A friend sent me a long private message yesterday, "Guangguan, why do you think my luck is so bad? Why do I get so frustrated every time I meet a certain zodiac sign? The good ones you mentioned are really far behind." Already..."

When some problems happen to others, we don’t feel much about them, but when they happen to ourselves, it’s impossible for us not to feel them.

A friend sent me a long private message yesterday, "Guangguan, why do you think my luck is so bad? Why do I get so frustrated every time I meet a certain zodiac sign? The ones I told you well are really bad." Far away..."

How can I reply? There is no way, not only her, other friends will also encounter this type of thing. All we can do is keep our eyes open, be in the right place when we can, and withdraw when we can't.

People go to higher places. Don’t say who is selfless or selfish, we are all human beings and cannot escape the laws of human nature.

Not to mention those ordinary relationships, the same is true for intimate relationships. When two people are together, one works hard to develop, and the other stays still, or even keeps regressing. Can this have a good result?

Because of this friend's question, let's talk about " how to judge the rank of the 12 constellations ", starting with the water sign, which is the big problem.


Water signs do pay great attention to feelings in relationships, that is, they focus on security, but by the same token, when water signs start to condemn you emotionally, the effect cannot be slight.

Based on the data I have compiled over the past few years, there are 8,731 problems with water signs, ranking first among the 12 constellations. The most common ones are Cancer , followed by Scorpio, and finally Pisces.

Before talking about this issue, let us objectively talk about a premise. Not all water signs are wilted, petty, and psychologically gloomy. There are also many good water signs, as everyone who has come into contact with them knows.

The perception and perception of water signs mainly depends on their rank. This is the most basic and basic core logic.

Let’s talk about emotions one by one. Let’s talk about Cancer first. Cancers with low rankings have one characteristic, which is psychological characteristics. They have extremely poor ability to be hit and have extremely poor ability to deal with emotions.

So it will eventually lead to a problem: "When you encounter some bad things, injuries, and bad experiences, you can't sort them out yourself, and blame the mistakes on others or something."

Over time, you will suppress a dark psychology. It’s formed that one thing appears on the surface but another behind the scenes. You smile on the surface but you despise and grudge in your heart. Once you start to hesitate when making a decision, 99% of the results will be negative, which is a waste of your own time and energy, and a waste of other people’s time. energy.

This is the norm for low-level Cancer .

acts as if everything is someone else's fault and he himself is not at fault at all. He is always making excuses, always puts himself in the position of the victim, and thinks very badly of others.


High-level Cancers are different. High-level Cancers are quite good at awareness.

They can accurately detect the emotional state of you or some people around them, and learn the needs of the other person through observation.

Then, depending on the distance of the relationship, respond with your own emotions, enthusiasm, and humaneness. When encountering something bad or hurt, you can clearly understand what the mistake is, who is responsible, and how to deal with it.

High-level Cancers are very good at this, it can be said that they are extremely good at it.

is able to deny himself when he needs to, and takes the responsibility on himself, which reflects his tolerance and strong adaptability and acceptance.

The whole state of a high-ranking Cancer is very stable, whether it is doing things or getting along in relationships:

You can continuously feel warmth and solidity from him.

The difference between high and low-level Cancers is already very obvious. A low-level Cancer shrinks into its shell when something happens, and its pair of pincers are always attacking others. A high-level Cancer does not attack people with its pincers, but uses them to deal with things. superior.

As long as you follow this logic to judge the Cancers you come into contact with, you will know at a glance what their level is, and it applies to both men and women.


Let’s talk about Scorpio again. Scorpio is a constellation that pursues truth. No high-ranking Scorpio is real. If he is not real, he will not be able to transform to a high rank. The reason is so simple.

I have come into contact with many high-ranking Scorpios, most of them are men, and a little less are women. You will appreciate such Scorpios from the bottom of your heart.

No matter why, they are emotionally stable and rational. They know what to do and how to solve problems when they encounter them. They should bow their heads or move forward. They have a good sense of themselves.

still needs someone to save it? This type of Scorpio doesn't need anyone to save them, they feel embarrassed.

They can save themselves. This is the confidence and arrogance of high-ranking Scorpios, as well as their belief in themselves.

High-level Scorpios pursue truth, so even if the real thing is bad or poor, they are still mentally prepared and will not complain. Moreover, this type of Scorpio has a more obvious characteristic, they will not reveal their secrets. Come on, even just a little bit.

