There is a logic in the world: it is not because you are happy and you work hard, I will be in line with you; but, because you are unlucky and you fail, the gap between you and me will be smaller.

Introduction: People who encounter misfortune cannot win the sympathy of others. Some people just like to rub salt into other people's wounds to get satisfaction.

There is a logic in the world: it is not because you are happy and you work hard, I will follow you; but, if you are unlucky and you fail, the gap between you and me will be smaller.

They like to take other people's misfortune as their own blessing.

Recently, the news of Mi Meng 's divorce has spread all over the Internet. It was inevitable to talk about it after dinner. I didn't believe it at first. It wasn't until September 3 that Mi Meng personally issued a statement admitting that she and her husband had relationship problems. , things became clear. Without warning, Mi Meng got divorced. As soon as the news about

came out, the comment section was eye-opening, with cynicism and cynicism coming one after another. Taking advantage of Mi Meng's divorce, these people ushered in a grand carnival: Look, you have finally ended up like this.

Some people applauded when they saw that the man who made chicken soup poisoned himself to death.

can be put simply in four words: gloating over misfortune.


html On September 2, Mimeng wrote on Weibo: Does he love me? There is only one answer to this question. He doesn't love you, so I'm sorry.

When she asked this question, the answer was also clear. Mi Meng is not invincible. Marriage and career are both very important to her.

When she found out that the person she loved no longer loved her, she seemed to be a victim of this marriage.

Since she was a child, Mimeng has witnessed her father finding mistresses, hanging out with gangsters, and even beating her mother. When he was a child, his father loved Mimeng very much, but when he grew up, he was willing to slap his own daughter in the face for the sake of his mistress.

The mistress chased her home and beat her mother, so Mi Meng took a kitchen knife and said I will definitely kill you. She is only 13 years old, small and weak, but she has to face a chaotic family.

In the early years, she said in "My Dad, Getting Married": In such a bloody family environment, many times my fixed recipe is rice with tears. It's salty and tastes pretty good.

Therefore, Mi Meng has always been skeptical and pessimistic about love.

Until Mi Meng met classmate Luo.

Classmates Luo and Mimeng have been childhood sweethearts since they were four years old, living in the same alley. Classmate Luo didn't like anyone, but he only liked Mi Meng. He was not only single-minded but also shy. He had a crush on Mi Meng for more than ten years and didn't confess his love until college.

Mimeng and classmate Luo are together, because classmate Luo's stubbornness and persistence towards Mimeng actually resolved the shadow and sadness that she had buried since childhood. God's favor made Mi Meng choose to believe. Believe that this man will make up for all her missing love, believe that he will be loyal to her and will never abandon her.

Mi Meng wrote many articles to show affection:

She wrote "The man I love must have a chastity archway": She said that Luo had regarded her as a goddess since she was a child, and they sat together on the green for 48 hours in the cold winter of college. They were laughing and laughing all the way on the leather train. After seven years of marriage, classmate Luo would always hold her hand whenever they went out together.

She wrote "Planting Love at the Age of 4": They met in kindergarten when they were 4 years old. They were classmates in elementary school, junior high school and high school. After graduation, they still worked in the same office. When classmate Luo bought a house in Shenzhen, he only named Mi Meng. He was not afraid of losing the house due to relationship problems in the future, but he was afraid of losing his beloved wife.

She wrote "My Science Student Husband, He is an Alien": She said that classmate Luo was dull and paranoid like a robot. He had no interest in beautiful women with bare breasts, but he was playing his own game console. He loved his wife so much that he was nicknamed "Yang Guo who dares to laugh but is not infatuated".


What he once brought to Mimeng was confidence, trust, and a sense of security. In Mimeng's words, they are the most important people to each other.

Yishu said: "My whole life I long to be collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved to prevent me from suffering, from being shocked, from wandering around, and from having no branches to rely on." The same goes for Mi Meng, who was born in such a native family. Such thoughts.

Mr. Luo may have done it once, but he has not been able to practice it throughout his life.Even though they have been together for 17 years and their fate is overwhelming, they still did not avoid the collapse of their marriage, which is sad.

The reason for the divorce was summed up by Mi Meng very simply: there was no third party and no cheating. Our communication is getting less and less, and our feelings are getting weaker and weaker. We have made a lot of efforts to restore and activate it. But unfortunately, it still failed.


After Mi Meng’s divorce, many people insinuated her: an expert in relationships, who can’t even manage her own relationships well.

I want to say that doctors are not invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. He can also get sick. You don't have to like a person, but there is no need to slander him, add insult to injury or take pleasure in his misfortune.

Regarding Mimeng's divorce, few people care about "is it because of Mimeng or her husband?" What's more, there are many couples who can be friends after divorce.

But people who don’t know the truth, like sharks smelling blood, are cursing on Weibo.

And the popular trend in society is that people can't avoid it, that is, everyone pushes against the wall. When something unfortunate happens to you, there will always be someone to rub salt into your wounds.

is probably saying Mimeng: What’s the point of making so much money writing articles? Not a loser in marriage. Similar incidents to

include the Liu Qiangdong case which was very popular a few days ago.

Surprisingly, as soon as the case broke out, the first person to be ridiculed and ridiculed was Liu Qiangdong's wife Zhang Zetian.

On that day, Wang Sicong jumped out first and posted on Weibo: "I announce that today the milk tea sister will be renamed matcha sister." He secretly satirized Zhang Zetian for being cheated on.

The corruption of society begins with the human heart.

There are many posts ridiculing Zhang Zetian on the Internet, and the most outrageous ones are the comparison pictures: someone put the photos of the suspected heroine in the sexual assault case together with the photos of Zhang Zetian, the milk tea sister, and the following people followed suit and ridiculed the milk tea sister for having an inferior figure. A certain woman is "stellar" and there are many obscene and obscene comments in her comments.

