At 9:30 pm local time on the 8th, the Nara Prefecture police in Japan held a press conference on the shooting death of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. They stated that the incident was being investigated as a murder and announced details such as the gun held by the sus

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Just now, according to Japanese media TBS News, the funeral of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who was shot and killed that day will be held on July 12 .

At 9:30 pm local time on the 8th, the Nara Prefecture police in Japan held a press conference on the shooting death of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. They stated that the incident was being investigated as a murder and announced details such as the gun held by the suspect. .

Nara police said the suspect who shot Abe Tetsuya Yamama, a 41-year-old unemployed man, said he claimed to have hatred for an organization and believed Abe was related to the organization.

Nara police said 90 investigators are currently working on the case. The police searched the suspect's apartment at 17:17 that day and confiscated several homemade firearm-like items during the raid.

More details about the suspect


Japanese police said the suspect in Abe's shooting claimed after his arrest that he believed Abe was connected to an organization he had a grudge against. However, " Guardian " reported that the Japanese police were unwilling to provide a more detailed explanation on this issue.

When asked whether the suspect admitted to having the intention to kill, Nara police said at a press conference that the suspect admitted to shooting Abe. Police also said the suspect did not indicate he was affiliated with any organization.

On-site details:

Nara police revealed that the suspect learned from the Internet that Abe would go to Nara to give a speech to support the election, and took the tram to the venue of Abe’s speech that morning.

The gun responsible for the crime:

The police said that the suspect Toru Yamama was unemployed. In addition, a number of items suspected to be homemade pistols were found in the suspect's home. At the same time, required surrounding residents to evacuate immediately due to the discovery of a certain amount of suspected explosives in the residence of the suspect in the Abe shooting.

The Nara police described the size details of the firearm used by the suspect in the attack, saying that the gun held by the gunman was about 40 centimeters long and 20 centimeters high. As for its weight, the Nara police stated that it was "unable to respond."

The firearm used by the suspect

Japanese Ministry of Defense: The suspect who shot Abe received live-fire shooting training

According to Japan TV 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died of his injuries after being shot that day. Relevant sources from the Japanese Ministry of Defense said that the suspect who shot Abe, Tetsuya Yamama, was a "-term self-defense officer" who joined the army in 2002 and had received annual live-fire training.

The Japanese Ministry of Defense also stated that "tenure-limited self-defense officers" are self-defense officers with a term of office. The suspect is a member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force. The term of office is three years and he will retire after the expiration of his term in 2005.

Japan’s Nara Police: Will be transferred to prosecutors on suspicion of homicide on the 10th

According to Japanese Kyodo News report, Nara Police said that Toru Yamayama, the suspect in the attack on Shinzo Abe, will be transferred to prosecutors on the 10th on suspicion of homicide.

Japanese police refused to respond to security issues

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) sources said that at the press conference, the Nara police refused to respond to the security level of Shinzo Abe’s speech that day.

reported that a reporter asked why there was room behind Abe for people to walk or stand when he was delivering a speech. The reporter also asked about the security level of the event.

reported that in this regard, Nara police said that further investigation is still needed before can speculate on who is the culprit or assign "responsibility".

Additionally, police would not say whether any bullets were found at the shooting scene, adding that the investigation was ongoing. Police also said that the suspect took a train to the scene of the Nara incident, but police were unable to determine whether he had just arrived before the incident.

The latest footage of Abe’s attack was exposed

html On July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died of injuries after being shot.A new perspective of Abe being shot was exposed: After the first loud gunshot, Abe turned around to look, and then the second gunshot rang out. Abe was shot, and he covered his chest with his left hand and slowly fell to the ground.

The hospital confirmed that the direct cause of Shinzo Abe’s death was confirmed.

At around 18:00 local time on the 8th, the Nara Prefectural Medical University Hospital that rescued former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a press conference.

The director of the hospital and the rescue personnel involved said that the medical helicopter carrying Shinzo Abe arrived at the hospital at around 12:50 local time on the 8th. When he arrived at the hospital, Abe was already in cardiopulmonary arrest. The hospital said that the gunshot wound suffered by Shinzo Abe touched the heart. The hospital took rescue measures for Shinzo Abe, but due to excessive injuries, Shinzo Abe was confirmed dead at 17:03 local time.

The hospital said that the direct cause of Shinzo Abe's death was that the shooting caused his heart and blood vessels to rupture, causing massive bleeding in multiple parts and being completely unable to stop the bleeding.

In addition to the ruptured heart and blood vessels, Shinzo Abe also had two wounds on his neck. According to the hospital's judgment, the bullet entered Shinzo Abe's neck.

Abe’s body will be transported to Tokyo on the 9th.

According to news from Japan’s Fuji TV on the 8th, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died of his injuries after being shot that day. Liberal Democratic Party Relevant sources said that Abe’s wife Akie hopes to take Abe’s body home as soon as possible. According to her wishes, the body will be transported to Tokyo immediately after the judicial autopsy.

Liberal Democratic Party officials said that Abe’s body will be transported out of the hospital at around 1 a.m. local time on the 9th (00:00 on the 9th, Beijing time), and is expected to be transported to Shinzo Abe’s home in Tokyo about 7 hours later.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs :

was shocked and expressed condolences

html On July 8, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian hosted a regular press conference. After the conference, a reporter asked: According to reports, former Japanese Prime Minister Abe died of his injuries after being shot. . What is China's comment?

