According to official news on June 6, Beijing time, Snyder decided to leave the Utah Jazz. For eight years, Snyder gave his all to the Jazz, and the relationship between the two parties has always been good. However, Snyder was unwilling to stay after turning the team into a regu

Beijing time on June 6, official news was that Snyder decided to leave the Utah Jazz. For eight years, Snyder gave his all to the Jazz, and the relationship between the two parties has always been good. However, Snyder was unwilling to stay after turning the team into a regular in the playoffs.

Snyder has two years left on his contract with the Jazz (the 2023-2024 season is a coaching option). According to previous reports, the Jazz have offered Snyder a contract extension with one of the highest salaries in the league.

Coached the Jazz for 8 years, Snyder led the team to a record of 372 wins and 264 losses, helping the team enter the playoffs for 6 consecutive years, the longest in the Western Conference. Since the contract has not expired and Utah has offered a high salary, why is Snyder eager to leave?

Jazz team reporter Andy Larson revealed the inside story of Snyder's departure. The Jazz stopped in the first round of the playoffs. The conflict between Mitchell and Gobert broke out. The management wanted to establish the core of the team, but it has not yet decided who to send away. There is a conclusion. But Snyder stepping down at this time undoubtedly sends a signal that Mitchell has won the right to speak. After learning of Snyder's resignation, Mitchell hoped he could pick a favorite coach.

Currently, only the Hornets coaching position is vacant in the league, but Jordan has already identified several candidates. According to people familiar with the matter, Snyder is not in a hurry to find a new home. He wants to take a year off. By 2023, Snyder will still be very popular because of his Spurs background. Maybe he will succeed Popovich.