A comprehensive list of limited New Year's Eve programs in Tokyo In Japan, December 31st is called "Daixi Day", which is also the Japanese New Year's Eve. On the night of the Great Recession, you go to the temple near your home to listen to the "New Year's Eve Bell", and on the m

A comprehensive inventory of limited New Year’s Eve programs in Tokyo

In Japan, December 31st is called the “Great Dark Day”, which is also the Japanese New Year’s Eve. On the night of the Great Recession, I went to the temple near my home to listen to the "New Year's Eve Bell", and on the morning of January 1st, I went to the temple and shrine to participate in the "chuyi". This is the usual way for Japanese people to celebrate the New Year. Today I would like to introduce to you a limited New Year’s Eve event for Tokyoites, so get ready to join our New Year’s Eve team!

Oji Inari Shrine joins the "Prince Fox Procession"

This "prince" does not refer to the handsome prince, but a place located in Kita Ward, Tokyo. It is said that since the Edo period, every year on the night of the Great Dark Day, the foxes from Kanto will come to the prince to gather, so there are many legends about foxes here.

The Ukiyoe painter of the Edo period Utagawa Hiroshige once painted "Prince's Costume of Wood Dai Hideri No Fox Fire" for this purpose, to describe the scene of foxes gathering and the swaying fox fire.

When the New Year's bell rings, the fox parade starts from the Inari Shrine and finally arrives at the Oji Inari Shrine. People participating in the parade will have fox makeup or fox masks on their faces.

Zoujoji TempleRing the bell and watch Tokyo Tower

Zoujoji Temple was founded in 1393 and is a very historically representative temple in Tokyo. The most well-known point should be that the tomb of the Tokugawa Shogun family was built here, and many tourists come here because of it.

Every year on December 31st, Zengshang Temple holds a New Year’s blessing ceremony. Around ten o’clock in the evening, the place will become crowded with people. There will also be many vendors selling snacks around the temple, which is very lively. At midnight, the highlight begins with 108 bells ringing. The abbot of the temple takes the lead in ringing the first bell, spreading peace throughout the world through the sound of the bell. (Official website of Zojoji Temple: http://www.zojoji.or.jp/, which lists year-round activity guides)

In addition, Zojoji Temple is also one of the few places in Tokyo where you can fully appreciate the Tokyo Tower. And on New Year’s Eve, Tokyo Tower will also put on a countdown light show. Celebrating the New Year in this space where tradition and modernity coexist, not only does it not feel inconsistent, but you can also feel two completely different atmospheres at the same time. It can be said to be an excellent New Year's Eve experience.

Go to shrines such as Meiji Jingu and Sensoji to pray for blessings at the beginning of the year.

The Japanese have a tradition of visiting shrines to pray for blessings during the New Year, which is also called the beginning of worship. The most popular shrine in Tokyo is Meiji Jingu Shrine.

According to incomplete statistics, nearly 3 million people come here to pray for peace in the New Year every year. The temple is open for worship at midnight on January 1 every year, and the shrine will conduct corresponding rituals, including drumming, chanting, offerings, etc.

Sensoji Temple in Tokyo should be the most familiar attraction to tourists. The atmosphere at Sensoji Temple is even more lively on New Year’s Eve. After New Year's Eve, people queue up to pray. Even if the queue is very long, it will not affect everyone's sincerity in praying for blessings and peace.

Tokyo Disney New Year's Eve Fireworks Show

Tokyo Disneyland New Year's Eve, there is only one day a year where you can enjoy Disney all night long. A parade around the park started during the day on December 31, and the activities in the park continued until the end of New Year's Eve, finally ending with New Year's Eve fireworks. New Year's Eve in a place full of children's fun and joy will definitely be unforgettable. New Year's Eve tickets can be used from 8pm on December 31st to 7am on January 1st. Starting at 1am, you can travel across the park. The park will close after 7am and open at 9am..

Go to the Imperial Palace to participate in the New Year greetings of members of the royal family

On January 2 every year, you can go to the Imperial Palace to participate in the New Year greetings of Japanese royal family members to the Japanese people. Based on previous years, generally from 10:10 am to 2:20 pm, a total of five levels of royal family members will give New Year's greetings. Participants need to go through security checks and are not allowed to bring drinks in.

Every participant will receive a Japanese flag when entering the venue. When the Emperor delivers a speech, people will wave the national flag to show respect for the country and the Emperor.There were a lot of people that day, so those who are interested in participating are advised to arrive early.

The New Year is coming, are you all ready for your New Year’s wishes?

can write your New Year flag in the message area, and let us testify for you together!

wishes everyone peace and joy in the new year!


On this day (December 31st), Japan’s public transportation JR and METRO will not stop operating, making it easier for people to visit shrines and temples and watch the first sunrise of the new year!

(The pictures in this article are from local news reports in Japan and www.pakutaso.com)