The term "post-80s" is familiar to everyone. The generation born in the 1980s has a clear mark of the era brought about by reform and opening up to highlight their individuality. They spent their childhood without computers and variety shows, and are experiencing adulthood withou

The term "post-80s" is familiar to everyone. The post-80s generation has a clear imprint of the era brought about by reform and opening up to highlight their individuality. They spent their childhood without computers and variety shows, and are experiencing adulthood without war and hunger. , detailing the games, toys, snacks they ate, and cartoons they watched that year. They have too many memories with them. Renting books is one of them. Back then, comic books were very popular in the streets and alleys. You could sit on a pony in front of the bookstall and read them all day long.

In the 1980s, washing machines were not as popular as they are now and became an indispensable household appliance. At that time, washboards were a must-have for every household. In front of a house, a child sits on the bench where his mother washes clothes.

80 After the 80s, they let their parents, grandparents, and grandpas protect them silently. They secretly grew up with their boyfriends, girlfriends, classmates, and netizens. They went to school together, after school, and even went to the toilet between classes in small groups. The arms of the children in front were The "two bars" on the poster brought back so many people's memories.

In the 1970s and 1980s, "28" bicycles could be seen everywhere, whether on urban roads or on rural roads. 28 bicycles were an indispensable means of transportation for every household at that time.

The fine tradition passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years - diligence and frugality has been fully reflected in the old grandmother. Even though she had lived a good life at that time, she still mended the torn clothes on her body and was reluctant to throw them away.

Female workers spinning in the 1980s.

Bamboo weaving has a long history in our country and is a traditional handicraft. The picture shows a rural uncle weaving bamboo baskets, which can be sold at the market.

After lunch, the grandfather and grandson were sitting in the yard basking in the sun, smiling happily, and the picture was very warm.

Everyone loves the sour and sweet candied haws. At that time, the sales method was to string many candied haws on a handle and walk around the streets shouting and selling them. The old photo shows an old man selling candied haws.