If you have a story, come to me and click "Follow" above to help you solve your emotional problems. Author: Miss Yu's original work, plagiarism must be investigated 01 Yes, Ni Zhen was exposed to cheating again.

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Author: Miss Yu

Original work, plagiarism must be investigated


Yes, Ni Zhen was exposed to cheating again.

According to Hong Kong media reports, Ni Zhen and a short-haired beauty were buying snacks in a shopping mall recently. The two interacted closely, as if no one was watching.

Regardless of whether the cheating rumors are true or not, as a married man, it is really inappropriate to act so intimately with the opposite sex.

Actually, it’s no wonder that the media is chasing rumors. After all, Ni Zhen is a famous playboy.

In 2007, Ni Zhen was secretly photographed by the Hong Kong media, passionately kissing female college student Zhang Mao in a nightclub.

media took the lead in sending the photos to Ni Zhen by email. Ni Zhen was shocked and panicked, and then responded: "I did a stupid thing that embarrassed my partner. I sincerely apologize to the friends who care about Zhou Huimin ."

This incident At that time, it caused a sensation in the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry, and everyone was watching Vivian Chow's jokes. You know, Zhou Huimin was Ni Zhen's public girlfriend at the time, and the two had been together for 17 years.

Everyone thought this was a golden boy and girl, but Ni Zhen's actions completely broke this fairy tale love.

Public opinion was flying everywhere, and Ni Zhen was even scolded until his body was completely covered.

Not long after this incident happened, Zhou Huimin sent a breakup letter:

"Ni Zhen and I have known each other since we were young. We have gone through countless ups and downs together, and we have already developed an art of getting along with each other. My My partner can definitely afford to make this mistake, and I am the only one who is qualified to make the final judgment on this. "

Even if we break up, we still have to maintain the dignity of the other party. This kind of Zhou Huimin is so gentle that it makes people feel heartbroken.

However, not long after, this breakup letter became a thing of the past, and they announced their marriage.

Ni Zhen released a high-profile marriage declaration through the media:

"Only when you have been shaken can you learn to be strong. Only when you have lost can you learn to cherish. A storm made us understand each other's love better. The pressure from all sides made us realize that we are inseparable from each other. . Trials have made faith. Huimin agreed to marry me, and we have applied to register for marriage."

At this time, those who scolded Ni Zhen started to scold Zhou Huimin again.

Many people think that it is too stupid for a woman to forgive her husband for cheating on her.

Zhou Huimin is so good that she is also a goddess, so why bother to indulge Ni Zhen like this. They have been married for so many years, and Ni Zhen's scandals have never stopped, but Zhou Huimin has always been by his side.

Some people have counted that Ni Zhen cheated on her at least eight times. Zhou Huimin's ability to tolerate Ni Zhen for so many years was actually not about forgiveness, but forgetfulness.

Think about it, Zhou Huimin gave her best years to this man, experienced so many ups and downs, and is now over fifty, is divorce really the best choice?

It's like planting a tree. You spent 20 years cultivating it and it finally grew into a big tree. Because it has bugs and dead leaves, will you let it go?


Marriage is never black and white. If leaving can make you no longer suffer, then marriage will not be so complicated. Many times, even if the other party makes a mistake, you can only bite the bullet and keep going.

's so-called forget it, is the helplessness of no longer having expectations. Life is real, and once you are plunged into the torrent of reality, you cannot be alone. I heard a story a few days ago that was very sad.

When a woman and a man fall in love, they both have to be in love with each other.

dated for a year and the two got married. The woman's family members all disapprove of the man because he has no serious job and only has a bluffing mouth.

But the woman thinks that such a man is romantic. After marriage, the bitter consequences gradually emerged.

Men want to make money, but they don’t want to suffer, so they can only take shortcuts and wander in the gray area.

As a result, not only did it not make money, it also lost money. All household expenses depend on the woman alone. After

had a child, their lives became even more difficult.The woman and the man often quarrel. If they quarrel too much, the man will start to get violent and even insult the woman in various ways.

The family members advised the woman to divorce, but the woman still wanted to live with him.

Are women like this stupid? But from the woman's point of view, no matter how difficult life is, at least the child still has a complete home.

The man's laziness made her despair, but she couldn't bear to see him live alone.

In fact, the woman has no need to forgive the man, but after so many years, she has become accustomed to bearing everything by herself.

It is indeed a marriage that seems to be nothing, but within the shell of marriage, she can always see a little bit of light.

Such a woman is not stupid, but generous. She can swallow her bitterness and turn it into motivation for moving forward.

You envy those women who turn around and leave, but isn’t a woman who persists also a kind of strength?


On the road to marriage, once two people set out, there must be many ties. It is easy to turn around and leave, but can you really afford the price behind it? When the article was derailed, Ma Yili did not choose to divorce.

After that, Ma Yili suffered from years of infamy. She didn't choose to divorce until the affair was gradually forgotten.

It’s not that Ma Yili loves me humblely, it’s just that in that case, if she gets divorced, what will happen to her newborn child and what will happen to her elderly parents.

Forgiving him is the cheapest way.

No matter how bloody and violent it is outside, if the door is closed, the family will at least be in order. A married woman can't be so selfish and just consider her own feelings willfully. You have to take the overall situation into consideration.

Sometimes, short-term forbearance may not be a bad thing. When you see the happy smiling faces of children and parents, you will feel that your efforts are worth it.

Maybe each of us wants to live according to our own wishes, and it is of course better to do so, but most people are ordinary people, and you cannot evade responsibility or hurt your family.

When we live in this world, we always have to shoulder some missions.

Zhou Huimin and Ni Zhen have been in a relationship that has been going around for decades. No matter how many scandals there are about Ni Zhen, they are the most stable couple.

Don't call Zhou Huimin stupid, and don't laugh at her forgiveness. She just thought about it and knew what she wanted.

At this age, with a well-maintained appearance and a prosperous career, what do you have to worry about whether your marriage will go smoothly?

In marriage, there is no forgiveness, only forgetfulness. This sentence is cruel, but it contains great wisdom in marriage.

If there is no "forget it" in the relationship between husband and wife, you will only have more trouble. Sometimes it's better to be stupid than to be sober.


  • Today’s topic:

Do you think women who forgive their husbands for cheating are stupid?

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Miss Yu: The author of millions of popular articles, she writes about all kinds of love and marriage with one pen. If you have any emotional issues, you can follow me and send me a private message. It’s not easy to be original. Just give me a like and go~