Today's real-time exchange rate of the Australian dollar against the New Taiwan dollar (updated at 2016-08-22 07:15): Currency exchange 1 Australian dollar = 24.0940 New Taiwan dollar 1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0415 Australian dollar exchange rate buying price selling price updated

Today's real-time exchange rate of

Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar (2016-08-22 07:15 update):

currency exchange

1 Australian dollar = 24.0940 New Taiwan dollar

1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0415 Australian dollar

exchange rate buying price selling price update time
24 .0940NaNNaN07:15:57

Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar exchange rate trend chart (one week):

The central parity of the New Taiwan dollar exchange rate in the interbank foreign exchange market on August 22, 2016 was: 1 Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar 24.0940 yuan, and 100 Australian dollars to New Taiwan dollar 2409.4 yuan.

In December 2014, Hoyts announced that the company had been purchased by investment company ID Leisure from Pacific Equity Partners, Australia's largest private equity investment company. ID Leisure is an investment fund founded by Sun Xishuang, headquartered in the British Virgin Islands. At that time, Yifang Group did not disclose the specific acquisition amount, but according to the Australian Financial Review, Hoyts was purchased by PEP in December 2007 for A$440 million (approximately 2.222 billion yuan).

On Thursday, the foreign exchange market only needs to pay attention to the guidance of the Bank of England. At 19:00, the Bank of England will announce the interest rate resolution and quarterly inflation report. The market expects that the Bank of England will announce a 25-point interest rate cut and expand the scale of QE this time. It will not be the same as last time. The theory It should have put pressure on the pound. However, on Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates in line with market expectations. As a result, the Australian dollar has bottomed out and rebounded strongly. It cannot be ruled out that the pound will have a similar reaction. As a result, the pound is not easy to operate today.

The relevant information on todayโ€™s exchange rate of the Australian dollar against the New Taiwan dollar and above is provided by the CICC Market Center and is for reference only. If you want to know more about the exchange rate trend of the Australian dollar against the New Taiwan dollar, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel daily Financial reporting.

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