Zhao Lijian said that China was shocked by this unexpected incident. Former Prime Minister Abe once made contributions to the improvement and development of Sino-Japanese relations. We express our condolences and condolences to the family of former Prime Minister Abe.

In addition, a foreign media reporter asked about the discussion among Chinese netizens on the Internet platform after the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said, "I will not comment on the various comments made by netizens. I have just fully expressed the position of the Chinese government. This emergency should not be associated with Sino-Japanese relations "

U.S. President Biden issued a statement: shocked, angry, sad

According to the White House official website, U.S. President Biden issued a statement on the attack and death of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The statement said, "I am shocked, angry and deeply saddened by the news that my friend and former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot and killed during the (upper house election) campaign. This is a tragedy for Japan and everyone who knew him I had the privilege of working closely with Prime Minister Abe when he was in Tokyo and welcomed him to Washington as a champion of the alliance between our countries and the friendship between our people. Japan’s longest-serving Prime Minister, his vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific region will endure.”

“Above all, he cared deeply about the people of Japan and devoted his life to serving them,” the statement continued. There are many details we don't know yet, but we do know that violent attacks are absolutely unacceptable, and gun violence always leaves deep scars on those affected. "

" In this tragic moment, the United States stands with Japan. Together. My deepest condolences to his family," the statement concluded.

Putin: Abe’s death is an “irreparable loss”

Agence France-Presse The latest news is that Russian President Putin sent a message of condolence to the family of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

reported that Putin in his message of condolences affirmed Abe’s extensive work in developing relations between Russia and Japan; according to a statement issued by the Kremlin , Putin expressed condolences to Abe’s family and hoped that the latter “will meet in person.” Have strength and courage to face this heavy and irreparable loss. "

incident review

incident occurred at around 11:30 a.m. local time on the 8th (10:30 Beijing time). Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in Nara. He gave a speech near Yamato Saidaiji Station in Nara City, prefecture, to support the election of the Liberal Democratic Party Senate candidate.

A minute or two after the speech started, a man shot at Shinzo Abe from 3 meters behind him. Abe was shot and fell to the ground.

Live footage showed that there was blood on the left chest of the white shirt Abe was wearing.

According to Japanese media reports, due to the negligence of security personnel, the suspect disguised a homemade gun as a camera and shot Shinzo Abe.

The suspect holds a homemade gun

html On the 8th, Japanese police said they had arrested the suspect who shot former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The suspect is a man in his 40s named Tetsuya Yamayama. According to Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" report on the 8th, the suspect Tetsuya Yamama is a former member of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Japanese police said they have arrested the suspect who shot former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

On the afternoon of the 8th local time, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio said that The Japanese government will find out the suspect's background and motive as soon as possible. In addition, the Senate election will be held as scheduled.

Abe: Life is only halfway

was assassinated like his grandfather

As one of the five major political families in Japan that controls the country's post-war political and economic direction, The Abe family has three prime ministers, namely Shinzo Abe, and his maternal grandfather Kishi Nosuke , maternal uncle Sato Eisaku .

The Abe family is actually a political alliance family formed through marriage with the Kishi family and the Sato family. With the strength of the family, Abe's career in politics has been generously blessed. Moreover, he also received help from the "elite" Junichiro Koizumi.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Why hasn’t Abe given up on “amending the constitution”? In fact, this has a lot to do with his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi. Nobusuke Kishi served as a senior cabinet official of Hideki Tojo during World War II and was one of the 19 Class-A war criminal suspects in the "Tokyo Trial" that year.

Due to the change in its policy towards Japan, the United States released Nobusuke Kishi and others, and Nobusuke Kishi became the Prime Minister of Japan in 1957.

Article 9 of Japan's post-war pacifist constitution stipulates that Japan "will forever renounce wars waged as a matter of national sovereignty" and "will not maintain land, sea, and air force and other war forces, and will not recognize the right of national belligerence." Nobusuke Kishi has always wanted to change this These provisions are the origin of the so-called "constitutional amendment".

However, Nobusuke Kishi did not succeed. On July 14, 1960, Nobusuke Kishi, the Prime Minister, was assassinated. Although he was only injured in the leg, the government cabinet was forced to resign the next day.

Data map: Japanese people held a rally and march in Tokyo, calling for the maintenance of a peaceful constitution and opposing the Abe government's attempts to "amend the constitution." Photo by China News Service reporter Wang Jian

Later, Shinzo Abe’s father Shintaro Abe was expected to take over the banner of "amending the constitution", but he died of illness before taking office as prime minister , so the "mission" could only be passed down again. A generation has come to Shinzo Abe.

However, Abe has served as prime minister for two terms and has not taken a step forward in "amending the constitution." The fundamental reason is still the strong anti-war sentiment in Japanese society.

The 67-year-old Abe once again stepped out to support the campaign of the Liberal Democratic Party’s senatorial candidate. He never wanted to be assassinated like his grandfather. Halfway through his life, he was suddenly put on the brakes.