1. You will never see me when I am the loneliest, because I am the loneliest only when you are not by my side. 2. When a beast is injured, it can run to a cave and hide by itself, then lick its wounds and persist on its own, but once it is greeted by others, it cannot bear it.

1. You will never see me when I am the loneliest, because I am the loneliest only when you are not by my side.

2. When a beast is injured, it can run to a cave and hide by itself, then lick its wounds and persist on its own, but once it is greeted by others, it cannot bear it.

3. I am a person who laughs often, but I am not always happy. Many times when I feel sad, the smile has already climbed to the corners of my eyes and eyebrows before the tears have time to well up. I get angry at people I like, but smile at people I don't like.

4. We are crazy about the warm feeling brought by words, just like the peacock is obsessed with its own feathers, the moth is obsessed with the scorching flame, the narcissus is obsessed with the clear reflection, and the shooting star is obsessed with the falling of the moment. We live by words and keep warm by words. If one day we don’t have words, then we will be completely dead.

5. I will come back, bringing back the fragrance of kapok and redbud all over my body, and then tell you that I have found paradise.

6. Sadness is the indescribable burning heat embedded in the heart, which cannot be expressed. If it can be expressed, it is not called sadness.

7. We can often remember the loneliness and pain of growing up, but we cannot remember the simple happiness of that transparent time in childhood. Maybe as people say, people can often remember pain because pain is more profound than happiness.

8. You will never see the time when I love you the most, because I love you only when I can’t see you. Likewise, you can never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you cannot see me.

9. Only when you leave a place can you re-examine yourself so carefully and prudently. Listening to new songs and taking a new path, I suddenly realize that what I tried so hard to forget has really been forgotten, and the rest is the unforgettable part.

10. The wind blows the petals like broken passages of time, and your smile is swaying, becoming the most beautiful embellishment in life. Look at the sky, the snow, and the deep shadows of the seasons.

11. Since then, I have learned to hide my warmth and only give my warmth to the people I like.

12. Youth is a bright sadness. Those cities with bare faces, those faces that have been washed away from the beauty, all fell in the rolling gears of fate. From now on, the people who pass by each other have different fates. Here, each is crawling in different scars. When the train rumbled and crushed our bright youth, did anyone feel sad and cry?

13. Butterflies are transformed from caterpillars. The moment they emerge from the cocoon, the pain of tearing off a layer of skin is heart-wrenching. Many butterflies die from the pain at the moment they emerge from the cocoon and are stuck. There, death occurs on the way to feathering, and one step before spreading one's wings to fly. It's kind of like our growth.

14. Every wound is like a black mandala, charming and painful at the same time, and filled with endless black fragrance.

15. Happiness is something that can be shared, but sadness is not. Sadness is the indescribable burning heat embedded in the heart, which cannot be expressed. What can be said is not called sadness.

16. We use the night as our gorgeous coat, and madness as the sharp blade in our hands. Just because the world makes us ignorant, panics and at a loss, we can only wield the sharp blade and keep cutting things that scare us, covering our bodies with Protective and alert colors, struggling to survive like a fragile baby.

17. I like to find a beautiful road, and then walk on it calmly and calmly. When walking through the shade of the trees, I feel like I have walked through the joys and sorrows that are clear and extinguished in my heart.

18. Time keeps turning silently like a cat's paw falling to the ground. Flowers bloom and fade, windows open and close. Spring, summer, autumn and winter pass through nirvana again and again. I grow up day by day, get older day by day, day after day. The earth hurts spring and autumn.

19. Everyone in the classroom is crazy. All the exams are over, and the beautiful vacation is waving to us not far away. There is really no reason not to be crazy now. Some were quarreling, some were racing, some were singing, and everyone was trying their best to burn the little energy they had consumed by exams to resist the darkness before dawn.Ten minutes ago, everyone was tortured to the point of dying by the exam, but now everyone has come back to their senses. And I sat quietly in the corner, like a good child.

20. In my dream, I am a person who loves to walk. I have walked through all the villages and cities written in the book, and even the huge grassland where flowers are blooming but there is no one. Walk through my four seasons, walk through my sorrows and sorrows.

21. I have always been a child with a complicated personality. Many people say that I am difficult to understand. So I smiled at them. I am a person who laughs often, but I am not always happy. Many times when I feel sad, the smile has already climbed to the corners of my eyes and eyebrows before the tears have time to well up. I get angry at people I like, but smile at people I don't like.

22. I just need Anne to make the necessary piercings into my soul with a sharp attitude and appropriate strength at the appropriate time, so as to prove that I am not numb and that I am a good child.

23, Ye Zhan is like a rainbow after the rain to her and this city. When the rainbow appears, people stop to appreciate and admire it; when the charming colors finally dissipate, people start hurriedly chasing the flag of desire that is hunting in the wind. No one looks back and no one stops.

24. Some things are destined to be spoken alone and cannot be said. Once you say it, you will be wrong. And then you have to continue to use language to correct the mistakes made by language. It is too troublesome. So I learned to be quiet. Over the past seventeen years, I have truly realized that I should be a quiet person.

25. But now few people in the class laugh, because they have to keep their tail between their legs and be a good person. The class teacher conducted an all-round reconnaissance with the classroom as the center, and the teacher's keen and insightful eyes flashed under every window. However, we clamped our tails tightly, so the teacher's eyes became brighter day by day. Even in politics classes, which are considered by science students as a way to catch up on sleep, there are top science students who use their indestructible rational thinking to argue with the teacher on some issues about Marx. Little A said this was a miracle in the science class. We say that the head teacher actually has all the conditions needed for 007.

26, I am such a child, I am honest and I do not lie. But if one day you meet a child looking up at the sky on the street, it will definitely not be me. Because when I look up at the sky, no one sees me.

27. A butterfly flapping its wings in the southern hemisphere may trigger a typhoon in the northern hemisphere. But even if I break my arms and kick my legs, the building will not fall down or brick . It would be great if a brick fell and hit me on the head. Then I could go to see Marx smoothly.

28. I have enough reasons to believe that the college entrance examination is a double-edged sword sent down by God. It cuts us and hurts our teachers. The beneficiaries hide in the distance and laugh. But who are the beneficiaries? I stood alone in the vast world, while the smart child carried a fragile lantern.

29. My life began to become like the quicksand of Lop Nur . Countless whirlpools pulled me downward. Although I knew that I might be submerged in the next second, I remained indifferent and allowed the quicksand to submerge my feet and knees bit by bit. The chest and neck are as deep as the top

30. There is a story that the life span of a chicken is supposed to be seven years, but the "broiler chickens" raised by mechanization are killed in just seven weeks. They only see the sun twice in their lives: once when they are just born (not necessarily yet), and the other time when they go from the chicken farm to the "execution ground", hanging by their feet with the chicken's head down, their eyes filled with blood, watching This upside down world. I don’t know if my eyes are bloodshot, but the world in my eyes is indeed an upside-down world.

31. A person who has lost the ability to love others is sad. Anne does not love others easily, because she was cut a big wound by the fate of love. But Peter was purely naive, because he was willfully selfish. So everyone who loved him felt sad and grieved for him.