Lianjian Optoelectronics brings new products to BIRTV to help China's "5G+4K+AI" strategic development

From August 21st to 24th, 2019, the 28th Beijing International Radio, Film and Television Exhibition, namely BIRTV2019, was grandly held in Beijing. The theme of this exhibition is "Innovation-driven. Building a new all-media ecology". As a reliable large-screen supplier, Lianjian Optoelectronics made a wonderful appearance at booth 1B115 with the latest broadcast-grade LED display system solutions, showing the industry the latest innovations of Lianjian Optoelectronics .

This year's BIRTV exhibition coincides with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is held under the background of in-depth implementation of the theme education of "Don't forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind". The State Administration of Radio and Television, China Central Radio and Television, and the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government launched " The three major exhibition areas of the National Radio and Television Administration Exhibition Area, "China Central Radio and Television Station's '5G+4K+AI' Strategic Development Achievements Exhibition" and "Guangdong Province 4K/8K Ultra HD Video Industry Development Achievements Exhibition" will be exhibited at BIRTV2019. In order to promote the national Economic and industrial development services. Against this background, the LED ultra-high-definition broadcast and television studio solution exhibited by Lianjian Optoelectronics attracted great attention and discussion, and helped the strategic development of "5G+4K+AI".

LED set reproduction AR panoramic studio

The AR panoramic radio and television studio hall created by Lianjian Optoelectronics in this exhibition is very eye-catching. The virtual studio adopts LED broadcast and television grade display application products and systems, and combines three-dimensional display technology and virtual planting Integrated technology, physical tracking technology, somatosensory control technology, etc., present the objects in the scene as a three-dimensional model. At the same time, it is equipped with a virtual studio system, which can rotate, move, zoom and other adjustments to the real scene in real time, bringing the audience a better experience. It provides a real and strong visual impact and meets the high-standard display application requirements of radio and television studios.

Lianjian Optoelectronics helps smart radio and television

With the development of cloud computing, big data, 5G, Internet of Things, AR/VR and other technologies, the smart radio and television market is currently being actively built. In recent years, Lianjian Optoelectronics has also begun to lay out the "smart broadcast and television +" market. Working with professional studio solution partners, it has launched 4K or even 8K higher-standard broadcast and television-level small-pitch LED display systems, and has been highly praised. Favored by the radio and television industry, it has created many classic projects, such as Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, NBC Radio and Television Station in the United States, Washington Television Station in the United States, PRIMA TV Station in the Czech Republic, a TV station in Switzerland, etc. Lianjian Optoelectronics has used practical actions to support the construction of "smart radio and television". The

exhibition will continue to be more exciting. Welcome everyone to visit booth No. 1B115 to experience more immersive experiences!

Source: Lianjian Optoelectronics official website

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