformly according to the number of people. After being organized, the incomes of ordinary workers have increased, and the lives of poor workers have been guaranteed. For example, on a market day, there is no business in the daylily shop, but the shopkeepers can still receive a commission. Therefore, everyone is happy to organize and improve the market in the base area under the leadership of the people's government.

According to the regulations of the Canal Zone Taxation Bureau, the local product bank charges a commission of 5% for buying three and selling two. The monthly income of the local product bank is 700 to 800 silver dollars, which is nearly 10,000 yuan per year.40% of the total income is handed over to the tax bureau every month, and the rest is divided equally among all employees, without hierarchy. When the local product bank's turnover is high during the summer and autumn peak seasons, each bank employee can earn 50 silver dollars per month.

The local product bank not only controls market trade and increases fiscal revenue for the government, but also has the task of contacting vendors in enemy areas to purchase supplies needed by the military and political agencies in the liberated areas. Wang Jiacai and other traders from Yulu'an Village on the outskirts of Sucheng often came to Daxingji Local Products Store to buy daylilies. Chen Ruzhen warmly received them, made friends with them, and entrusted them to buy some necessities for the military and political agencies of the liberated area. They took risks and bought more than 40 pieces of white cloth, more than 100 bundles of yarn, and more than 20 boxes of bullets for the liberated areas. In short, during the Anti-Japanese War, the large-scale local products bank made certain contributions to smashing the economic blockade of the Japanese and puppet troops, increasing government fiscal revenue, and improving the lives of soldiers and civilians in the base areas.

Taxation is also a major source of fiscal revenue for the base area. In May 1941, the Suqian County Government established a tax bureau, headed by He Guangqi. And branches were set up in Daxing, Shaodian and Longji. The branch has jurisdiction over each town tax office. Checkpoints are also set up at major border crossings. There are about 60 tax workers in the county.

The main tax items include business tax on business (shops, stalls), business tax on business (business tax must first pay a deposit and obtain a license), slaughter tax, import and export commodity tax, business tax on oil mills and cigarette shops, etc. One tax per property will not be levied again in areas controlled by democratic governments.

The democratic government stipulates restrictions on the export of grain and cotton and the import of cloth and cigarettes. Those who smuggle prohibited goods will be confiscated once detected. The blockade of import and export goods is determined according to the development and changes in the scope of activities of the government agencies. The blockade line from 1942 to 1943 was: Daxingji and Dingzui in the south, Shaodian and Yehaizi in the north, Longji in the east, and Caoji in the west. All imported and exported materials are subject to inspection and tax collection based on the demarcated blockade. The tax rate is uniformly formulated by the State Administration of Taxation of the Huaihai Administrative Office. Each county tax bureau shall levy tax according to the tax rate prescribed by the General Administration. Due to the complex and dangerous environment, profiteers take desperate measures and smuggling and tax evasion often occur. To this end, the county government established a tax police team to carry out armed anti-smuggling operations, resist enemy and puppet interference, and carry out taxation work in border areas. At the same time, people in border areas were organized to protect taxes and investigate private enterprises. Anyone who detects or reports on tax evasion or trafficking of prohibited materials will be rewarded based on the value or tax amount.

At that time, the base area exported a lot of daylilies and fat pigs. When collecting transit taxes on goods, it was required that silver dollars and bullets be used as taxes, and only a small amount of Huaihai coins could be used. As a result, merchants tried every means to raise silver coins, bullets, and pay transit taxes. Therefore, the county tax bureau handed over a batch of silver coins and bullets to the general bureau every ten days and a half, which contributed to replenishing armaments and carrying out work in enemy areas.

The county party committee and the county government regularly educate tax workers on political ideology and economic discipline, and make various provisions to eliminate corruption. All corruption and misappropriation will be dealt with promptly once detected. The tax bureau often carries out inspections and evaluations to commend advanced units and individuals, which has a good effect on improving the ideological awareness and professional quality of tax personnel and further improving tax work.