If the case is established, Zhang Zetian is definitely the victim of this matter. No matter whether Liu Qiangdong was framed or not, she did nothing, but she attracted such criticism: No matter how beautiful you are, what's the use, will your husband cheat and your marriage fail?

Not to mention how the Milk Tea sister's marriage is, as long as there is a slight problem in her marriage, some people can laugh out loud through the screen when they see something happen in other people's homes.

Because the milk tea girl was once an Internet celebrity, she was beautiful and fair, and more importantly, she married Liu Qiangdong, the big boss of Jingdong , at a young age, became the boss's wife, and reached the pinnacle of her life.

She has a good career and love, and there are never a few people who criticize her. When she first married Liu Qiangdong, some people said that she definitely had no love, married for material things, and was a gold digger. But people with academic qualifications and talents are not just flower pots and empty names.

So, when there was trouble in her marriage this time, those jealous people lurking in the dark were immediately ready to take action.


flatters the superior and suppresses the inferior, the human heart is sinister.

Such sarcasm, in addition to attacking celebrities on the Internet, is also very common in our daily lives. Especially when a person falls from the "high place" in the past and encounters misfortune, the sarcastic voice will become stronger.

Before, when a neighbor's sister got divorced, she had a taste of the world.

When you are happily married, you are always envied by others. At that time, her ex-husband often drove her back to her parents' home to visit, and every time he brought some delicious food to her parents' family; the eldest sister had a smart son, who was obedient and loving; in the circle of friends, the eldest sister would occasionally show affection... …Everything was within reason, and he didn’t do anything to offend anyone.

's neighbors would occasionally tease her, saying that she had found a good husband, that she married well, that she was born blessed, and so on.

However, things are unpredictable.

Last year, the neighbor’s eldest sister’s ex-husband cheated on her and she filed for divorce. At that time, she went back to her parents' house to stay for a few days, so my mother and I went to see her, trying to comfort her and make her think more openly.

went to the eldest sister’s house, and there were many neighbors, relatives and friends. I thought everyone would care about why the eldest sister got divorced, comfort her, and care about her and her son. However, what pierced my ears was:

"Look, you didn't like the blind date I gave you, but you wanted free love. Now you're divorced, right?"

"So what if you're married well, it's not divorced." , it is better to find a rich man, and you can get more money if you leave! "So, it doesn't matter if the person is beautiful, otherwise he would find a mistress! "

At that moment, I felt that these were annoying! Her voice hurt the eldest sister even more than her husband's feelings when he filed for divorce. It was obvious that the eldest sister had cried until her eyes were red, but they acted as if they didn't see it. When

came out of the eldest sister's house, he could still hear some of the uglier words from his neighbors, such as "I got tired of being played with, so I was dumped" and "he deserved it".

I dragged my mother angrily and walked home quickly, slamming the door hard and shutting out the disgusting sounds.

My mother said, "Don't blame those quarantined Aunts Wang and Aunt Li for speaking harshly. It's not like you don't know that their own families are also in a mess."

I suddenly realized that they were trying to make things worse for my eldest sister, and they were so mean. Regardless of the insults, all kinds of complaints and gloating are all due to the fact that they have an unhappy marriage and family.

Because of his own misfortune, his heart is twisted, and he always feels that others should also be unfortunate, and this is only fair.

Because of his own misfortune, he complains in his heart. Only when he sees the misfortune of others and laughs at it can his heart be balanced.


Everyone will encounter grief, big or small, in their life.

Not everyone in this world will sympathize with and understand what you are going through. They will usually make you more uncomfortable and painful when you are most uncomfortable and painful. Most of them have the mentality of watching a good show, and even come to gossip, so that they can use it as conversation starters and talk to others when they go back.

There will always be people who don't like you, waiting for you to be unlucky, and then step on you hard. It's not that you did anything wrong, nor is it because you have any deep hatred, but more often than not, it's just because it makes them feel better.

Some people are born to be outspoken and outspoken, often speaking more than they think, and only following the trend to attack others; some people are mentally immature and have low quality, simply because they dislike others; some people are very unhappy and feel depressed in their hearts, so they use this to vent themselves. dissatisfaction; some people, because their hearts are not strong enough, are jealous of other people's achievements and use ridicule to maintain their inner balance.

From a psychological point of view, if a normal adult always criticizes, complains, and gloats about other people's unfortunate marriages, then his marriage will also be unhappy. It is precisely because I have suppressed a lot of unhappiness in my heart that I want to find a venting point to vent my inner dissatisfaction and enhance my sense of satisfaction.

This fulfills what was mentioned at the beginning of the article: It is not because you are happy and you work hard, I have to follow you; but, because you are unlucky and you fail, the gap between you and me is smaller.

People who add salt to the victim's wounds have a twisted psychology. They just want you to be as embarrassed as possible.

No one can predict what changes will happen in their life when they are alive. Love has joys and sorrows, people have birth, old age, illness and death, and life has its ups and downs.

For the obstacles in life, you must stand up firmly from the position where you fell no matter what. Your strength is the most advantageous weapon.

There are people everywhere who like to gossip, and there will never be a shortage of people in this world who take pleasure in others' misfortune. When you encounter misfortune, some people may push you into the abyss as soon as they open their mouth.

But, no matter how poisonous other people’s mouths are, your life will still go on, sober up and continue living despite the pain.

[The copyright of this article belongs to "Flower Shadow Story". The story of the flower shadow, the story in your heart, accompanies you to wake up in the morning light, and accompanies you to sleep at night. 】