Source: Taiwan Strait Network Taiwan media data map According to Taiwan's China Times News Network, the Taoyuan Citizen Progressive Party member Wang Haoyu's dismissal is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for recall groups across Taiwan who are dissatisfied with the local democratic

Source: Taiwan Strait Network

Taiwan media data map

According to Taiwan China News Network, the removal of Taoyuan Citizen Progressive Party member Wang Haoyu is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for recall groups across Taiwan who are dissatisfied with the local democratic representatives, and Taichung Chen Baiwei, the "legislator" of the Foundation Progressive Party, is also the next popular candidate to be recalled. February 2 is the time when the joint signatures for the recall of this "legislator" will start. Zheng Boqi, the director of Taichung Zhongren Li, jumped out to start the first one. In one shot, he listed five major reasons and called on citizens to stand up and remove Chen Baiwei.

Zheng Boqi filmed a video saying that he couldn't stand Chen Baiwei's recent public support for Laizhu in the legislative body despite the opposition of public opinion! And he doesn’t support food safety issues on campus, doesn’t care about Taichung’s air pollution, and blatantly supports the legalization of marijuana. In addition, all of his campaign policies have bounced! All the above reasons are enough for the citizens of Taichung to remove this "legislator" who teaches bad things to young people. Failure to remove him will simply make Chen Baiwei look down on the people of Taichung!

Regarding Zheng Lizhang’s statement, many netizens left messages to express their support, “Come on, smart Taichung people”, “Come on, Taichung, I wish the recall will be successful”, “It’s even more wrong to support the pig, it will harm the next generation”, “3Q is really Maybe he will scold us, "Dagang, you won, but we won" and "Come on justice, for the sake of our descendants and good health, we must step forward and remove the rotten 'legislators' who passed Laizhu."

Taipei City Councilor Luo Zhiqiang described Chen Baiwei as the Taichung version of Wang Haoyu. What the two said and did in support of Laizhu were 87% similar. They can be said to be version 2.0 of Wang Haoyu. Wang Haoyu's betrayal of Taoyuan people's food safety mandate was removed from the shelves. Chen Baiwei should also bear political responsibility for his betrayal of Taichung people's food safety and blind support of Laizhu, "North Siyao, Zhongbaiwei", "Cut Lai Committee Action" Two "Laizhu Legislators" are ready to face the people's recall test. Luo Zhiqiang calls and expects more private power to invest in the "Removal of Laizhu Committee Action", so that "referendum against Laizhu" and "removal of Laizhu Committee" If the two-track train starts running in parallel, Laizhu must be driven out of Taiwan!