Agricultural tax, that is, the collection of public grain and grass, is mainly based on the "Huaihai District National Salvation Public Grain and Grass Collection Regulations" formulated by the Huaihai Administrative Office on June 7, 1942. The main provisions of the "Regulations" are: (1) Public grain and grass shall be coordinated by the grain agencies, and no army or agency shall raise separate grain and grass. The county has a Finance and Grain Section, and the district has a Finance and Grain Section to take charge of grain and grass collection matters; (2) Grain and grass collection methods: Divide the land into grades according to the number of acres, and determine the land grade based on the size of the harvest, with fair distribution and reasonable burden; (3) Grain and grass collection Standard: Households with an area of ​​more than 500 acres are classified as first-class households, and 12 kilograms of public grain per mu are collected every quarter, and 24 kilograms are collected throughout the year; households with an area of ​​less than 500 acres and more than 250 acres are classified as second-class households, and 10 kilograms of public grain are collected per mu every season, and the whole year is 24 kilograms. 20 kilograms per year; households with an area of ​​more than 100 acres are third-class households, and 8 kilograms of grain per mu are collected every quarter, and 16 kilograms for the whole year; households with an area of ​​less than 100 acres and more than 50 acres are fourth-class households, and 6 kilograms of grain are collected per mu every quarter. , 12 kilograms for the whole year; households with less than 50 acres and more than 20 acres are fifth-class households, and 4 kilograms of grain per mu are collected every quarter, 8 kilograms for the whole year; households with less than 20 acres and more than 5 acres are sixth-class households, and every quarter Grain collection is 2 kilograms per mu, and 4 kilograms for the whole year; households with less than 5 acres are exempt from the tax.(4) Methods for handling land changes: all self-cultivated land will be expropriated, and land that is leased out or transferred into land will be expropriated at the rate of 2 acres equal to 1 mu. For leased land, the landowner will report the total amount of land received, and the practitioner will hand it over to the landowner according to the original land grade. ; (5) Determine the land grade according to the harvest volume. Those with an annual output of more than 120 kilograms per mu are first-class fields, and the full tax is collected according to the tax standard; those with an annual output of less than 120 kilograms per mu, and more than 80 kilograms per mu are second-class fields, and are taxed at a 20% discount according to the standard; those with an annual output of less than 80 kilograms per mu, Those with an annual output of less than 50 kilograms per mu and more than 20 kilograms per mu are classified as fourth-class fields, and are taxed with a 40% discount. Those with an annual output of less than 20 kilograms per mu are classified as fifth-class fields. , exempt from tax on public grain and grass. (6) The public grain collection level is doubled (i.e. one pound of grain and two pounds of grass); (7) Farmers turn over the public grain and receive unified evidence issued by the Huaihai Administrative Office; (8) The actual number of acres collected by the families of anti-Japanese soldiers is 8 acres Those below are exempt from the tax on grain, grass, etc.

After the promulgation of the Regulations, Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area began to collect public grain and grass. First, counties, districts, and townships held separate meetings to widely publicize the significance and specific policies of collecting patriotic public grain, explaining that everyone is responsible for resisting Japan and saving the country, and that paying public grain and grass is the honorable obligation of citizens. The second step is to verify the acres and yield. The number of acres of farmland in each household changes greatly due to brothers' separation or buying and selling, and must be re-verified; the yield of each field must also be carefully assessed. Therefore, a "field inspection and production verification team" was formed by cadres from each district and township and representatives of the Farmers' Relief Association to verify the acres of land through comprehensive measurements, and then jointly assess the production. This approach has won the support and support of the masses. Again, it’s collection work. Each district and township uses finance and grain staff as the basic team, and deploys village cadres to work with primary school teachers. Every time they go to a village, the grain requisition personnel must repeatedly preach the grain requisition policy and reduction and exemption methods, striving to become a household name. Finally, there is food storage and disbursement. After the public grain is collected, it is usually transported to central areas for storage, or distributed to farmers on site for storage, so that the grain can be stored among the people. When using it, you can get it with the disbursement slip of the county or district finance and grain department, and it will be settled at the end of the year. Due to the thorough and meticulous food work, there was no loss of public food due to the war in the Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area during the Anti-Japanese War, thus ensuring the food supply for the soldiers and civilians in the base area.