The logic is clear, the pattern is large, and she is especially sensible. If this characteristic appears in a high-ranking Scorpio woman, it goes without saying how attractive she will be to boys.

Low-level Scorpios are completely different. They have two obvious characteristics:

One is that they are ignorant. When something happens, they don't even understand the ins and outs of the matter, and in the end they have to blame others.

The other one is extremely small-minded and extremely selfish. The starting point and end point of his thoughts will always revolve around himself, regardless of others.

They have no way to achieve objective cognition and thinking.


Moreover, low-ranking Scorpios often do something like "associating with several people at the same time, seamlessly connecting without a window period." The purpose is obvious when you think about it, which is to take advantage and achieve their own selfish goals by hurting others.

Then as long as one of the several people he was dating at the same time had an affair, she would still think it was someone else's fault.

High-ranking Scorpios will not be so frustrated at all. High-ranking Scorpios really understand what they need and how to achieve it.

will not use this frustrating method. This method is an insult to itself.

Why? The reason is very simple. The reason for using the frustrating method is because low-level Scorpios have no self-confidence at all, so they are even less likely to believe in themselves and their abilities to achieve those things.

Low-level Scorpios live a very hypocritical life, have superficial thoughts, and like to show off and show off things. Showing off is actually emptiness, and emptiness is actually a sense of worthlessness.

It’s just that they who are in the lower ranks haven’t discovered this fact yet.

In fact, as long as you think about it carefully, you will instantly understand that as a qualified hunter, how can a high-level Scorpio take the initiative to send out some of his information for others to see?

This logic is quite thorough:

It is a blessing in life to meet a high-ranking Scorpio. If you meet a low-ranking Scorpio, you should slowly adapt to it.


I said before that Pisces is the most proficient and calculating among the 12 constellations. No constellation is more powerful than Pisces, so you can see this in high-ranking Pisces.

At the same time, high-ranking Pisces have particularly good endurance and concealment. You can't tell what they are enduring, hiding, and planning from their appearance. The appearance of high-ranking Pisces is soft and gentle.

But behind the gentle and soft appearance are accurate and ruthless killing methods.

Every time I make a move, there will be a result. This result has been planned by me for a long time. The risk is extremely low and the accuracy is extremely high.

There is a pair of fish in the fan circle who is a very typical representative. Don't look at her as a weak woman. High-ranking Pisces are particularly good at denying themselves. They have no emotions and are just for strategy.

So you should understand that high-ranking Pisces use acting to perfect and achieve themselves, while low-ranking Pisces are different. There are two most difficult things for low-ranking Pisces to do, one is to change, and the other is to Bar.

These two things are as easy as child's play for high-ranking Pisces, as long as it can be good for themselves, or make others feel that they receive their own good.

Why do low-ranking Pisces behave like that?

The reason is not complicated. He lives in his own world, does not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and does not have strong self-motivation.

Every day goes by, the trouble is all on yourself, and you still have to think about escaping.

has no ambitions and no drive for progress. He often says that if you do something, you will have to lose something, and it is better to live as you are now. In fact, it is giving up and bowing to reality. How obvious.

High-end Pisces cannot be like this. They are very clear about their goals and plans. When trouble may come to them, they will deal with it in advance. After all, if they don't deal with it, it will affect their goals.

High-ranking Pisces are people who want to take one step in three steps. This point should not be too obvious.

Of course, when we meet someone and what rank we are, we have to understand it from our own perspective. On the other hand, what rank we are, others will also see from their own perspective.

If your rank is low, frustrated, or poor, then don’t complain or feel unbalanced when you are given up, dumped, or thrown away by others, because you see others the same way.

Don't say nonsense to numb yourself when you meet a heartless person.

People are heading for higher places. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Don't talk about humanitarianism. It is meaningless. It is meaningful to talk about strength. Only by being more capable and mastering more skills and resources can you actually strengthen your waist. .

You need to understand the nature of the current environment. This is our capital for trial and error and the basis for moving forward in life.

Of course, this does not affect the fact that you still believe in feelings and the beautiful fact of love.

There are many ways to live in life, but don’t easily choose the one that even you find frustrating.

For ourselves, no matter how much we pay, it is worth it. If you don’t believe it, try it. The only one who can pay for our lives is ourselves.

encourages everyone! I hope neither you nor I will be eliminated.