Name on business card of top student: Wang Haoyu Graduation school: Lianjiao Primary School, Shimen Experimental School, Shimen Middle School College entrance examination score: Top 10 science subjects in the province Admission institution: Tsinghua University Computer major Hobb

Business card of top student

Name: Wang Haoyu

Graduation schools: Lianjiao Primary School, Shimen Experimental School, Shimen Middle School

College entrance examination score: Top 10 science subjects in the province

Admission institution: Tsinghua UniversityComputer science

Specialties and hobbies: Basketball, football, reading, etc.

Motto: People always rise and fall in highs and lows. Only mediocre people live like stagnant water.

The story of a top student

"With the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Admissions Office, you have been admitted to Tsinghua University." On July 16, Foshan City Wang Haoyu of Shimen Middle School in Nanhai District posted the admission notice text message on his circle of friends and wrote happily He finished the sentence: "There is a book to read."

Wang Haoyu has been down-to-earth with a desire to be a "phoenix" and constantly pursue excellence, and finally opened the door to his dream of "Tsinghua University".

In this year's college entrance examination, Wang Haoyu achieved good results among the top 10 in the province of science. The moment his results were blocked, Wang Haoyu said, "It felt like a stone falling to the ground." "I don't have any special learning tips. It's just a steady and steady process." Wang Haoyu said.

, a tall boy with a height of 1.8 meters and 3 heads, not only has excellent academic performance, but is also recognized by everyone as a "sunny and warm man". Speaking of him, his mother Li Junqing said he was her "little cotton-padded jacket", his head teacher Tan Guanghong said he was the representative of the caring class, and his friends said he was a humorous "good old friend". Wang Haoyu, who has walked with love all the way, always treats people with sincerity and gratitude.

"Confident, humorous, warm, helpful, and full of positive energy. With such qualities, I believe he will have better development in the future." Qin Guanghong said.

He has been determined since childhood: "Why can't I be a phoenix?"

Wang Haoyu said that the news of blocking the results was learned at about 9 o'clock in the evening before the results were released on June 25, and it was a natural result. "A stone fell to the ground in my heart."

Talking about learning experience, Wang Haoyu said that you must listen to the teacher carefully in class, "40 minutes after class is not as good as 1 minute in class." Taking notes does not mean that you have to write down every word the teacher says. You can preview it and write it down in the textbook when you encounter something you don't understand. Only by working steadily can things come naturally.

In the early spring of 2000, Wang Haoyu was born into an ordinary family in Chaoshan. Because of introductions from relatives and friends, his parents took Wang Haoyu to Guangzhou to work hard when he was young. In 2007, because business was no longer easy to do, his parents took 7-year-old Xiao Haoyu to Dali to attend primary school and started a hardware business. The common thought of Wang Haoyu's parents is, "When the child grows up, we must give him a better life."

Li Junqing recalled that Wang Haoyu could call him "Dad" when he was more than 7 months old. He could read the Guangzhou Daily when he was in kindergarten at the age of 2 and a half. He had a good memory, but some complex words were not easy to recognize. Li Junqing used his own way to teach him a few times. Got it.

"For example, 'Gao' and 'Shang' look very similar, so I write it on the palm of his hand. If I write it a few times, he will remember it immediately." Li Junqing said that Wang Haoyu likes reading very much and often sits down. He never leaves the bench for two or three hours, and he has a high level of concentration since he was a child.

In 2012, Wang Haoyu graduated from Lianjiao Primary School. He also hesitated whether to go to a public junior high school or Shimen Experimental School. Should he be a chicken head or a phoenix tail? "Why can't I be a phoenix?" Wang Haoyu told his parents his decision out of the desire to work hard with outstanding people.

"Okay, let's go!" Wang Haoyu's parents supported him at the same time.

Pre-exam episode: After a fall while playing basketball, he was "cared for" for a month

When a reporter asked, "What warm moments do you have with your parents?" "Countless." Wang Haoyu replied. What is most unforgettable to him is the meticulous care his parents gave him when he injured his knee in August last year.

"It was very inconvenient at the time. I had to be helped up and down the stairs, and my father had to support me when turning over, taking a shower, or going to the toilet. They came here very late and had to go back very early, rain or shine." According to Wang Haoyu's recollection, he was hospitalized for half a month at the time. I rested at home for half a month and missed a month of study, so my grades dropped.Therefore, the school specially arranged a small room on the 6th floor of the teaching building for him to live in, equipped with air conditioning, and his parents would take care of him at night.

Because they were busy with business during the day, Wang Haoyu’s parents waited until 10 p.m. every day for their son’s evening self-study before entering the campus. Because they had to work the next day, they had to leave again at 7 a.m. in the morning.