Section 4 Cultural and Educational Undertakings

1. Restoration and Development of Educational Work

On March 9, 1942, the Huaihai Administrative Office issued an order to all counties: "Step up the restoration of primary schools in various places, mobilize educated young people and enlightened gentry to assist in running schools, and promote the cultural and educational work in the base areas. After that, the Suqian County Democratic Government appointed principals and teachers in existing or newly established primary schools. At the same time, some private schools were converted into schools. County Magistrate Cai Gongting was very concerned about the education in the base area. He often went to Taishan, Guanmiao, Liuhetan, Taoyuan and other primary schools to give political reports, publicize the new democratic education policy, encourage teachers to study hard, improve their political and cultural levels, and strive to contribute to the Anti-Japanese War. Serve. In the autumn of 1943, more than 50 primary schools had been restored in the Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area, reaching a complete primary school in the district and a junior primary school in the township, with more than 2,000 students. The textbooks are compiled by the Education Department of the Huaihai Administrative Office and distributed to each county as a sample. The cultural and educational departments of each county then mimeograph and issue them. At that time, students in the border areas were equipped with two sets of textbooks, one compiled by the Anti-Japanese Democratic Government and the other compiled by the Wang Puppet Government. During class, students take turns standing guard. When the enemy comes, they put fake teaching materials on the table to fool them. When the enemy leaves, they study the anti-war teaching materials again. Despite the dangerous environment and sharp struggles, schools in the guerrilla zones have not suspended classes. At that time, the conditions for running schools were very difficult. Taishan Primary School borrowed the cattle sheds of the masses as classrooms; Liuhetan Primary School was built on the basis of the two thatched cottages of the original private school and mobilized the masses to donate money, food, tables and stools, and it was not easy to set up the school. The teachers and students of the school were very enthusiastic. They actively promoted the party's anti-war policy, carried out study and production competitions, and sang anti-Japanese songs, which were well received by the people's government and the masses.

In order to improve teachers' political and ideological awareness and teaching level, the Suqian Democratic Government held the "Primary School Teachers Research Conference" in the autumn of 1943. More than 110 public and private primary school teachers and some private school teachers in the county participated in the study, learning theoretical courses such as politics, philosophy, and education, as well as cultural courses on Chinese language and arithmetic teaching methods. Through 40 days of study, the theoretical level and professional abilities of primary school teachers have been improved to varying degrees.In October of the same year, the county government held a symposium for primary school teachers. Secretary Tao Bai made a report on current affairs and discussed teaching work during the production and counter-"mopping up" periods. After the meeting, the "Suqian County Primary School Teachers Anti-Japanese Salvation Association" was formed and the "Declaration" was issued.

Social education in Suqian Anti-Japanese Base Area has also achieved certain results. In September 1942, the county party committee held a training class for peasant cadres and trained more than 1,000 peasant cadres, thus strengthening the work of grassroots peasant rescue societies. At the same time, various districts and townships use winter leisure to open winter schools, night schools, and literacy classes, with primary school teachers or senior students generally serving as private teachers. Among the students, young women are the most active. Usually, they work in spinning groups and use their breaks to study, and attend winter school and literacy classes in the evenings. Classes are mostly held in school classrooms or borrowed private houses. In summer, their classes are everywhere in fields, under trees, and by rivers. At night, singing and reading can be heard in every village. Many young girls carry their textbooks with them, never leave their hands with paper and pen, and even read literacy textbooks while cooking. After more than a year of study, the average student can recognize more than 1,500 words, can sing more than a dozen anti-Japanese songs, and understand many revolutionary principles.

