The braised beef at my home has always made me open a shop here after I tasted it. It is said to be better than many beef restaurants outside. Really, this is not a friendly compliment, but my braised beef is really delicious. It is fresh and fragrant, not chewy or chewy, soft an

My braised beef , everyone who has tasted it has asked me to open a shop there. It is said to be better than many beef restaurants outside. Really, this is not a friendly compliment, but my braised beef is really delicious. It is fresh and fragrant, not chewy or chewy, soft and slightly chewy in the mouth, and the aroma of the beef is very memorable.

Braised beef is cut into small pieces according to the meat weights of different energy intakes recommended by the Balanced Diet Pagoda in the " Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents " and stored in the refrigerator. When eating, take it out in advance, defrost it at room temperature, and cut into thin slices while the meat is still relatively firm.

In the summer, have a bowl of clear soup noodles , cut a few slices of braised beef on top, some chopped green onion, and stir-fry green vegetables, it is a perfect meal.

In the balanced diet pagoda’s recommended food amounts, a person with an energy intake of 1,600 kal is recommended to consume 40 g of livestock and poultry meat per day, and 50 g of 1,800 kal. This is the energy requirement of an adult woman. Even for an adult male whose energy requirement reaches 2400kal, the recommended meat intake is 75g. Therefore, although braised beef is good, don’t be greedy.

Come on, take a look at my braised beef. You only need dried chili peppers, hawthorn , light soy sauce and salt to make beef that is rich in sauce and delicious. There is a little secret that you must remember - braised beef. Good beef should not be picked up immediately, but must be soaked in the soup overnight.

[Ingredients] beef tendon 1000g, 10g dried chili pepper, dried hawthorn 10g, 200g light soy sauce, 1000ml water, 5g salt


1. Prepare beef tendon, dried chili pepper and dried hawthorn.

2. Rinse the beef tendon, put it into a pot, add cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, wash off the foam, and set aside.

3. Take another pot, put water in it, add washed dried chili peppers, hawthorn and light soy sauce, bring to a boil over high heat.

4. Put the beef tendons into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for about 1.5 hours.

5. When the time is up, you can use chopsticks to insert the beef tendon. If it can be inserted easily, turn off the heat. Add salt before turning off the heat and let the beef tendon soak overnight. You can turn the beef tendon over in the middle.

6. Take out the soaked beef, drain the water, cut into small pieces as needed, and store in the refrigerator.

[Cooking Tips]

Hawthorn can also be replaced with old tangerine peel, but the amount must be reduced to 2-3g.