On November 18, at the 20th anniversary meeting of the Department of Reproductive Health and Infertility of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Liu Fenghua, deputy director of the hospital, department director of the reproductive center and subject leader, said that the

What does the

reproductive center look like? Is there any magical black technology? What are the differences between the three generations of IVF technology? On November 18, at the 20th anniversary meeting of the Reproductive Health and Infertility Department of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital (hereinafter referred to as the Reproductive Center), Liu Fenghua, deputy director of the hospital, department director and subject leader of the Reproductive Center, said that different generations There is no difference in the actual IVF technology that is better or worse. For women who have suffered multiple miscarriages, doctors generally recommend choosing third-generation IVF technology. Currently, the success rate of this technology in the Provincial Maternity and Infant Reproductive Center reaches 70%.

When infertile patients suffer from gynecological diseases, traditional gynecological diagnosis and treatment may not be conducive to solving the patient's fertility problems. In this regard, Liu Fenghua said that clinically, for the same gynecological disease, gynecologists often start from the perspective of treating the disease. , and doctors in the reproductive center hope to preserve the patient’s fertility to the greatest extent. To this end, in 2013, the Guangdong Maternal and Child Reproductive Center opened the first reproductive surgery specialist ward in the province to provide integrated professional services for infertile patients. Provide services to patients who require hospitalization during IVF procedures.

Where is the heart of the reproductive center?

It is the embryo culture room. In order to reduce the impact of the external environment on embryonic development, the embryo culture room needs to simulate the mother's internal environment to the greatest extent. Therefore, this is the most strictly managed place in the reproductive center, and only professionals can enter by "swiping their faces."

At present, there are three generations of IVF technology. Some people think that the higher the level of IVF technology, the higher the success rate. But this is not the case. There is no distinction between the three generations of IVF technology. Liu Fenghua said that the first generation is the natural combination of sperm and eggs, while the second generation is based on the doctor’s prediction that the sperm motility is poor and needs to be artificially controlled. The sperm is accurately injected into the egg. The third generation is the blastocyst stage. The cells are taken for amplification and the embryo is tested for genetic diseases. "For women who have suffered multiple miscarriages, doctors often recommend that they choose third-generation in vitro fertilization technology."

In the reproductive center, there is also a black technology: egg freezing technology, which brings new hope for female fertility preservation. In reality, some patients suffering from cancer will suffer ovarian damage during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, which will affect the quality of their eggs. At this time, they can freeze the eggs first and then fertilize them at the appropriate time.

Liu Fenghua said that the technology of freezing eggs once hit a bottleneck. Even if the frozen eggs can survive, the quality of the embryos is not high, and the success rate after transplantation is generally around 30%-50%. However, the current recovery rate of frozen eggs at Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Reproductive Center can reach 80%-90%, and the clinical pregnancy rate of recovery and transplantation cycles has reached 60%.

In the past 20 years, the Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Reproductive Center has completed more than 70,000 assisted reproductive technology treatment cycles, and more than 30,000 test-tube babies have been born.

In order to better improve the level of grassroots regional reproductive centers and solve the problem of infertility among grassroots people, the Provincial Maternal and Child Reproductive Center has established a reproductive health and infertility specialist alliance with 25 primary medical units in the province. , hoping that through the establishment of the specialist alliance, we can establish and improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment model of primary diagnosis, two-way referral, top-down linkage, resource sharing, and complementary advantages, so as to meet the reproductive health needs of the people and bring good care to more people. pregnant".


"Nurture the buds of life and sprout the light of hope." On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Provincial Maternal and Child Reproductive Center, the center gives back to the society with public welfare and launches the following benefits from now on:

1. Fertility preservation patients: Because of the disease For malignant tumors or other diseases that will affect the quality of eggs or sperm after treatment, you can come to our center to freeze eggs or sperm in advance. The freezing and storage fees are capped at 6 tubes, which greatly saves costs;

2. Public welfare projects of the Red Cross Foundation of China: 50 For quota, upon application and approval, you can get 30 ovulation induction drugs for free, on a first-come, first-served basis until the quota is full.

(Note: The final interpretation right of this benefit belongs to the Provincial Maternal and Child Reproductive Center. For details, please consult Dr. Tang: 13928884223, the same WeChat number)

[Reporter] Huang Jinhui intern Cai Chuping

[Correspondent] Lin Huifang

[Author] Huang Jinhui

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