One netizen said that his grandmother passed away at the age of 88. As the National Day was approaching that year, the old man uncharacteristically said that she would live with her son and daughter in other provinces for a while. People around her felt strange, saying, "Didn't y

A netizen said that his grandmother passed away at the age of 88. As the National Day was approaching that year, the old woman uncharacteristically said that she would live with her son and daughter in other provinces for a while. People around her felt strange and said, "Didn't you think you were too far away before and were too lazy to run away?" Why are you going now? Her grandma smiled and said nothing.

During the National Day, my grandma, accompanied by her step-grandfather, went to her son's house in another province. Three days later, she went to her daughter's house for two days, and then she said she wanted to go to her parents' house to visit. In those few days, the netizen was responsible for driving his grandma around to visit relatives. He was a little unhappy at first, thinking that grandma came at the wrong time and ruined his vacation. But seeing his grandma so happy, he suddenly felt that he had done something meaningful. thing.

Grandma was ready to go home after the vacation. was as satisfied as if she had done something big. Before leaving, she held the netizen reluctantly and rubbed her rough hands back and forth, but she didn't say a word.

The afternoon when grandma and step-grandpa took the car home, the family received a call from step-grandpa, saying that grandma fell on the station elevator and broke her head and knees. Netizens and parents were very worried, but step-grandpa He said it was not serious and had already taken her home.

originally thought that the matter would end here. A week later, the netizen's family received another call from his step-grandfather, saying that grandma was dying and should go back and take a look! When I came on vacation, I was fine and energetic. Why did I suddenly stop feeling well?

When netizens saw grandma again, they couldn't believe their eyes. After a week without seeing her, grandma had become skin and bones, her cheeks were sunken, her eyes were closed tightly, her arms were like dry old branches, and her mouth was still trembling and squirming. With . There was a bottle of nutrient solution hanging on her hand. The netizen turned her back and quietly wiped away her tears.

Grandpa said: "Grandma felt that she didn't have much time left, so she wanted to use her vacation to see you. Now that she's worried, it's time to leave." After hearing this, my father finally couldn't help but burst into tears. .

When the elderly have the following situations, remember to spend more time with them.

  • Likes to tell family members about what happened in the past.

Feels like I am dying soon, so I cherish the remaining time and look away from everything, including the good things or regrets that happened in the past. The things that have happened are about to become a thing of the past. Speaking of them is actually reminiscing and saying goodbye. In addition, I also want to talk to my family more, but I am afraid that I will not have the chance in the future.

  • The whole person becomes confused, sometimes awake, sometimes lethargic

As aging progresses, the body gradually loses energy and motivation. I can't help but doze off. I fall asleep while watching TV, or sit in a daze on the sofa. sleep. They may also become confused and suddenly unable to call family members by name. This situation indicates that the brain and heart are seriously aging and can no longer function normally.

  • I miss my children and want to see them soon

What old people worry about the most before they die is their children. It can be said that a lifetime of hard work and care is on their children. When they feel that they are about to die, they will miss their children and look into the distance with their thoughts. Already come to your children. Therefore, if the elderly suddenly want to wander here and see there, don't complain, they may be saying goodbye to this world.

is like the grandmother of the netizen above. Even if her children are in other provinces, she still has to take the trouble to go there by car. This is the last thing a mother can do for her children.

  • Lying in bed motionless, neither eating nor drinking

To the point of not eating or drinking, it means that the old man’s time is running out, because normal people need food to provide energy every day. When they no longer eat, it means that the body is about to decline. . On the other hand, if the elderly have a good appetite and can eat and drink, they basically don’t have to worry too much and they can still live for a few years.

The above situations are seen by family members. If the elderly are recuperating in the hospital, in what aspects can we see abnormalities?

is indifferent to consciousness, has no reaction or response to external sounds, and cannot lift his neck on his own.

Decreased urination or even no urination indicates that the kidneys are in the final stage and there is not much time left.

's breathing was sometimes slow, sometimes rapid, with long sighs, and the rise and fall of his chest became shallower and shallower.

Blood oxygen saturation continues to decrease. Normal people's is generally higher than 90%. If it is lower than 80%, they will soon die from hypoxia.

A decrease in blood pressure and heart rate often indicates that the patient's heart function is weak and cannot output enough blood, which is a harbinger of death.

Is it a good thing for an elderly person who has been ill in bed for a long time to suddenly come back to life?

The old man was weak and lay in the hospital bed for many days with his children and relatives by his side. He thought he was dying because he had symptoms such as confusion, incontinence of urine and feces, and the inability to hear sounds.

A week passed like this. The old man suddenly sat up and said he wanted to eat braised pork. The family members were very happy to see that the old man was energetic again and asked everyone not to stay in the hospital. Everyone should go to work. , and then he went home to cook for the old man, leaving only one person to look after the old man.

The doctor advised them not to leave yet. The old man might have something to explain. The family members were not very happy after hearing this. They all thought that the old man had recovered his health. However, less than an hour after his family left, the old man developed lowered blood pressure, lowered heart rate, respiratory failure, and eventually passed away.

woke up abnormally before death. This was not a return to normal function of the nerves, but the last "burst" of the body in a hypoxic state. adrenaline hormone was fully mobilized, and the nerve signals were suddenly enhanced, so the elderly appeared. The illusion of "getting better", but this phenomenon will not last long. When the hormones and energy are completely exhausted, life will come to an end.

No one can avoid separation and death. All we can do is cherish the time now, accompany and take care of our loved ones. Although they have passed away, their spirit and love will always be with us.


[1] What strange reactions will occur in the body before death? Will there really be a flashback? ·Popular Science China.2022-06-07

[2] The elderly will generally have these three symptoms before death. If it occurs at the same time, please spend more time with your family·Health World.2020-04-25

[3] What are the symptoms of people before death? Can you still hear sounds at the moment of death? Please spend more time with your loved ones·Senior Daily.2020-07 -20