After the fishing boat entered the port on the 15th, it was identified as the "first tuna" caught in Taiwan. At the auction, it was sold for 7,000 yuan per kilogram, for a total price of 1.47 million yuan. On the afternoon of the 14th, the fishing boat "Jin Xieyi No. 268" reporte

Taiwan Strait News on April 16 According to a report by Taiwan's "Central News Agency" on April 15 Taiwan's Yilan County A Su'ao-registered fishing boat caught a 210 kilogram bluefin tuna on the 14th. After the fishing boat entered the port on the 15th, it was identified as having caught all Taiwan " "The First Tuna"; at the auction, it was sold for 7,000 yuan (NT$, the same below) per kilogram, with a total price of 1.47 million yuan.

The fishing boat "Jin Xieyi No. 268" reported to the Suao District Fisheries Association's Fishery Communications Radio on the afternoon of the 14th that it had caught a black tuna that may weigh more than 180 kilograms. After being notified, the fishing boat quickly returned to port in the early morning of the 15th. After being weighed, it weighed 210 kilograms.

Chen Chunsheng, director-general of the Su'ao District Fisheries Association, pointed out that since the black tuna weighed more than 180 kilograms and was caught alive, and the fishing boat was also a Su'ao-registered fishing boat, all conditions met the requirements of Su'ao's "first tuna" . Since there have been no reports of local fishermen catching the "No. 1 tuna" in Donggang, Pingtung County, in 2019 that meet local conditions, this year's "Yilan No. 1 tuna" is even more "Taiwan's No. 1 tuna."

Under the arrangement of the Fishermen's Association, the "First Tuna" auction was held at Nanfang'ao Fishing Port at 11 a.m. on the 15th. Yilan County Magistrate Lin Zimiao served as the auctioneer. The result was jointly bid by two restaurants in Taipei and Su'ao. The auction price was 7,000 yuan per kilogram, and the total price was 1.47 million yuan.