*Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed and transferred from the real experience of Xiaohe Health App [Dise

* Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. In order to protect patient privacy, the relevant information in the following content has been processed

Reprinted from Xiaohe Health App’s real experience

[Disease type] Ovarian cyst-pathological ovarian cyst - Ovarian teratoma

[Main symptoms] Increased bleeding during menstruation, accompanied by blood clots, slight distension and pain in the lower abdomen before and after menstruation, and backache

[Treatment plan] Oral Chinese patent medicines, minimally invasive surgery

[Treatment cycle] 105 days

[ Current situation] The operation was successful with no sequelae, and the ovaries recovered well after a color ultrasound 4 months later. The diagnosis was confirmed after

I had my period at the end of January 2020. Suddenly I found that my menstrual flow was much heavier than before, and was accompanied by black blood clots , so I needed to change sanitary napkins frequently. The slight distension and pain in the lower abdomen that occurs before menstruation is not the feeling of catching a cold or stomachache , but a condition similar to dysmenorrhea.

I felt soreness in my back during my period. During the day, I could only sit for an hour at most before having to rub my waist or stand up and walk around. I was extremely tired and uncomfortable. I had never had dysmenorrhea before, and although the amount of bleeding was heavy, it was normal. On February 4, after my period, I went to the hospital for a gynecology appointment with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The reason was that I thought I was feeling unwell due to overwork recently and wanted the doctor to prescribe traditional Chinese medicine for treatment.

After describing the situation, the doctor ordered an abdominal color ultrasound examination. The report showed that there was a foreign body in the right ovary, the echo was weak, and it was suspected of being a teratoma (sarcoma).

The doctor saw the report and determined that it was suspected to be a teratoma but also that there was a possibility of ovarian cysts (bubbles). He prescribed several boxes of Chinese patent medicines and asked me to have a reexamination in two months. An abdominal color ultrasound re-examination in April found no change in the size of the foreign body, and she continued to be prescribed Chinese patent medicines. In mid-July, I went to the hospital for a gynecological examination. The color ultrasound results showed that the size of the foreign body had not changed compared with the previous two times. The doctor diagnosed teratoma and recommended surgery as soon as possible.

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Treatment process

On February 4, 2020, in the case of suspected ovarian teratoma, gynecology doctors prescribed medication:

5 box anti-gynecitis capsule- 2 capsules/time , 3 times/day, 5 boxes of Hongjin Xiaojie Capsules - 3 capsules/time, 2 times/day, 4 boxes of Baogongzhi Xue Granules - 1 bag/time, 3 times/day. This is a two-month dose of the drug, which works to clear the menstrual flow and disperse stagnation. The color ultrasound will be repeated to check the situation after two months.

The doctor told me to pay attention to and avoid taking it during menstruation, because it will cause increased bleeding. At that time, I didn't care too much and was rather optimistic, thinking that maybe the teratoma would disappear after taking the medicine for a while. I don't feel any discomfort during taking it. I usually take it after meals. Menstrual flow is still heavy.

On April 10, 2020, I had a gynecological review. The abdominal color ultrasound report showed no change in the size of the foreign body compared to the previous time. The doctor decided to change the type of Chinese patent medicine and continue to let me take it. He said it would have no side effects on the body and see if the medicine had an effect on the teratoma and made it smaller.

Prescription status: 9 boxes of Guizhi Fuling Capsules --3 capsules/time, 3 times/day, 13 boxes of Penyanjing-bag/time, 3 times/day. This is the dosage for 3 months. Please advise. I repeated the color ultrasound 3 months later to check the changes in the size of the teratoma. At that time, I realized that taking medicine might not have any effect on the regression of teratoma, but I still took the medicine with the attitude of giving it a try. I don't feel any discomfort during taking it. I usually take it after meals. Menstrual flow is still heavy.

On July 15, 2020, after changing hospitals, I registered at the gynecology department. After describing the basic situation, I still performed abdominal color ultrasound first.

After the results came out, I provided the doctor with the report sheets of the first two color ultrasounds. After comparing the three times, it was found that there was no difference in the size of the foreign body. The doctor told me that taking medicine would not have an effect on it. Teratomas are sarcomas are not cysts bubbles. They will not disappear on their own initiative and may continue to grow larger or develop into malignant tumors. It is recommended to perform minimally invasive surgery as soon as possible.

went back and discussed with her family and decided to go through hospitalization procedures for surgery. I have always been relatively optimistic. I will recover soon after the minimally invasive surgery, and I will become healthier after the surgery.


After hospitalization, a series of physical examinations were conducted, nucleic acid testing , electrocardiogram, visceral color ultrasound, blood pressure measurement, blood test , etc.; fasting was required 24 hours before the operation, no drinking or eating, and vaginal cleaning and enema were required. . A consent form for surgery must be signed before surgery. The medical assistant will inform the patient of the risks of surgery and postoperative precautions: Pay attention to rest and moderate exercise to keep a happy mood.

The operation was general anesthesia. After respiratory anesthesia, I lost consciousness. After the anesthesia wore off, I woke up with a urinary catheter and postoperative analgesic stick inserted in my body. I was injecting vitamin C into one hand. I felt normal pain but a little dizzy. Maybe it was the effect of anesthetic . You can eat after 24 hours, and remove the urinary catheter and analgesic stick after 48 hours. The doctor recommends getting out of bed and exercising moderately. With the support of a companion, you can walk back and forth in the corridor of the department, but you cannot straighten your waist due to pain.

I was discharged from the hospital on the third day after the operation. The minimally invasive surgical incision was extremely small, and there was no need to remove sutures or take medication. You can walk normally about a week after the operation, but you should not overexert yourself. Recuperate at home for 20 days after surgery.

Therapeutic effect

After taking the Chinese patent medicine for 5 months, there was no obvious change in the body, no discomfort, and the menstrual flow was still heavy. However, minimally invasive surgery has small incisions, so recovery is quick. One week after the operation, I can walk normally, but I cannot walk or run fast. I will feel a slight headache and fatigue from the wound. One month after the operation, the body returned to full health with no weakness or discomfort.

During the recovery period, should eat a light diet. Pay attention to eating more fruits to supplement vitamins. An abdominal color ultrasound review was performed 5 months after the operation. The echo of the right ovary was uniform, clear, and no abnormality. Overall the surgery was successful with no side effects.

Personal experience

It took a total of 5 months from the detection of ovarian teratoma on February 4, 2020 to the surgery on July 19, 2020. The disease will cause great pressure on people's bodies and minds. But during this period, I have always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, eating and drinking when I should, and relaxing myself.

Psychological stress is a hint, which not only brings anxiety but may also have adverse effects on teratomas in the body. As long as you have a good attitude, don't be afraid of it, and cooperate with the doctor's treatment, you will be cured and recovered quickly.

Friends who have social security must take social security. The reimbursement ratio of each hospital is different. The hospital I visited has a reimbursement ratio of 65% for this operation. And I have commercial insurance. I reimbursed 70% of the 35% I paid out of pocket. The final reimbursement ratio 85%, the self-pay amount is less.

Copyright belongs to the author

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* Statement: This article is only for popular science purposes and cannot be used as a basis for treatment. To protect patient privacy, the information in the article The relevant information has been processed. The real experience is the real treatment experience of the author or his family. The copyright belongs to the author and no reproduction is allowed. If you find any errors in the content, please feel free to provide feedback in the message area or backend.