Ni Kuang once helped Jin Yong ghostwrite the serialization of "Dragon Babu", but Jin Yong deleted it because he was dissatisfied. He is known for his fast writing and can publish serials in 12 newspapers at the same time.

With the debt of love owed to his wife, Ni Kuang left. He was a eccentric in the Hong Kong literary world and had published as many as 700 novels and screenplays. Hong Kong media reported that his inheritance after his death was over 100 million, and according to the law, his family will still receive royalties from these works for the next 50 years.

After Huang Zhan and Jin Yong, only Chua Lam is the only one of the four great talents in Hong Kong literary circles. Huang Zhanshan wrote the lyrics, Jin Yong was obsessed with martial arts novels, Ni Kuang preferred science fiction themes, and Cai Lam wrote a food column.

Ni Kuang, formerly known as Ni Cong, was born in Shanghai on May 30, 1935. After arriving in Hong Kong in 1957, he did many jobs and became self-taught. He used 9 pen names and wrote works with different themes. He can write 8,000 words per hour and once wrote serials in 12 newspapers at the same time.

Ni Kuang writes on a wide range of subjects: martial arts, science fiction, detectives, gods and monsters, reasoning, and other types of novels. The science fiction drama "Wesley" series that we are familiar with has been remade into a movie series. He once helped Jin Yong write a serialization of "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", but Jin Yong later deleted it due to dissatisfaction. This is also one of the proudest things in his life.

In the eyes of editors, he is a person with a strong sense of responsibility. Even if he is hungover or sick, he will not delay the submission of manuscripts. He also has a record that no one can break so far. He has been writing for 20 years without a draft.

In his eyes, there are only two types of novels: good-looking and bad-looking. Good-looking novels must have rich plots and vivid characters, so his novels are always full of whimsical ideas, making readers unable to extricate themselves.

In addition to his well-known "Wesley Series" works, Ni Kuang's achievements in film creation are equally brilliant. He single-handedly created the national hero character "Chen Zhen", the kung fu star Bruce Lee in the 1972 movie "Fist of Fury" 》, which was a huge success.

Compared with his seriousness and concentration in creation, Ni Kuang before middle age was a complete playboy. He once said that life is about living in a dream and dying in a dream: get drunk every day and die in a dream. This is how you live happily.

Ni Kuang got married very early. He was his classmate Li Guozhen when he first arrived in Hong Kong. He fell in love with the girl at first sight and got married three months after they met. After marriage, they had a son and a daughter, daughter Ni Sui, and son Ni Zhen. They were the man who had been feuding with the beautiful Zhou Huimin for many years.

For a period of time after his marriage, he ignored his wife and children and lived an unrestrained and indulgent life. He had three major hobbies at that time: smoking, drinking and girlfriends. He revealed that he has numerous girlfriends.

Even his son Ni Zhen was dissatisfied with his behavior. Because of his emotional entanglement with Zhou Huimin, Ni Zhen was also exposed to cheating. When the media questioned whether he was like his father, Ni Zhen said: "I am not qualified to be like him."

Ni Zhen also often made shocking remarks. He did not believe that there was anything between men and women. Pure feelings, romance and entanglement between men and women are just a means to achieve an end. Fengliu can be interpreted as playing in a classy and noble manner. His sentence: "I am very dedicated to love, my mind and soul are very dedicated, but my body is not dedicated, and it has become a famous saying of many cheating men.

Faced with such an extremely dissolute and selfish man, my wife Li Guozhen also had quarrels and fights with him, and wanted a divorce, but her comments about Ni Kuang were: "He is so stupid, and he knows how to coax his wife." "

Ni Kuang has always insisted on giving half of his royalties to his wife for her family, and the other half for his own romantic life. He and his wife seem to have reached a tacit understanding, each of them will not interfere in the other's private life.

One day in 1992, his wife suddenly She said to him with emotion: She missed the days when they were just married the most. Although they had no money, they were very happy. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Ni Kuang repented and decided to return to his family with his wife. I went to the United States, gave up smoking, drinking, and all the women outside. I bought food and cooked for my wife every day. I laughed and said: "This is the happiness of being well fed." "As if he wanted to repay the romantic debt he owed his wife over the years.

He also sang love songs to his wife in front of many friends, praising her wrinkled face. When going out to eat in a restaurant, he would help his wife peel off her breasts. Crab shell.He also touches his wife's head from time to time, like a young couple in love.

He revealed that he had to hold his wife's hand to sleep every night in order to feel at ease. This prodigal son, who wandered around flowers in his youth, became a maniac about doting on his wife when he was old. He chose to spend the rest of his life accompanying and taking care of his wife, which can be regarded as a small happy ending.

In 2014, he appeared on a program, and the host asked him: Has he ever owed anyone anything in his life? Ni Kuang replied without hesitation: "My wife, I have been paying off the debt. Now I have paid it for more than 20 years, and I haven't paid it off yet. It may not be over in this life, but I hope I can continue to pay it off in the next life."

Ni Kuang still has A sister who omitted her surname and used her first name as a pen name Yishu. I remember that when I was in middle school, the boys in the class were obsessed with the martial arts series of Jin Yong and Gu Long. The novels in the hands of the girls were either Qiong Yao or Yi Shu. He published his first novel at the age of fourteen, and nine works have been adapted into movies. The popular TV series "The First Half of My Life" and "The Golden Years" in the past few years were both adapted from Yi Shu's novels.

According to Hong Kong media estimates, Ni Kuang’s royalties alone during his peak period were 2 million Hong Kong dollars. In addition, the total income from his film works should be 100 million Hong Kong dollars. Moreover, according to the law, after the death of the writer, his family can collect it within 50 years. to royalties.

In 2012, Ni Kuang was awarded the "Lifetime Achievement Award at the 31st Hong Kong Film Awards". He has experienced a lot in his life and has long looked down on life and death. He said: "When he dies, he can be buried at sea without wasting his ashes." His death is a loss to the Hong Kong literary world. Andy Lau and Jackie Chan have successively issued messages to commemorate him, which also proves the old man's good popularity. Wish the old man good luck all the way.