According to the latest data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of graduate students in the United States is $69,240, which is 32.14% higher than the average salary of undergraduate students in the United States.

The gap between the income of graduate students and undergraduate students has always been a hot topic of discussion.

According to the latest data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the average salary of graduate students in the United States is $69,240, which is still 32.14% higher than the average salary of undergraduate students in the United States. However, whether there is a significant gap in income levels between graduate students and undergraduate students depends on the major and the city in which they are located.

If you are a graduate student (Ph.D., MD, or MBA), there may be a clear financial advantage to working in these 10 states with your degree!



The average salary of graduate students: $82,299

The average salary increase compared with undergraduate students: $24,293

The salary increase rate: 41.88%

The famous universities in California are almost all in the coastal areas (San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles), and most of them are inland. College. Well-known universities include the private Stanford University, the California Institute of Technology, and the public University of California, Berkeley.

Among them, the University of California, as a public university system, has 10 campuses. It was founded in 1868. The oldest campus is in Berkeley, and the other campuses are in San Francisco , Los Angeles and 6 other cities; the University of California, Berkeley, has the best equipment. The professor lineup is the strongest. California State University is called California State University , which has 20 campuses. In addition, there are more than 200 public and private colleges and universities.



Average graduate salary: $81,401

Increase in average salary over undergraduate students: $23,914

Salary increase rate: 41.60%

Virginia has famous universities College of William and Mary , George Mason University , Virginia Polytechnic Institute, University of Virginia and so on.



The average salary of graduate students: $67,575

The average salary increase over undergraduate students: $20,923

The salary increase rate: 44.85%

The main cities in Utah are Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo. Famous universities in the state include University of Utah and Brigham Young University .


District of Columbia

Average salary for graduate students: $88,431

Increase compared to the average salary for undergraduates: $23,945

Salary increase rate: 37.13%

Washington, DC is one of the cultural and educational centers in the United States, with Georgetown University, and George Washington University. and many other institutions of higher learning. Among them, the University of the District of Columbia is the only public university in Washington, DC, with three campuses located in the city.



Average salary for graduate students: $60,922

Increase compared to the average salary for undergraduates: $18,623

Salary increase rate: 44.03%

Idaho is a state in the northwestern United States, bordering British Columbia in Canada. The main universities are: University of Idaho (UOI), Boise University (BSU), Idaho State University (ISU), and Lewis Clark State University (LCSC).


New Jersey

Average salary for graduate students: $85,789

Increase compared to the average salary for undergraduates: $22,483

Salary increase rate: 35.51%

Famous universities in New Jersey include Rutgers University , New Jersey Institute of Technology , and Montclair College , history Tuckerton College, Princeton University , etc.



graduate salary: $ 84003

increases the average salary of undergraduate students: $ 21,567

Salary Increase: 34.54%

Outstanding Educational Resources include 11 campuses in in the system, as well as information technology and life. Johns Hopkins University is renowned for its scientific disciplines. These institutions have established more than 250 research centers and science and technology institutes, including the University of Maryland Institute for Biotechnology, the Maryland Institute for Technology and Industry, and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.


Michigan State

Average salary for graduate students: $69,099

Increase compared to the average salary for undergraduates: $18,744

Salary increase rate: 37.22%

The most famous of which is the University of Michigan located in Ann Arbor. This school is not only the best school in Michigan, but also a top university known around the world. It offers approximately 200 majors, three-quarters of which are ranked among the top ten in the United States.


North Dakota

Average salary for graduate students: $62,675

Increase over average salary for undergraduates: $17,568

Salary increase percentage: 38.95%



The average salary of graduate students: $73,871

The average salary increase over undergraduate students: $19,221

The salary increase ratio: 35.17 %

Famous universities include University of Alaska .

ranked first California is the state with the most obvious income gap between graduate students and undergraduate students in the United States. Its income level is also one of the three highest states in the country. However, the cost of living and prices in California are also high. In comparison, New Jersey and Maryland, ranked 6th and 7th, are more competitive in terms of salary and income.

Finally, here are the average income data for undergraduate and graduate students in other states in the United States: