From the construction site in Zhongshan, Guangdong, to Dazu, Chongqing, Chen Sai’s journey home is about 2,000 kilometers. As the departure was approaching, this middle-aged man born in the 1980s suddenly decided to ride a motorcycle home.

Source | Urban Live Comprehensive Cover News

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The curtain of returning home for the New Year has begun. Among the crowds during the Spring Festival, there is Chen Sai, a man born in the 1980s from Chongqing. From the construction site in Zhongshan, Guangdong, to Dazu, Chongqing, Chen Sai's journey home is about 2,000 kilometers.

It took him a month to finally get a train ticket home. However, it took him less than three seconds to cancel the order. "If you are not impulsive when you are young, you will not be able to be impulsive when you are old." When it was about to leave, this middle-aged "post-80s" suddenly decided to ride a motorcycle home.

Departing at 00:28 on January 27, 2019, Chen Sai passed through the dark night in Guangdong, faced the sunshine in Guangxi, experienced rain and fog in Guizhou, and rode ups and downs in Sichuan, arriving at his hometown in Chongqing at 19:40 on January 29.

Crossing the long 004 County Road on the Sichuan-Chongqing border, you will reach Chongqing. Feeling timid near home, Chen Sai's motorcycle slowed down a bit.

day has cleared up, but the pants and shoes and socks are not completely dry. The raincoat he was wearing was an emergency purchase on a rainy day in Guizhou, and it didn't fit him well. He straightened it out over and over again, and then continued speeding towards home.

It was 4 pm on January 29, 2019. It had been 64 hours since Chen Sai set off, and he was still 100 kilometers away from home.

In the early morning of January 27, Chen Sai set off from Zhongshan, Guangdong.

80 The "impulse" after

"I want to ride back, but I can't do it when I get old."

Back in the early morning of January 27, on the Guangfo-Zhao Expressway The night style is extraordinarily great. Chen Sai on the motorcycle was wearing a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads and other complete tools, but the wind could still penetrate his clothes and make his legs numb. Like motorcycles traveling at high speeds at night, there are more heavy-duty trucks. Every time a truck speeds past, it will set off bursts of roar and cross wind.

However, Chen Sai insists that riding a motorcycle on the highway is a safer option. "Each highway takes its own lane. Unlike national and provincial highways, you have to worry about cars and people rushing out of the intersection at any time, and you don't have to worry about the lights of oncoming cars dazzling you." So, at midnight, he sneaked onto the highway and traveled nearly 2,000 kilometers. The first leg on the way home.

"We have to ride at least 800 kilometers on the first day. We must leave Guangdong before dawn." The plan could not keep up with the change. At 3 o'clock in the morning, only 3 hours before departure, we encountered floating nails on the road and the front and rear tires of the motorcycle were punctured. After struggling for 2 kilometers, Chen Sai got stuck in the service area.

"This is the first time I have encountered two tires being punctured." He was a little anxious, and his carefully planned trip would face serious delays. However, he has no regrets.

From the moment he canceled the train ticket, Chen Sai was prepared and would never regret it. In the previous month, he stared at the ticketing software every day and finally managed to grab a train ticket from Zhongshan, Guangdong back to Dazu, Chongqing, but he decided to cancel it before leaving. "I want to go back by bike." His sister scolded him for being impulsive, but Chen Sai insisted, "If you are not impulsive when you are young, you will not be able to do so when you are old." What he wants is to "get crazy now."

Chen Sai on the road

The soul on the motorcycle

"When I feel cold and sleepy, I just think about home and my children."

By 13:00 on January 28, Chen Sai's motorcycle had traveled 37 times on his way home. Hour. During this period, he took the wrong road 6 times and was stopped on the highway 3 times. In addition, the tire burst accident caused the first leg of the trip to be more than 300 kilometers slower than planned.

Entering Guizhou from Guangxi, on the highway, thick fog rose and the visibility became lower and lower. Raindrops also gathered and flowed down the helmet, blurring the vision and getting into shoes and pants. Chen Sai's motorcycle had to slow down, and the cold feeling became more and more profound. "It's too cold, I can't do it." He was shaking a little.

Chen Sai was driving on the aisle, about to enter Guizhou.

Temporarily settled in Zunyi, Guizhou. Chen Sai needed a suitable room most in the storm. What he wanted was a big bed with hot water and a warm bed. For this reason, he looked at three or four stores before choosing one.

Not giving in is the stubbornness in Chen Sai's heart. Just like his insistence on riding home, “As they say, four-wheelers carry the body, while motorcycles carry the soul."For a soul like

, when he was chatting with passers-by, his face was filled with a smile of enjoyment. "Oh my god, you are really amazing. How tiring is this?" "Cycling back from Guangdong, you rode so well. "Motorcycle"...At this moment, the wind and rain on the road have long been forgotten.