In the process of recovery, the help of his roommates was indispensable. Wang Haoyu's seven roommates thoughtfully helped him draw up a "meal-making schedule" and took turns helping Wang Haoyu, who had difficulty with his legs and feet, to make meals, which moved him very much. With gradual adjustments and care and help from all parties, Wang Haoyu gradually recovered from his injuries and finally made up for the missed lessons.

"Haoyu has always brought us honor and happiness. Everyone gives a thumbs up when talking about him." Wang Haoyu's father, Wang Wenmao, said that his son's grades have always been stable and among the best. He relies entirely on his own initiative and does not need to worry about his family. My biggest wish is that my son be healthy and happy, because health and good health are the most important things.

"Looking back now, I realize that my parents love me very much, just like a big umbrella. Looking back, I feel that it was very difficult for them, not easy, but they always protected me from wind and rain." Wang Haoyu said. In junior high school, Wang Haoyu did not forget to strive for success and received school scholarships for three years.

Accompanying growth: Every piece of "raw jade" needs to be carefully crafted

June 17 this year is Father's Day. Before going to bed, Wang Haoyu knocked on his father's door and handed him a postcard. Wang Wenmao opened it and saw the words "Dad, thank you for your hard work!" He narrowed his eyes and smiled, patting the shoulder of his son, who was already half a head taller than himself.

Wang Haoyu has always kept his gratitude to his parents in his heart. No matter where he travels, Wang Haoyu never forgets to bring souvenirs to his family. For example, after the high school entrance examination, I went to Shanghai to bring cream to my mother, and to Qingdao to bring tea to my parents. On Mother's Day, he folded roses with his own hands and wrote a card for his mother. "I'm very touched, very happy, and my heart is sweet," Li Junqing said.

Talking about his experience in raising children, Li Junqing said that it is very important to spend more time with children and to cultivate their love of reading and concentration from an early age. Because "Every child is a piece of rough jade, and adults are carving knives. If you want to carve the jade into anything, you must carve it carefully, one knife at a time. Only when you pay hard will you gain." When

html was 07 years old, Xiao Haoyu left his friends in Guangzhou and moved to Foshan , but he began to feel uncomfortable. Every night, Li Junqing would go for a walk with him after dinner, insisting on reading him idiom stories or playing English recordings to him to help him slowly adapt to the new environment.

"It's a building (sha) not a building (xia) mom!" As his knowledge grew, Xiao Haoyu also began to correct his mother's Chaoshan-style Mandarin pronunciation.

In Wang Haoyu's view, his father and mother played two different roles when he was growing up. "My mother is gentle and attentive and takes good care of me, but she is more strict with me. On the contrary, my father is more relaxed about me and has never hit me. He is a more rational person."

Regarding this At one point, Wang Wenmao said with a smile, "His mother is already very strict. I have to play the role of 'white face'." Usually Wang Wenmao and Wang Haoyu mainly communicate about school, study and personality habits. As long as Wang Haoyu goes to bed at night, even if he No matter how much I want to watch TV, I will never turn on the TV for fear of affecting the children's rest.

At Wang Haoyu’s 18-year-old coming-of-age ceremony, his parents were all dressed up. "We cannot miss this important moment in a child's life," Wang Wenmao said.

Wang Haoyu still remembers that when he was about to take the college entrance examination, his mother encouraged him by saying, "Don't worry about it, don't lose your confidence, and don't be stressed out." "Li Junqing said with a smile.

"I'm really touched and feel very lucky. In my memory, my parents never quarreled. When my mother had a bad temper, my father would tolerate it or use humor to resolve it." Wang Haoyu explain.

Teaching and Learning: “It is my blessing to be able to teach them”

When I was in the first grade of high school, because Chinese was relatively weak, Wang Haoyu offered to serve as teacher Tan Guanghong’s Chinese class representative, and he stayed there for three years. When I read every morning, I can always hear his hearty reading voice, and the atmosphere is very good.

In addition, Wang Haoyu also actively participated in recitation competitions, hiking sports, singing competitions, shot put events in sports games and other activities at school.

"On the sports field last year, Haoyu had not fully recovered from his knee injury, but he took the initiative to help his classmates. More important than academic performance is character. Haoyu is very generous, treats people sincerely, and has no complaints as a class leader. He is very willing. Helping others and full of positive energy, I believe he will develop well," said his class teacher Qin Guanghong.

In Qin Guanghong’s view, a class requires students to self-manage, take care of themselves, maintain integrity, work actively, and make progress together. Therefore, she organizes a "Promising Vision" sharing session every evening to let students learn about relevant fields of interest, such as celestial bodies, mythology, etc.

Wang Haoyu introduced the content of mathematical vectors in the sharing session. Because he loves reading, Wang Haoyu, a Chinese class representative, often shares his thoughts after reading his own books such as " The Count of Monte Cristo " and "One Hundred Years of Solitude" with everyone.

"I often tell them that everyone is a treasure house, and only a group of people can go further. At the same time, the growth of a teacher is also related to the students. The students in this class are very active in thinking and learn from each other through teaching. It is also a kind of learning for me. 'Knowledge is gained', I am lucky to have such a great group of students," said Qin Guanghong.

