On May 23, after the variety show "Skillful Detective" was broadcast, Yuan Shanshan's words in the show aroused heated discussions among netizens. But unlike Tan Zhuo, who was cautious about cultural relics, Yuan Shanshan couldn't wait to reach out her hand. At this time, the exp

On May 23, after the variety show "Skilled Detective" was broadcast, Yuan Shanshan caused a heated discussion among netizens because of a sentence in the program.

In this episode, the program team arranged for guests to watch a cultural relic from the Han Dynasty restored by experts.

After learning the age of the cultural relics, Tan Zhuo was so frightened that he shouted: "I'd better not touch it."

But unlike Tan Zhuo who was cautious about the cultural relics, Yuan Shanshan couldn't wait to hold out his own At this time, the expert reminded her that the correct way to handle cultural relics is to hold the top or bottom, and hold the other end to prevent the previously repaired cracks from breaking again.

But after the expert explained the correct way to hold it, Yuan Shanshan acted as if she had not heard anything and still did not change her posture of holding the cultural relics.

Yuan Shanshan was calm and composed when he started the attack, but he frightened Du Haitao and Zhou Zhengnan who were watching.

Du Haitao kept reminding Yuan Shanshan: Be careful it will break in the middle! The other side stretched out his hands, eager to help Yuan Shanshan hold the cultural relics in his hands.

But after hearing Du Haitao's reminder, Yuan Shanshan's first reaction was not to treat the cultural relics more carefully, but to start looking for cracks, and then excitedly showed the signs of breakage to the baby. In sharp contrast to Yuan Shanshan's excited face, the baby frowned and stared at the scars on the ancient objects.

At this time, Zhou Zhengnan next to him couldn't help but said to Yuan Shanshan: Don't pinch it, it will be cut off later.

As a result, Yuan Shanshan was still holding the cultural relics with one hand, pointing to the expert with the other hand and said: "It's okay, he can repair it again."

As soon as these words came out, the guests present were dumbfounded, and they could only smooth things over: "Are you so upright?"

And the program After the broadcast, Yuan Shanshan's actions quickly aroused criticism from netizens. Everyone felt that Yuan Shanshan showed no respect for cultural relics in order to create her image as an upright and silly girl, and even disrespected the work of the restorers. The topic of

quickly fermented and eventually became a hot search topic. However, Yuan Shanshan’s team did not realize the seriousness of the situation until this time. After it became a hot search topic, Yuan Shanshan posted an apology on Weibo for her remarks, but this apology obviously did not help. She has caused public outrage.

Some netizens even choked: "Can you fix it even if you are confused?"

A seemingly unintentional remark stirred up waves. It was not easy to escape from death by relying on the vest line to "get out of the entertainment industry" However, Yuan Shanshan once again sent herself to the road of coolness because of her mouth.

Yuan Shanshan is not the only one who has been trending because of her misfortune. She has also been trending on both her front and back, as well as , a member of the popular boy band Tongzhuo.

html On May 22, during a live broadcast on the Internet, Tongzhuo recalled the bitter years when he was a student. However, while chatting, he accidentally revealed a piece of his illegal behavior.

It turned out that Tongzhuo had always had a university in mind that he had to get into, and he even hesitated to repeat his studies. However, that ideal university only accepted fresh graduates, so Tongzhuo said that he changed his status as a past student "through some means". For fresh graduates.

As soon as this statement came out, netizens were in an uproar because Tongzhuo's behavior had constituted an illegal crime and violated the principle of educational fairness.

The next day, Tongzhuo immediately held a live broadcast again to explain the matter. He also said that his remarks were just a habit of running a train, and that he was only discussed because someone wanted to "mess with him." He even used the tragedy card, and even said in the live broadcast that Crying, but looking at this expression, Mr. Tomato feels that Tong Zhuo's acting skills still need to be improved.

Two incidents of misfortunes coming from the mouth have been exposed in succession, which makes people have to think: behind the celebrities frequently saying the wrong things, is it because they have no words or because they have no words?

