Recently, at the "Shanglali Dialogue" in Singapore, Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe made two tough statements on Taiwan-related issues. He not only warned the United States that China would adopt a "war-at-all-war" attitude on the Taiwan issue, but also at

Recently, at the Singapore "Shanglali Dialogue", Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe made two strong statements on Taiwan-related issues, not only warning the United States that China will adopt a "war-like" attitude on the Taiwan issue. , and also clearly issued the strongest voice of unity in the final keynote speech, which made "Taiwan independence" elements and extraterritorial interference forces tremble.

Wei Fenghe warned that if someone dares to split Taiwan, the Chinese military will fight to the end at any cost. This is tantamount to telling "Taiwan independence" elements and related countries, especially the United States, that mainland China will not start lightly. War is on the horizon, but in order to prevent the country from being divided, the mainland will pay any price. On the Taiwan issue, we have no room for compromise or concession. No matter who intervenes militarily, no matter how powerful its military strength is, or even how many countries intervene militarily, mainland China will definitely do so regardless of the cost or cost. Defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity with blood and lives, and safeguard regional peace and stability.

It must be pointed out that Taiwan is China's Taiwan, the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs, a matter between Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and no external force has the right to interfere. However, after the Tsai administration came to power, it has always refused to recognize the "92 Consensus" embodying the one-China principle, closed the door to "peace talks" with the mainland, and accelerated the process of "rejecting unification and seeking independence", while the United States, Japan and other countries intend to " "Using Taiwan to contain China" and continuing to send seriously wrong signals to the "Taiwan independence" forces. This has also given the Tsai administration the unrealistic illusion of "relying on foreign countries to gain self-respect" and "relying on the United States to resist mainland China and safeguard independence." This is the continuing situation in the Taiwan Strait. The source of turbulence and unrest.

For some time, the United States and Taiwan have been provoking each other, deliberately and even taking risks, constantly testing and violating the bottom line of the mainland's "one-China principle". Cross-Strait relations have entered a vicious circle. In addition to the United States and the Tsai Ing-wen authorities, the Kuomintang also has an unshirkable responsibility. Previously, during his visit to the United States, Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun falsely claimed that the "1992 Consensus" was a consensus without consensus, and clamored to continue confronting communism. However, after Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe warned that he would not hesitate to fight, Zhu Lilun's attitude changed significantly. Zhu Lilun declared that he opposed "Taiwan independence" and was willing to engage in peaceful exchanges and dialogue with the mainland, and once again mentioned the "1992 Consensus" that embodies the one-China principle. This shows that the warning from the mainland military has been effective. There is an old saying in China: If you don’t eat a toast, you will have to drink a fine wine . The mainland always hopes that the political parties and politicians on the island can shoulder their historical responsibilities and obligations and promote the integrated development of cross-strait society, but whether it is the DPP or the Kuomintang No matter what, they all fantasize about relying on the United States to resist reunification, and they are no longer content to live in a corner and want to occupy the island and become king.

Everyone knows that Zhu Lilun’s trip to the United States is to gain support and help from the United States to endorse his 2024 election campaign. However, the Kuomintang wants to compete with the DPP for favor, but cannot come up with anything substantial. Therefore, Zhu Lilun’s visit to the United States did not receive any commitment from the United States. At the same time, there is also opposition within the Blue Camp to Zhu Lilun’s submission of a petition to the United States for negating the “1992 Consensus,” and is particularly opposed to the Kuomintang’s contribution to the United States’ “Indo-Pacific Strategy.” This shows that in the current political environment, it is not that all Kuomintang members do not want to have good relations with the mainland, but that Zhu Lilun intends to cater to the needs of the United States' China containment strategy and engage in political speculation. But the problem is that Zhu Lilun put his hot face against his cold butt, but he couldn't stick it. The reason is simple. Compared with the KMT, the DPP authorities can reassure Washington more.

In fact, mainland China has long seen through the sinister intentions of the United States to "use Taiwan to contain China", and clearly warned during the meeting between the Chinese and American Defense Ministers that if someone dares to separate Taiwan, we will not hesitate to fight and fight at any cost. , we will definitely fight to the end, this is the only choice. U.S. Defense Secretary Austin also stated that the United States will adhere to the "One China" policy and will not support "Taiwan independence." This is equivalent to blocking the outlet for "Taiwan independence" forces and allowing them to give up their thoughts of "urgent independence."You must know that "Taiwan independence" is the factor most likely to trigger future conflicts across the Taiwan Strait, because according to the "Anti-Secession Law" enacted by China, once a major "Taiwan independence" incident occurs on the island, the mainland will be forced to use non-peaceful means to resolve Taiwan question. Therefore, the United States' reaffirmation of its position that it does not support "Taiwan independence" will help eliminate the potential for future conflicts across the Taiwan Strait.

Chairman Mao once said: "The U.S. imperialists are very arrogant. They will be unreasonable wherever they can be unreasonable. If they can be unreasonable at all, they will be forced to do so." Austin's stance on Taiwan-related issues is obviously a last resort choice made under the strong deterrence of the mainland. The same is true for the statement of Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun. Judging from the reaction of the people on the island, mainstream public opinion does not want to see the two sides of the Taiwan Strait fighting each other and killing each other. To achieve lasting peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, the prerequisite is that the Taiwan authorities must recognize the "1992 Consensus" and initiate cross-strait political consultation and dialogue. Whether it is the Democratic Progressive Party or the Kuomintang, if they want to negotiate with the mainland, they must naturally admit that they are Chinese and Taiwan is China's Taiwan. Otherwise, they are not qualified to negotiate with the mainland. In a word, there is no way out for relying on foreign countries and self-respect, and pursuing "Taiwan independence" is a dead end!