Chen Yuzhen believes that what the DPP wants to tell everyone is that the democracy they want is to get whatever result they want. As for the process, it is not important. People did not come out to vote, how many people attended, and whether the DPP "committee" showed up. It doe

According to Taiwan's China Times Electronic News, yesterday (17th), the blue and green parties in Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan" once again staged a battle for the rostrum. "Blue Committee" Chen Yuzhen clung to the rostrum, her fighting power was beyond the charts, and she was named a new generation " "Wonder Woman", even DPP "legislator" Luo Zhizheng praised her, "She came from the Kinmen battlefield!" After fighting hard, Chen Yuzhen also revealed her injuries and thanked everyone for their concern.

Chen Yuzhen went into battle fully armed. Although her spine had just been operated on, she was still full of fighting strength and held on to the rostrum until the last moment. Today, Chen Yuzhen announced her injuries on Facebook PO, saying that due to proper protection, except for some bruises on her arms and back and a dull pain at the sutures where the surgery was performed, there was basically no serious problem.

Chen Yuzhen mentioned that it was a pity that the DPP’s vote that did not comply with the democratic process of consent voting was not blocked for the time being. This also proves that regardless of the use of literary questioning or the use of force to prevent the vote, the DPP is determined to suppress the vote. Passed the test, everyone saw, we caught, a DPP "legislator" was on a political commentary program when she was voting, and the "Legislative Yuan" voting screen also showed that she voted in favor of the DPP at the same time in the "Legislative Yuan" Knowing that the facts are there and cannot be refuted, yet he says it without any shame. It is just a mistake and not important!

In the same way, Chen Yuzhen said, when voting for the leader of the Taiwan region, can the sister take her brother's ID card to vote, and then say after being caught that it was just a mistake, not important! It is seriously suspected that the DPP used violence and coercion to force the deliberators to hand over all the voting cards to the hands of the DPP "legislators", and the DPP decided who could vote and who could not.

Chen Yuzhen believes that what the DPP wants to tell everyone is that the democracy they want is to get whatever result they want. As for the process, it is not important. People did not come out to vote, how many people attended, and whether the DPP "committee" showed up. , it doesn’t matter whether you are on a political commentary program or sleeping at home, “All the votes have been prepared, we are just waiting for the time to be announced!”

Finally, Chen Yuzhen said bitterly, “In the future, everyone can help relatives and friends to collect votes and vote. It’s okay, it’s just a mistake anyway, it’s not important!” “#Taiwan’s Democracy Goes Back for 30 Years#The Democratic Progressive Party will bring Taiwan back to the era of dictatorship#The Democratic Progressive Party is the voting party.”