Recent polls from Bian think tanks and "Shock Media" show that in the Taipei mayoral election, the DPP has fallen to third place. Jiang Wanan of the Chinese Kuomintang and Huang Shanshan, who is supported by the Taiwan People's Party and may run for mayor of Beijing without party

Recent polls from Bian think tanks and "Shock Media" have shown that in the Taipei mayoral election, the DPP has fallen to third place. Jiang Wanan of the Chinese Kuomintang and Huang Shanshan, who is supported by the Taiwan People's Party and may run for mayor of Beijing without party membership, are ranked first and second respectively in the polls. An analysis by Hong Kong's China Review Network pointed out that the upward trend in Huang's polls shows that the public is disappointed with both major parties. At the end of the past eight years when the Kuomintang Ma Ying-jeou was in power, the people were disappointed with the Kuomintang, giving the DPP a chance to return to power. But now that the Democratic Progressive Party is in power, it has disappointed the people, but it cannot ignite confidence in the Kuomintang. The Taiwan People's Party has just taken advantage of the situation. Not only is it eager to chase the support of the Kuomintang, but if the county mayor candidate has a good image, he has a good chance of winning. .

The Democratic Progressive Party election conference held a meeting a few days ago, and there was a consensus that the current mayor of Hsinchu, Lin Zhijian, would run for the mayor of Taoyuan, the current deputy mayor, Shen Huihong, would run for the mayor of Hsinchu, and the current "legislator" Cai Yongxing would run for the city of Keelung. long. Lin Zhijian previously pushed for the merger of Hsinchu County and City, and emphasized that he would do a good job in completing it. However, now that his term has not expired and the merger of Hsinchu County and City failed, he will move to Taoyuan City to run for office, which is bound to become the focus of attack and defense in the Taoyuan election. Zheng Baoqing, a former "legislator" who failed to win the Democratic Progressive Party's nomination for Taoyuan mayor, criticized, "I used to scold Han Guoyu for running away as mayor, but now isn't the DPP doing the same thing? This is a big deal for Taoyuan people." The greatest humiliation.”

If the Democratic Progressive Party reaches a consensus again in the election conference and launches epidemic prevention commander Chen Shizhong to run for mayor of Taipei, and the British "legislator" Luo Zhiqiang fights for political power New Taipei mayor, it means that the layout of the "three cities in the north" is either British or British. Tsai Ing-wen’s preferred candidate, Tsai Ing-wen will inevitably bear the greatest responsibility for the success or failure of the election in the future.

Lin Jialong, the leader of the "Legislative National Congress", expressed his candidacy for mayor of Taipei and has successively introduced political opinions. He started earlier than Chen Shizhong. If there is no fair opportunity or polls in the future, Chen Shizhong is allowed to qualify, and he will inevitably become a candidate for Taoyuan mayor with the Kuomintang. The process of people and Zhang Shanzheng is the same. Even if the various factions are appeased on the surface, there is a question mark as to how much support they are willing to give.

The Democratic Progressive Party and the Kuomintang both have the same problem when it comes to county and mayor nominations at the end of the year. That is, the personal will of the party chairman controls the election. Competitors within the party do not have fair competition opportunities such as polls and are directly deprived of the right to participate. This is true in Taiwan, which emphasizes democracy. , also seems a bit ironic.

Hong Kong China Review Network believes that at this time, the Taiwan People’s Party has a great opportunity to provide another choice between the two major parties. As long as the nomination process of the Taiwan People's Party can be open and fair, and the candidates have a positive image, it will have a great chance of defeating the two major parties. People's Party If Huang Shanshan is supported in Taipei City, with Huang's years of hard work as a city councilor and her epidemic prevention achievements as deputy mayor, coupled with her image and rationality, she has a very good chance at a time when the DPP's epidemic prevention performance is poor. A sudden rise. This is the reason why the DPP fell to third place in the recent Taipei mayoral election polls.

The People's Party may also nominate the current "legislator" Gao Hong'an to run for mayor of Hsinchu. Because Hsinchu City has the Hsinchu Science and Technology Park, there are many middle-aged and young voters, and it is more willing to give the third force a chance. It has the "power of the times" and the Green Party City MPs, and some Kuomintang city councilors have switched to the Taiwan People's Party. Gao Hongan's candidacy for mayor of Hsinchu is based on his image, the resources of Hon Hai founder Terry Gou, and the fact that Lin Zhijian "failed" before completing his term, the chances are not small. In comparison, the Democratic Progressive Party nominated Vice Mayor Shen Huihong to run for mayor, and is not well-known. He is likely to lose to candidates nominated by Gao Hongan and the Kuomintang in the polls.

The main theme of the election at the end of the year will definitely be the battle against the epidemic. Even if the Democratic Progressive Party does not want to be reduced to a battle against the epidemic, if Chen Shizhong is nominated to run for mayor of Taipei, it is equivalent to closely linking the main focus of the election campaign to the epidemic, and the entire Taiwan election The bureau is also involved in the battle against the epidemic. And while the public may be disappointed with the DPP and not optimistic about the KMT, some counties and cities may give opportunities to the third force. Huang Shanshan will be a key indicator in the election battle at the end of the year. Whether she is elected represents the chairman of the Taiwan People's Party and Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe whether she can absorb the support of the two major parties, blue and green, and become a powerful candidate in 2024.

According to reports, when being interviewed in Kinmen on the 18th, Taiwan People's Party Chairman and Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe suddenly proposed the construction of a Jinxia Bridge to connect Xiamen Airport to Kinmen, which attracted comprehensive criticism from the green camp. Ke's move seems to be a dangerous move in the current atmosphere of rising cross-strait confrontation, and the purpose behind it is to target the Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang Zhu Lilun.

Zhu Lilun, who has completed his visit to the United States, is considered to be adjusting the Kuomintang's cross-strait line. Coupled with the many chaos in the nomination of county mayors, there are reports within the blue camp that anti-Zhu forces are brewing to determine the results of the nine-in-one election in November. Calculate the general ledger later. Ke Wenzhe, who has greater flexibility on the cross-strait route, certainly hopes to use this to absorb the forces within the blue camp that are dissatisfied with Zhu.

Ko Wenzhe will step down as mayor of Taipei in December this year, and his intention to seize the "big position" in 2024 is also clear to the outside world. Although the People's Party he leads is currently ranked third in various polls, But it is not far away from the second-placed KMT, and even beat the KMT in some polls.

Ko Wenzhe has broken up with the DPP in recent years. Coupled with the flexibility of the cross-strait line, it can be seen that he is actively shaping himself to become an anti-Green Communist Party leader. This means that the KMT cannot pull down the DPP and can only rely on him.

Whether this image can achieve further success, the nine-in-one election in November will be the first hurdle for Ke Wenzhe. If Huang Shanshan can win the mayor of Taipei and push Hong'an to elect the mayor of Hsinchu, she will be elected, and in addition to the county and city council seats This is a big gain, and it is a meaningful victory for Ke Wenzhe. (Xue Yang/Editor)