"When I feel cold and sleepy while driving, I just think about home and my children." "Chen Sai's motivation for cycling 2,000 kilometers is closely related to his twin daughters. "When I go home this time, I plan to stay with my children and find a job. This opportunity to ride home may be the last time. "

It belongs to Chen Sai's last craziness, which came to a successful conclusion after 67 hours of riding. The mother prepared a table of delicious food and poured wine for her son silently.

The mother and sister stayed up to cook, waiting for Chen Sai to return home

Fellow travelers

met at the service point of Beixiangyin, Tiannanhai. His motorcycle was no longer alone.

Along the way, there were scenery and people.

At noon on January 28, a traffic policeman stopped Chen while passing through National Highway 321 in Teng County. Sai - for no other reason than to invite him to the service point on the roadside to rest.

On the way home, where every second was needed, this sudden warmth made Chen Sai feel "a little surprised" at the service point. No longer alone, many migrant workers returning home on bicycles stayed here for a short time. In the local accent from all over the world, Chen Sai heard a familiar accent: two couples returning to Sichuan for the New Year also came from Guangdong. After a few words, they took the national highway the whole way. "

If the time could overlap, Chen Sai might have met other faces, such as Liu Xinchuan, who passed by here a day earlier. Liu Xinchuan, a native of Fushun, Zigong, who was born in 1992, worked in the same place as Chen Sai in Guangdong Among motorcycle riders, this is his fourth year riding a motorcycle home.

As he approaches home, Chen Sai calls his family.

He is also a soul who pursues freedom and loves challenges. It is his first year riding a motorcycle home. Shinkawa spent 4 days, and the second and third years took 3 days. This year, he set the goal at 2 days.

Whether passing by each other or walking side by side, the motorcycles on the way back were all. Chen Sai's "fellow travelers" say that "four wheels carry the body, two wheels carry the soul" are spread among each other.

What Huang Taisen wants is to firmly grasp the soul on two wheels. In the fifth year, Sen was riding a motorcycle from Jiangmen, Guangdong to Fushun, Zigong. The old "125" had just been replaced by a brand new Saimo. The old generation's home was in Yibin, and before the road was separated, he would go with Huang Taisen. Traveling together.

In fact, the older generation does not lack companions on the way home. His wife is working in Guangdong with him, but when he came home during the Spring Festival, he bought a train ticket and let his wife go first. "

After meeting his mother, Chen Sai will continue to rush to Guangyuan, Sichuan, where his wife and daughter are waiting. Chen Sai plans to return home as a New Year's gift to his twin daughters and tell them, "Dad will never leave again. "

Chen Sai returned to his hometown in Dazu and had a "reunion dinner" with his mother and other relatives and friends

Journalist's Notes

Chen Sai was born in 1982 and is 36 years old. Before the interview, we had many speculations about what kind of man he would be. Suddenly giving up was hard-won. I chose to ride nearly 2,000 kilometers home.

If it is to enjoy the speed of flying, then what is the trembling figure while walking hard in the wind and rain? If it is to pursue the pleasure of freedom, then hiding? What is it about dealing with a flat tire in a dark corner with oily hands?

When we have seen him pass through the speeding traffic, ride through mountains and rivers, and drive through tunnels and bridges, no one is with him, and he knows whether he is warm or cold; there are still 67 hours of riding. During the trip, I stayed up for 20 consecutive hours, took the wrong road 6 times, was driven away by the traffic police 3 times and other unexpected emergencies. I finally realized what he said before leaving: "If you are not impulsive when you are young, you will not be able to do so when you are old." "I'm going to take this trip. When the children grow up, I can still talk to them." "For the two babies, I probably won't come out after I go back this time. I'm afraid I won't have the chance to ride like this in the future."...

It turns out that this It is the final madness and stubbornness of a man born in the 1980s.When he turned on the accelerator and set off forward, the helmet covered his face, as well as his age, occupation and identity. At this moment, he was a knight fighting for himself. When he stopped his motorcycle and talked about his family and his twin daughters, they were nothing more than "samples" of thousands of ordinary middle-aged men, sons and fathers.

We can't help but think that fathers all over the world, whether they are rich or poor, their love for their children, or the way they express love, will definitely leave a certain image in their children's minds, maybe it's oily hands. Maybe it's the helmeted back view.

As a child, if you remember that scene, then about Chen Sai’s journey home, you will definitely not need provocative words, sensational rhetoric and tortuous descriptions, it will be enough for people to understand why he rode a long way home. , a man who wants to give "Dad Never Leave Again" to his children as a New Year's gift is worth following us for 2,000 kilometers.

From Zhongshan, Guangdong to Dazu, Chongqing

The actual mileage traveled is 2,000 kilometers

It takes 3,226 minutes

[Warm reminder]

The Spring Festival is approaching. Travel safely and please abide by local traffic regulations.