2. Restoration and development of cultural work

After the establishment of the anti-Japanese democratic regime in Suqian County, the "Anti-Japanese Literary and Art Concert Team" was first established in Daxingji, District 2. In 1942, it was changed to Daxing Drama Club. The drama club is under the leadership of the Daxing Town Government and is not out of production. The drama club has more than 40 members. They can perform Peking opera, drama, and often rehearse various forms of literary and artistic programs such as performances, choruses, and choruses to promote the anti-Japanese struggle, and are very popular among the masses. Once, the Huaihai Navy Division invited them to perform at a victory celebration in Sishu County. They carried gongs and drums on their backs and carried costumes and props on their shoulders, and walked dozens of miles to arrive at the scene to perform for the conference. They also went to the military camp to perform for the sick and wounded. It was warmly praised by the military division chiefs and the majority of commanders and soldiers.

After 1943, the struggle situation in the Suqian Liberated Area began to improve, and the base areas became increasingly consolidated. At this time, each district established a "literary propaganda team" led by the Youth Rescue Association. Small programs are performed by the literary and art propaganda team in celebration of victory, farewell to new recruits, welcome to the main troops crossing the border, and condolences to the wounded and sick. Every year before and after the Spring Festival, various districts and villages rehearse traditional programs such as flower boats, floats, lion dances, and dragon dances, as well as new programs such as Allegro, Kuaishu, and small singing to praise the Anti-Japanese War and promote the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, the cultural activities of the masses in the base area were rich and colorful, and there was a thriving scene everywhere.

Section 5 The struggle situation in the base areas began to improve

1. The mass anti-Japanese movement was unprecedentedly high

From the autumn of 1942 to the end of 1943, party organizations at all levels in the Suqian area conscientiously implemented the party's various principles and policies in rural areas, and carried out widespread struggles to reduce rents and interest rates. Mobilized the revolutionary enthusiasm of the masses. Under the guidance of the fiscal policy of "developing the economy and ensuring supply", democratic governments at all levels actively organized the masses to carry out large-scale production movements, developed production, prospered the economy, increased fiscal revenue, and improved people's lives; the collection of public grain and grass solved the problem of military and political supply, overcoming the difficulties caused by the enemy's blockade. The financial and economic situation in the Suqian area began to improve, and the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the people was unprecedentedly high.

(1) The craze for joining the army: In order to safeguard the fruits of victory and strive for the final victory of the Anti-Japanese War, young people from the liberated areas in Suqian County actively signed up to join the army. During the army expansion movement in 1943, the first batch of 105 young people in Suqian County jointly signed a letter of determination and collectively signed up to join the New Fourth Army, one-third of whom were party members. After the second batch of army expansion tasks was issued that year, the Suqian County Party Committee and County Government held a mobilization meeting to join the army. On the spot, 167 district, township and village cadres signed up to join the army. Among them, the instructor of Lizhuang Township, Taishan District mobilized 15 young people to join the army with him and was named the "Hero of Army Expansion". The Canal Special Zone Working Committee pointed out at the military support summary meeting: The Special Zone expanded its army by a total of 460 people in 1943, including 285 people who participated in the main force and 175 people who participated in the local district squadron. Chengdao District overfulfilled the army expansion task by 23 people and won the title of "Model District". The local armed forces in Panshan, Zhatang, Quy Nhon, Suwei and other districts in the north of Sisu increased their strength by two battalions at a time to enrich the main force. In one district of Zhatang, two companies of the main force were raised. The Youth Rescue Group of Suisu Border District collectively signed up to join the army, with dozens of people signing up at one time.Regardless of whether new recruits join the army or local armed forces rise to the main force, a grand farewell ceremony must be held. District and township cadres organized the masses to beat gongs and drums, set off firecrackers, wear red flowers for new soldiers who had been promoted or enlisted in the army, and let them ride horses and sedan chairs. Suqian County Magistrate Cai Gongting and Zhatang District Magistrate Wu Haifeng both led horses and carried sedan chairs for the new soldiers many times. Amid the craze for joining the army, some touching scenes of mothers sending off their children, wives sending off their husbands, and brothers wearing big red flowers appeared in various liberated areas.

