There are quite a few variety reality shows that have been launched during this period - "Riding the Wind and Waves", "Longing for Life", "Run", "The Sound of Life", etc., and there are also some that have finally been restarted after 5 years. The fourth season of "Flowers and Bo

Friends who like to watch variety shows must be very busy every Friday recently!

There are quite a lot of variety reality shows that have been launched during this period - "Riding the Wind and Waves", "The Life I Yearn for", "Run", "The Sound of Life", etc., and finally finally released after 5 years. The fourth season of the rebooted "Flowers and Boys" has also started.

Seeing so many familiar variety shows, it seems that it’s time to watch the ratings again - "Hua Shao 4" went directly to Hunan TV's prime time this time, directly competing with Zhejiang TV's ace variety show "Run" , now it’s lively!

But don’t rush to read the answer, guess it in advance.

Guess - Yang Mi Yang Ying (baby), which of the "Double Yang" 85 stars has better variety show ratings? Who can win the Friday variety show ratings championship between Hunan TV and Zhejiang TV? Do you have the answer in your mind?


will be announced later... Let’s take a look at the latest seasons of "Flower" and "Run", so that you can have a good idea.

Let’s first look at the lineup. 's two shows are all major changes. "Hua Shao 4" has Yang Mi, Zhang Kaili , Liu Mintao , Li Sidani , Zhao Jinmai , Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin , "Run" 》There are baby, Li Chen , Zheng Kai , Sha Yi , Bailu, Zhou Shen and Cai Xukun , all of which have popular flowers and young male traffic.

Let’s look at the current situation of the broadcast platform. Hunan Channel has its own traffic and popularity, which is very suitable for "Hua Shao 4". However, in recent years, Hunan Channel always seems to have "mercury retrograde", from TV series to variety shows, and even the ratings of evening parties are average. Here is also A spoiler - "Hua Shao 4" will start climbing from the ultra-low ratings of 0.2953% when it first airs.

In addition, "Flower Flowers 4" itself was broadcast after the folk song-themed music variety "Spring Flowers Will Bloom", and the average ratings of the entire season of "Spring Flowers Will Bloom" were only 0.42%.

Zhejiang Channel's "Run" has been on the air for some time. The average ratings of the five episodes are .7. For a variety show that has been recorded until its tenth season, this score should be considered acceptable.

Next, there is another key point that must be seen.

——That means the program itself is good or not?

This matter may be a bit of a matter of opinion. Fans of the resident guests will definitely like it, but the complaints from the audience cannot be ignored. The flaws of "Hua Shao 4" are quite " Mango Taiwan ", and it is quite a replica of "Yearing" life" means.

Audiences who have watched the first three seasons of "Hua Shao" should still remember that the stars encountered many real accidents and difficulties during their travels. However, "Hua Shao 4" has almost completely eliminated this from the program setting. The biggest trouble we encountered was the bad weather and constant rain.

If you have to find some conflict between the guests, the most likely thing is that Zhang Kaili puts too much vinegar into her cooking and others don't like it. This "controversy" is as boring as Huang Lei let Peng Yuchang , Zhang Zifeng eats carbohydrates.

As netizens said, this season of "Little Flowers" is a bit fake, but this is also a common problem with celebrity reality shows and variety shows nowadays. There are basically no real people and only "shows" are left. I was talking while eating the first episode. We ate the taste of home, clapped our hands, sang and loved each other as a family.

There are also problems such as confusing editing and random insertion of advertisements, which have also affected the audience's viewing experience. Let's just say that we were watching them strolling around camping and suddenly the camera turned and they started to read lines and commercials one by one, which was completely irrelevant to the content of the program. The hard connection is so exciting!

However, Yang Mi is still worth looking forward to. Her occasional words are still a bit tasteful. For example, after becoming the group leader, she emphasized in interviews that she should not go to the group leader for anything and not get an extra salary. When discussing work and rest, she suddenly said the sentence "Everyone" They are all sensible people - Sister Mi, I feel that the KPI of "Flower Master" this season still depends on you.

and Mango Channel’s usual trouble-making editing, woke up late, didn’t have time to pack the camping equipment, couldn’t leave in time, and the guest was late for the exam, etc. Liu Mintao collapsed and cried and stopped recording, as if it was such a big deal.

If you think back to the first three seasons of "Flower", and look at this season again, you can only say that it was a bit fussy. Netizens bluntly said that Liu Mintao had some acting skills.

As for "Run", it is no surprise that the reviews are polarized - there are very few guests in this episode, only four, namely Su Jianxin , Shaobing, Qin Xiaoxian and Shan Yichun .

The game is still the same game, there is nothing new. The program rules are set in a confusing way, and the celebrities are also playing in a daze. In short, if you take it seriously, you will lose.

Seeing this, I believe everyone should be aware of the ratings results - Zhejiang TV's "Running" won the Friday primetime variety show championship, while Hunan TV's "Flowers and Boys" lost.

However, the overall ratings of the two are not high, one averages 0.4 and the other averages 0.5, just typical rookies pecking each other.

Finally, I’m also curious if anyone had anticipated this?

In fact, as long as the audience is familiar with the variety show market in recent years, they can roughly guess that the era of reality shows is long gone.

- Topics and controversies all feel deliberately created. No matter how the stars perform, they feel scripted. program production is more and more routine, becoming more and more boring and streamlined. In this case, like before "Run" It’s probably rare to see such ratings breaking 5 in the two seasons in the future.

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