In fact, this is not the first time that this kind of dumbfounding and helpless thing has happened.

In 2005, Li Min heard a song called "Man Jiang Hong" on the program. The lyrics of this song quoted Yue Fei's original words. After Li Min finished it, she felt that she had an endless aftertaste, so she asked the people around her: "I like the lyrics of the song "Man Jiang Hong" very much. Who wrote it?"

After learning that the lyrics were written by Yue Fei, Li Min immediately felt bole and continued to ask: "Who is Yue Fei? I want to ask him to write it." I write the lyrics. "

Although Coco Lee made a big joke, considering that she grew up abroad, it is quite excusable, but the cultural jokes made by the following celebrities are hard to laugh at.

In 2003, Rainie Yang heard Wu Zongxian say in a variety show that the number of compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre was 400,000 and blurted out: "Wow, only 400,000!" And when asked how many years the Anti-Japanese War had been fought, She first said she didn't know, but when she found out it was 8 years later, she exclaimed again: "It's only 8 years!"

Rainie Yang then explained that she was not gloating about the misfortune, but just because she didn't understand this period of history and always felt that the data should be bigger. That's why I expressed such emotion.

Faced with such an explanation, everyone did not buy it. Rainie Yang, who had a promising career, was voluntarily banned by mainland netizens. Her career in mainland China has not improved over the years.

Large-scale tipping scenes like this may be rare, but small cultural tipping scenes abound in the entertainment industry.

Wu Kequn once sang "awkward" as "supervisor"; Zhang Hanyun wanted to say "looking forward to the future" in the program but ended up saying "building longing for the future"; Li Xiang pronounced "thorny" as "thorny" during his speech Yi Nengjing read "Feather Fan Lun Scarf" as "Feather Fan Lun Scarf" when reading "Niannujiao·Chibi Nostalgia"; Yang Mi wrote the word "Ti" as "Title" when writing "Gold List Title" Mention"...

There are many such examples, which make people have huge doubts about the cultural level of celebrities.

In fact, the discussion about whether celebrities should improve their cultural level has been going on for a long time. The public has been dissatisfied with the low cultural level of some artists for more than a day or two, and the artists also clearly know that their cultural level is their shortcoming. , so many artists try to cover up their shame. The most famous example of

is Jin Dong who likes to publish various "high-end remarks" on Weibo, and his intellectual persona was indeed very popular until he fabricated the term "Nobel Prize in Mathematics" Unwarranted awards fell from the altar.

Of course, not all stars work as hard as Jin Dong. For example, Ju Jingyi and Song Zuer are much smarter. They will arm themselves with a brand new book in the airport passage, looking very cultured. .

In fact, it is not surprising that the public is worried about celebrities who may have good looks but no real talent, because many star-chasers do follow suit.

When 's "Do You Know" was aired, some people criticized Li Qingzhao's part in the lyrics for being too rhetorical and making no sense. They even said it was better to call it "Mai". The comments were staggering.

And just in mid-May, some people also said that Li Shangyin had plagiarized "The Night Rain Sends the North" from the Puppet Show, and also said that Li Shangyin was cheating.

Some people even admired Su Shi after listening to "When Will the Bright Moon Come?" . They also said that he could be compared to Lin Xi and Fang Wenshan . It is estimated that the latter would tremble if they heard it.

It is precisely because artists themselves and some star-chasing groups always make similar jokes from time to time that many parents are worried about letting their children chase stars. They think that this industry is a circle that only pursues external appearance and does not pay attention to self-cultivation. I feel that my children will be affected by this.

The entertainment-oriented, brainless and ignorant attitude from artists to fans gives the entire entertainment industry a feeling of being golden on the outside but failing on the inside.

Changing this situation will not happen overnight, but it is something that cannot be delayed. I hope that artists can enrich themselves and be better role models in addition to their work. While fans are chasing stars, they should also live their own lives first. It’s time to study and recharge – don’t let the entertainment industry become a superficial existence.

(Movie Rotten Tomatoes Editorial Department: Sunview)