(2) Road-breaking and trenching craze: In mid-March 1942, the Eighth District of Suqian mobilized the masses and destroyed more than 60 miles of Haizheng Highway overnight, causing the enemy's transportation in the Sushu section to be interrupted for a time. On August 18 of the same year, the county committee mobilized the party, government, military and civilians to mobilize more than 2,600 people, which lasted for five days and destroyed more than 50 miles of Sushu Road again. There are roads and ditches in the base area, and no village is unreachable. The Jiucheng Township militiamen in Suisubian District dug a traffic ditch near the Liuyuan pseudo-stronghold. The mass upsurge in breaking roads and digging ditches played an important role in carrying out guerrilla warfare, attacking the enemy flexibly and developing and consolidating anti-Japanese base areas.

2. The anti-Japanese base areas in Suqian continued to expand

In June 1942, Suqian was reorganized into districts and townships. In August, Taoyuan District and Shangling District were added. In September, the Canal Special Zone was established. Suqian Daxing District was assigned to the Canal Special Zone. The special zone delimited some townships in Daxing District to form Shuanghe District. In October, Suqian established Lailong District. In the summer of 1943, Taishan District was abolished, and its jurisdictions were merged into Taoyuan and Liuji Districts. Longji District was abolished and its jurisdiction was merged into the newly established Yuelai District. In October, Subei was established as a separate county, and the fifth, sixth and seventh districts were divided. By the end of 1943, Suqian County had jurisdiction over 7 districts and more than 70 townships, including Shaodian, Taoyuan, Liuji, Lailong, Yuelai and Shanngling.

In September 1943, the 26th Regiment of the 9th Brigade of the New Fourth Army eliminated the Kuomintang's Suqian County Chief Shi Yawu's department in Yangwei, and then eliminated the Kuomintang's Susan District Team in Suwei and captured the Kuomintang's recalcitrant district chief Su Hengfa alive. Suwei District was soon established, with Jiang Ke as district chief and Du Liangjian as district party secretary. In the winter of the same year, after the main force conquered the Weiwei pseudo stronghold, Yangwei District was established, with District Mayor Ma Dunwu and District Party Committee Secretary Zhen Jie. So far, Sisu County has jurisdiction over Suqian County, including 5 districts: Panshan, Zhatang, Quiren, Suwei, and Yangwei, and about 40 townships.

In 1943, the Suisu Working Committee decided to establish the Canal District. The district chief was concurrently appointed by Wang Baojin, the mayor of Sui Second District, and Wei Ronghuan, the secretary of the district committee, governed Tangwei, Yuanzhuang, Yanhe (later changed to Wangying), Shouwang, Binhe, Qibao, Deng There are seven villages in the village. During the Mid-Autumn Festival of that year, the 27th Regiment of the 9th Brigade of the New Fourth Army wiped out the Liu Zisheng detachment of the Kuomintang in Suxi and established the Suyi District regime, with District Chief Yuan Jiezhi and District Party Committee Secretary Gu Huimin. Establish the political power of the four townships of Yangji, Minqing, Jiucheng, and Heping, and strive for the five puppet political powers of Yongshun, Sanyi, Xinmin, Xinhua, and Zhikou as two-sided political power. Soon, Yongshun, Sanyi, and Xinhua developed into democratic regimes. In the winter of the same year, the Suisu brigade cooperated with the main force to conquer Yuan Wei's pseudo stronghold. In the summer of the following year, Sui Second District was changed to Zhuhai District, with district chief Yang Xin, and district party committee secretary Ji Fenglai; Yunhe District was changed to Miaowei District, with district chief Wang Baojin, and district party committee secretary Wang Maofen; Sui District was changed to Yangji District, with district chief Xue Runzhi, District Party Committee Secretary Xue Quankai.