Wang Haoyu loves his mother very much. This 1.83 meter tall boy always buys souvenirs for his mother wherever he goes. But for "Mother Tan", Wang Haoyu also treated her like a teacher and a mother.

Speaking of Wang Haoyu's "warmth", there is something that Tan Guanghong has never forgotten. Thinking about it now, he still can't help but be moved and his eyes turn red.

It was Mother's Day in 2017. Tan Guanghong took Wang Haoyu and his team to the Guangdong Affiliated Middle School to take the Peking University Liberal Arts Academic Ability Test and came back very late. "While having dinner at Taoyuan near the school, Wang Haoyu led a class of classmates to wish me a 'Happy Mother's Day' and gave me the honey I had been carrying for a day. I was very touched at the time. No matter what happens in the future, Wang Haoyu is very good at character. It has been successful," said Tan Guanghong.

Wang Haoyu has been participating in mathematics competitions since elementary school. In order to improve his Chinese writing skills, he not only insists on practicing writing, but also often writes essays and diaries to improve his composition skills. He has a "mood book" and usually writes some famous quotes to adjust his mood. What Fu Lei said, "People spend their entire lives floating between highs and lows. Only for mediocre people, life is like stagnant water." This is his favorite sentence.

"I haven't experienced that much now. When my grades fluctuate greatly, I will use Fu Lei's words to encourage myself not to be complacent and not to be discouraged when I'm down." When a reporter asked him if he had ever dreamed of going to Tsinghua University, Wang Haoyu said, When I was in elementary school, I wanted to go to the best university and become a great person. Later I found out that it was a very far away thing and I had to be down to earth.

"How high do you want to go? After recognizing the facts, your goals will become clearer. I was happier when I was a student. After experiencing more things in the future, I should have new understanding and perspective on this sentence." Wang Haoyu is full of longing for the upcoming college life.

"Secrets" for academic masters

40 minutes after class is not as good as 1 minute in class

Article | Wang Haoyu

Develop good habits in daily life

I believe that work and rest are not only important for physical health, but also very important for the learning status of the new day. On the one hand, you must maintain a regular schedule; on the other hand, read early and read late and take it seriously. My teachers often praised me for reading loudly in the morning and evening. I think this is a good study habit that I have been able to maintain.

A special point to mention here is to listen carefully to the lecture, listen carefully to the lecture, listen carefully to the lecture! Say important things three times! Please remember that the teacher has taught for so many years and has much more experience in this subject than you. There is a saying that goes, four minutes in class and forty minutes in class. Listening carefully to the class does not mean writing down everything the teacher said, but recording selectively. If you remember everything, you may not remember anything, the key points will not be highlighted, and the really important content will not be deeply impressed.

Make a good study plan and summary

I advocate a more flexible study plan, because in high school, a lot of time may not belong to you. If the arrangement is too tight, it is very likely that the teacher will suddenly send out " The "Finish it tonight" paper disrupts the plan, so I suggest you leave some free time when planning, or arrange less urgent tasks in a certain time period as a backup time period.

In fact, I personally think that writing a summary is more important than writing a plan. After almost every major exam, I will write a summary to summarize the past stage and performance in the exam to see which practices need to be maintained and which practices need to be improved.

Pay attention to test-taking strategies and techniques

As you may know, a paper is divided into easy questions, intermediate questions, and difficult questions. Different people may have different strategies. My strategy is don’t be careless for the easy questions. You must get these points. For the mid-level questions, be calmer and more relaxed. Just like usual practice. For difficult questions, you must be correct. Have a clear understanding of your own level, avoid spending too much time on a difficult problem (especially comprehensive science), and try to get all the points you can.

Regarding the exam mentality, there is an old saying that goes well: treat ordinary times as the college entrance examination, and treat the college entrance examination as ordinary times. In normal exams, you must put appropriate pressure on yourself and not be too relaxed; while in the college entrance examination, you must adjust your mentality and give yourself positive psychological hints. Take myself as an example. Before the college entrance examination, I did not do very well in Tianyi and Liulian. I did not sleep well at night or at noon during the college entrance examination. However, I have experienced this situation before and did better in the exam. So I told myself: I will definitely do well in the college entrance examination!


The top student who will meet fans and friends tomorrow is Liang Wenjie, one of the top 10 science students in the province and Shimen Middle School in Nanhai District, Foshan City: "Liang Wenjie: Accumulate and accumulate experience, use unique "task decomposition method" to find the path to his dream, so stay tuned.

[Planning] Rong Mingchang Hu Zhiyong

[Co-ordinator] Chen Feng Wu Shaomin

[Reporter] Wang Yashuo (except signature)

[Author] Wang Yashuo

[Source] Southern Newspaper Media Group Southern+ Client Foshan University Classroom