People have always thought that tumors are a problem that middle-aged and elderly people should be concerned about. However, with the changes in lifestyle, the people who are affected by cancer are getting younger and younger, even children.

People have always thought that tumors are a problem that middle-aged and elderly people should be concerned about. However, with the changes in lifestyle, the cancer-causing people are getting younger and younger, even children.

A 10-year-old girl was admitted to the hospital urgently due to stomach pain. A 7 cm teratoma was discovered.

Recently, 10-year-old Xing Xing kept complaining of stomach pain. She went to a local for a check-up and found that she had a huge teratoma on her ovary.

According to the doctor, Xingxing’s ovary had twisted twice due to the tumor and had to be surgically removed immediately.

During the laparoscopy, it can be seen that one side of Xingxing's ovary has turned purple-black, and there is a 7 cm tumor inside. The purple-black part indicates ischemic necrosis. The doctor can only remove the necrotic ovary first, and then peel out the teratoma step by step. Doctor

said that teratoma is a relatively rare tumor, most of which are benign, but there is a very low chance of being malignant. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should go for an examination as soon as possible after discovering a teratoma, and then follow the doctor's advice for treatment.

Is teratoma a fetus or a tumor?

Teratoma is a very common type of ovarian germ cell tumor. It is derived from germ cells and contains endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. The tumor will contain skin, teeth, and hair. , intestines, muscles, etc., so it seems that is a bit of a weirdo.

There are several types of clinical teratomas, 90% of which are cystic mature teratomas, also known as dermoid cysts, which can occur in young children, but the main affected population is adult women aged 20-30.

How to detect teratoma early?

Teratomas often have no obvious symptoms. Symptoms such as abdominal pain and lower abdominal soreness may occur only when infection, rupture, or torsion occurs. Although not obvious, it is not invisible.

As the tumor grows in size, it may cause a series of compression symptoms, such as compression of the rectum, causing a sinking feeling or difficulty in defecation; compression of the bladder can cause difficulty in urinating and frequent urination .

In addition, if the diameter of the tumor is greater than 5 cm, the center of gravity will be biased to one side, which will cause the ovary to twist . If no treatment is performed for a long time, the ovary will become ischemic and necrotic, and eventually the entire ovary will have to be removed.

Even if torsion does not occur, when the tumor grows to 10cm, the normal tissues of the ovary are mostly destroyed . After the teratoma is surgically removed, the ovarian function will not return to its original state.

The doctor reminded that ovarian teratoma will not heal on its own, and there is no drug to treat it so far, it can only be removed through surgery.

Clinically, laparotomy or laparoscopy is generally used to remove . Laparoscopy is the first choice for medium-sized teratomas. This method is less invasive and the patient can recover faster; if it is malignant teratoma or tumor If the body is too big, laparotomy is recommended.