The behavior of cutting in line is often disgraceful. Recently, a man in Hangzhou asked to "jump in line" for surgery, which made the female doctor who performed the surgery very angry. But after finding out the truth, almost everyone had a sore nose...

Queue-jumping behavior is often disgraceful.

Recently, a man in Hangzhou asked to "jump in line" while undergoing surgery.

The female doctor who performed the surgery was very angry.

But after finding out the truth,

almost everyone felt a sore nose...


Patient's request "Jumping in line"

Doctors "silently helping"

Not long ago, a man went to the Second Affiliated Eye Center of Zhejiang University for treatment. When he was in the clinic, he shouted that he wanted to finish the operation quickly and return to work.

was treated by Xu Wen, deputy director of the Ophthalmology Center and director of the Cataract Department of Zhejiang Second Hospital. Facing this patient, Xu Wen said she was so angry that she had a "headache." However, after asking about the situation, Xu Wen still "jumped in line" and performed surgery on him. .

It turns out that the man who "annoyed" the doctor was named Ye. He was 48 years old and was a technician in the cath lab of a hospital in Wenling, Zhejiang. Three years ago, cataracts caught him early due to his high myopia, and his vision in his right eye dropped to 0.1.

Why didn’t you have surgery earlier? Mr. Ye felt that it was a bit "luxury" to take a few days off to see a doctor. When he came back to Hangzhou for cataract surgery, he only took three days off. He also planned to try not to "run out" and go back as early as possible.

After the operation, Dr. Xu Wen told Mr. Ye to take a good rest, but Mr. Ye said he would go back to work immediately. Xu Wen said in her circle of friends: "I want to scold him once I see him."


"People who deal with rays every day"

Why is Mr. Ye so anxious? The reporter learned that the daily main work of the cath lab of the hospital where Mr. Ye is working is to handle interventional surgeries such as myocardial infarction, traumatic bleeding, chemotherapy, aneurysm, and stroke. Mr. Ye's main responsibility is to maintain the only interventional equipment in the department.

Before each operation, he needs to check the equipment function and preheat the machine; while each operation is in progress, he needs to monitor the whole process. If necessary, he has to put on a heavy lead suit and enter the cath lab to help; after each operation, He needs to review the equipment and debug the instrument.

A doctor in the cath lab who works in a lead coat. Data picture

Since joining the department in 2003, Mr. Ye has repeated this set of operating procedures for 15 years, more than 5,000 days, and more than 100,000 times. Because of the special nature of his work, he is also called "the person who deals with rays every day" by his colleagues.


"I thought it was a stubborn patient, but

later I discovered that it was the doctor's kindness."

In recent years, as the number of patients and interventional surgeries has continued to increase, the equipment has been running almost 24 hours a day. As long as the equipment is on, Mr. Ye must be on duty and nothing can go wrong. For him, every day is an emergency, especially at night.

On the most exaggerated night, the cath lab performed 18 operations in a row. The surgeon changed several times, but he, who maintained the instruments and equipment, stayed up all night and didn't get off work until 5 am.

A few years ago, the hospital hired an extra technician for the department, a female colleague in her 30s. Now there are two people in the department working in shifts, with the previous day having one day off. However, due to the increasing number of surgeries, they often get off work in the early morning, take a half-day break, and then have to work again early the next morning.

"If I ask for leave, she will have to work all day long." Mr. Ye's tone revealed his heartache. He said that with such a busy work schedule, the girl hasn't found a partner yet!

Mr. Ye has never asked for annual leave. He always said calmly, "It's hard work, but you can't delay things because of me." Even when he came to Hangzhou to see a doctor and have surgery this time, he came alone.

As a colleague, Xu Wen deeply understands Mr. Ye's work. She herself is involved in clinical work, surgery, research, conferences, and teaching without having to take a break on weekends.

She was nagging while examining Mr. Ye, "You have high blood pressure and high intraocular pressure . These two 'pressures' must be closely followed up throughout your life. A burst blood vessel in the brain is a stroke, and a burst blood vessel in the eye is a stroke." It’s just blindness.”

Happily, Mr. Ye’s vision recovered very well when he returned to the hospital for a review two days ago. The surgery on my right eye was successful, and my visual acuity has reached 0.6 after surgery. My left eye is about to be operated on, and my blood pressure is now relatively stable.

Xu Wen posted Mr. Ye's medical experience in her circle of friends. After reading it, a friend wrote a message: "In the first half of reading, I thought the patient was a stubborn patient, but later I realized that the doctor was kind-hearted."

Xiang Ye Mr.

and many primary doctors

said "Thank you for your hard work!"

also reminded everyone

that no matter what industry

overwork is encouraged!

Medical workers should protect everyone’s health

They must also protect their own health!

(Source: Qianjiang Evening News, Zhejiang 24 Hours)