When it comes to teratomas, most people may still have relatively little awareness and understanding. In fact, studies have found that benign teratomas contain many components, including skin, hair, teeth, bones, oil, nerve tissue, etc.

mentioned teratoma , probably most people have relatively little knowledge and understanding. Teratomas are mainly derived from germ cells. According to the different degrees of development, they can be clinically divided into mature teratomas, which are benign teratomas, and immature teratomas, which are tumors and malignant teratomas . Many people may be curious as to whether the occurrence of teratoma is related to the existence of the fetus? Does it mean that teratoma means there is a malformed fetus?

In fact, research has found that benign teratomas contain many components, including skin, hair, teeth, bones, oil, nervous tissue , etc. Generally speaking, early-stage teratomas often have no obvious clinical symptoms, and most patients are discovered accidentally during physical examination. From this point of view, the essence of teratoma disease is a tumor, not a fetus with developmental abnormalities.

In the past, when medical technology and conditions were still very poor, teratomas could grow to weigh more than 10 kilograms in the chest and abdomen because they did not receive enough attention and timely diagnosis and treatment. From the appearance , the patient appears to have a potbelly. Therefore, just from the appearance, it really looks like a person is pregnant. More importantly, once the tumor is cut open, there will be chaotically arranged tissue structures such as hair, teeth, bones, and nerves. From this point of view, it looks a bit like a fetus with malformation, so it is As the name suggests, there is such a name as teratoma.

It is worth noting that the vast majority of clinical teratomas are benign tumors , and about 2% are malignant. Once the disease occurs, the harm it can bring to the patient's body cannot be underestimated. In fact, teratoma is a tissue cell that originates from the mesodermal ectoderm rather than from the fertilized egg. Therefore, there is no obvious gender difference in the incidence of the disease. Both women and men, adults and minors, may suffer from teratoma.

For women, the site of teratoma growth may be on the woman's ovaries. If it is a male patient, the site of growth of teratoma may be in the male testicle. In some male patients, the site of teratoma may even be Teratomas grow in the chest and mediastinum . Teratomas can also grow in the stomach and brain. From this point of view, there is no big connection between the growth of teratoma and pregnancy, and it has nothing to do with the existence of the fetus.

Currently, in clinical practice, benign teratomas can generally be cured through surgical resection. Minimally invasive surgery with the help of thoraco-laparoscopic surgery requires less time and is less invasive than other treatment methods. The clinical efficacy is also more reliable, so it is an ideal treatment method. No matter where the malignant teratoma grows, on the basis of surgical resection, comprehensive treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy is required to achieve good results.

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