Recently, a team led by Professor Kong Xianchao from the Fourth Ward of Obstetrics and Gynecology of our hospital successfully completed a single-port suspension laparoscopic resection of a giant ovarian teratoma on a 17-year-old girl.

Recently, a team led by Professor Kong Xianchao from the Fourth Ward of Obstetrics and Gynecology of our hospital successfully completed a single-port suspension laparoscopic resection of a giant ovarian teratoma on a 17-year-old girl. During the operation, a 20-cm giant teratoma on the left ovary was successfully removed through a small 2-cm incision in the lower abdomen. On the first day after the operation, the patient was able to walk freely, and on the second day, he was discharged and returned home.

Professor Kong Xianchao (right) is performing surgery on a patient

A 17-year-old girl Liu is a high school student in Jixi City. She has loved football since she was a child and is also the captain of the school football team. According to the girl's recollection, she felt her lower abdomen was a little hard when she was lying down five years ago. She always thought it was the abdominal muscles developed through years of sit-ups and training. She felt very accomplished, so she continued to train hard, and her "abdominal muscles" became bigger and bigger. , has grown so fast in the past year that I dare not wear too thin clothes when I go to school for fear of being laughed at by my classmates as if I am pregnant. Slowly, the sense of achievement turned into fear, and I often dreamed of football running into my stomach. Because the girl was too shy to talk, and her parents who were busy with work were careless, the girl didn't tell her family until a week ago when her symptoms of constipation and frequent urination worsened, and her back pain became severe. Seeing her daughter's belly, which looked like she was five months pregnant, the girl's mother cried because of herself and hurriedly took her daughter to a local hospital for an ultrasound examination. The mother and daughter were dumbfounded by the examination results. There was actually a tumor the size of a football in their stomachs. The local hospital believed that this situation was so rare that it could only be removed surgically, but an incision of at least 10 centimeters in the abdomen was required to completely remove the tumor.

In order to avoid leaving long and ugly scars, the mother and daughter rushed to our hospital overnight with a glimmer of hope and found Professor Kong Xianchao from the Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Center of the Fourth Ward of Obstetrics and Gynecology. "When the girl was admitted to the hospital, she was supporting her waist with one hand and holding out her belly, just like a pregnant woman," said Professor Kong Xianchao. After detailed preoperative examination, Professor Kong believed that the tumor in the girl’s abdomen was an ovarian teratoma. Although it had occupied the entire pelvic cavity, it could be treated with laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery, and the girl was given an incision of only 2 to 3 Centimeter's treatment plan, the mother and daughter burst into tears after hearing the plan.

After sufficient preoperative preparation and careful arrangements, Professor Kong Xianchao led the team to perform surgical treatment on the girl in time. During the operation, the doctors first made a 2-cm incision in the patient's lower abdomen, and used a suction device to suck out the fluid in the tumor. After the tumor volume was reduced and the tumor contents were removed, the tumor was pulled out of the incision and removed. The entire operation lasted only one hour, and the 20-centimeter teratoma was successfully removed. Professor Kong Xianchao's team then re-sutured and reshaped the ovarian tissue that had been enlarged by the tumor, so that the girl's left ovary was perfectly restored to its normal size and shape. .

According to Professor Kong Xianchao, single-port suspension laparoscopic tumor resection refers to a single incision, with instruments suspended around the incision, replacing pneumoperitoneum to expand the intra-abdominal surgical operating space for surgery. This technology has obvious advantages. It can not only avoid complications related to pneumoperitoneum, but also avoid the adverse effects of pneumoperitoneum on the elderly and patients with cardiopulmonary insufficiency. It can also treat large tumors with small incisions, which is beautiful and the patient recovers quickly. Professor Kong said that this surgery is suitable for most benign gynecological diseases with surgical indications, including ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, uterine prolapse, and ovary. Tumors, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease , infertility , etc. However, this operation has high technical requirements for doctors and is more difficult to operate.

In addition, experts remind: Ovarian teratomas are common tumors in the female reproductive system and can occur at all stages of women, especially young women. Although the vast majority of teratomas are benign, due to pedunculated torsion and malignant transformation If possible, we should attach great importance to it, especially when the lower abdomen of minors increases without obvious inducement. Even if there are no symptoms in the early stage, parents must pay attention to it and find and solve the problem in time, so as to give their children a bright and hopeful life. s future.

text | Li Huahong Xu Lijuan

correspondent | Zhao Lin

pictures |

editing provided by the department | Yang Jiaan