"My confinement period was really exhausting. My body has not recovered well. I have no energy all day long. I also have back pain. It hurts when I stand, when I sit, and when I lie down. The baby still has to be held. It's really uncomfortable to be a mother. It’s easier…”

article丨Jingma said, original content.

"My confinement period was really exhausting. My body has not recovered well. I am not energetic all day long. I also have back pain. It hurts when I stand, when I sit, and when I lie down. The baby still has to be held. It is really hard to be a mother. It’s not easy anymore..."

This is the complaint of a new mother in the mother group. She is about to collapse because of postpartum back pain.

You may have heard the saying "Nine out of ten mothers suffer from back pain." Indeed, postpartum back pain is very annoying. There are also many new mothers who blame postpartum back pain on not sitting properly during the confinement period, leaving them with confinement syndrome.

In fact, postpartum back pain has nothing to do with "confinement" itself, but is related to the pressure on the waist and back from the belly during pregnancy, hormonal changes during pregnancy, incorrect posture during pregnancy, frequent childbirth and incorrect posture .

Next, Jingma will analyze in detail the causes of back pain after giving birth.

Pregnancy factors: weight gain, hormonal changes, incorrect posture‍

① Weight reasons

After pregnancy, with the development of the fetus, the pregnant mother's weight increases, and the gradually enlarging belly will also greatly increase the pressure on the lumbar intervertebral disc. The greater the pressure on the lumbar discs during pregnancy, the greater the chance of postpartum back pain.

② Hormonal reasons

Because of pregnancy, the secretion of hormones in women’s bodies will increase. Later, in preparation for the birth of the baby, the women’s pubic symphysis will separate; in this way, the ligaments next to the lumbar spine will relax, which can easily cause muscle strain. , and low back pain occurs.

③ Incorrect posture during pregnancy

includes standing, walking, sitting, squatting, bathing, lying down, etc.

Standing posture: Pregnant mothers should relax their shoulders, separate their legs slightly, keep them parallel, and keep their feet straight, as shown in the picture below.

Walking: When walking, you should raise your head and chest, and pay attention to maintaining body balance. If you hold your waist or belly while walking, it will increase the pressure on your waist.

When going up and down stairs: is also particular about holding the stairs with one hand for safety, with both feet firmly planted, and the waist kept straight.

Sitting: Many pregnant mothers like to sit in a "semi-lying" posture, which can easily increase the chance of back pain. The correct sitting posture is as shown below.

Squat down : When a pregnant mother bends down to pick up something, she should not squat down suddenly. Instead, she should bend her knees first, then bend down slowly, and finally stand up slowly.

Bathing : Avoid bathing in the tub, which will cause your stomach to sit in your belly, increase pressure on your waist, and increase the risk of infection in your private parts.

Lying down : This is the position when sleeping. Many doctors recommend "lying on the left side" . This position is indeed the best sleeping position during pregnancy. But it will make you tired after a long time, which will increase the pressure on your waist.

In the early stages of pregnancy, you can not sleep on your stomach, but you can choose a comfortable sleeping position; in the later stages of pregnancy, you can sleep on your left side if the doctor requires it. If not, you can sleep on the left and right sides.

Postpartum factors: Frequent childcare, overexertion, incorrect posture ‍

Although some pregnant mothers have a big belly during pregnancy, they do not suffer from back pain due to proper care.

After the baby is born, frequent care of the baby, holding the baby, feeding the baby, frequently changing diapers and dressing the baby throughout the day can also induce or aggravate postpartum back pain.

① Incorrect breastfeeding posture .

If the baby is held while breastfeeding and the new mother has incorrect posture, she is particularly prone to back pain.

Correct breastfeeding posture, avoid leaning forward or sideways. You can also use nursing pillow with a small stool under your feet to raise the baby's height and reduce the pressure on the mother's waist. You can also use a semi-lying breastfeeding position to allow the baby to eat. It's good, and my mother is comfortable too.

② The posture of "picking up the baby" is incorrect.

When many mothers pick up their babies, they bend over directly and use their waist strength to complete the task. This is incorrect and will cause serious damage to the psoas muscles.

As shown in the picture, the correct posture should be to squat down first, with the upper body straight, and rely on the thighs and arms to drive the body's core force to complete.

③ The posture of "holding the baby" is incorrect.

We often see new parents holding their babies with their stomachs protruding and their bodies tilted. Such a posture will increase the damage due to excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine. wrong holding posture and correct posture , you can refer to the picture below.

④ The posture for dressing and changing diapers is incorrect.

Many parents squat or sit directly next to the baby to complete it.

However, such movements can damage the spine. In addition, repeating such movements many times a day is also the main cause of back pain after the baby is born.

Regardless of bathing, changing clothes or changing diapers, you should try to avoid excessive bending to damage the waist and cause back pain.

Did you have back pain after giving birth to your baby? Which do you think is the main reason? You are also welcome to share your coping methods and suggestions for new mothers.

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