Among the six categories of hedonism and extravagant issues investigated and dealt with, there were 532 cases of illegal payment of subsidies or welfare, ranking second. Statistics show that from January 2015 to February this year, in more than five years, disciplinary inspection

On March 24, the February monthly report on the nationwide investigation and punishment of mental issues that violate the eight central regulations was released as scheduled. Among the six categories of hedonism and extravagant issues investigated and dealt with, there were 532 cases of illegal payment of subsidies or welfare, ranking second. Statistics show that from January 2015 to February this year, in more than five years, disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies investigated and dealt with 64,000 such problems, accounting for 24.4% of the 262,000 hedonistic and extravagant issues investigated and dealt with in the same period. than first.

"Holiday diseases" frequently occur

New Year's Day, Spring Festival, May Day Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day are the peak periods for illegal payment of subsidies or welfare problems. Since January 2015, when the national monthly mental report on the investigation and punishment of violations of the eight central regulations was added to the item "illegal payment of subsidies or benefits", the proportion of such problems in mental problems that violate the eight central regulations has remained high. From December to January, May to June, and October to November, there are small peaks in the number of such problems investigated.

"This shows that such problems are more prominent during the critical period, and also reflects the accuracy of the discipline inspection and supervision agencies to keep a close eye on key nodes and increase rectification measures." said Chen Jianfeng, director of the Party Style Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee of Ningde City, Fujian Province. The

notification case also confirms this point. Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission has reported that among the mental problems that violated the eight central regulations, 153 cases involved illegal payment of subsidies or welfare issues, and nearly 50% of them occurred during key periods. Some typical cases last for several years and cover multiple festivals. For example, from January 2013 to June 2016, Ningxia Yinchuan Material Group Company paid out more than 510,000 yuan in benefits on the eve of holidays in the name of holiday expenses, heatstroke prevention expenses, labor insurance premiums, quarterly bonuses, year-end bonuses, etc. During the

node period, illegal subsidies or benefits were issued in various forms and in various ways. The first to bear the brunt is the illegal use of special funds to pay holiday allowances, overtime subsidies, holiday subsidies and year-end work loss subsidies, etc., followed closely by the illegal use of collective funds, false expenditures and other methods to purchase and distribute holiday benefits. In addition, some illegally issue subsidies under clever names such as "subsidy for the first and second half of the year". The root cause is the alienation and distortion of the traditional custom of giving out red envelopes during New Year's greetings and festivals. It is also caused by the inertia of "give out before, give out now" and the herd mentality of "if others give out, I will give out too".

There are loopholes in the "system disease"

The reason why illegal payment of subsidies or benefits continues to be banned has a lot to do with the fact that the relevant systems are not sound and complete, the cages are not tightly tied, and the constraints are not strong enough.

Some standards are seriously lagging behind and deviating from current reality. The survey found that the teaching age subsidy standard for primary and secondary school teachers in some places has been implemented for more than 30 years and has not increased. It is now only 3-10 yuan per month, which is greatly out of touch with the actual price level. The policy was not followed up and adjusted in a timely manner, and its implementation seemed "very inappropriate", resulting in some places adopting local policies and "building plank roads openly and building warehouses secretly." Some provisions of

are general and not clear enough. Many cases investigated and dealt with show that some units have illegally issued subsidies or welfare problems for five or six years. This is because the system is not perfect and the regulations are unclear. They were randomly distributed in the past and continued the past wrong practices after the 18th National Congress. In addition, some cadres said that grassroots work is complicated. For example, if there are situations such as being on duty or missing meals, the regulations are not clear whether and how much subsidies can be paid. If subsidies are paid, there may not be policy support, and if they are not paid, it seems to be out of emotion. If it is not reasonable, it is very difficult to grasp. If you are not careful, you will touch the red line of discipline.

"free rides" and plays "edge balls", and irregular policy implementation occurs from time to time. Some places and units continue to use expired and invalid documents, whatever is beneficial to themselves; some implement policies through "selective interpretation" and "crooked monks chant scriptures"; some use existing subsidy projects without following policy principles, Everyone has a share of the benefits, and payment standards are even set according to administrative levels, and the scope of payment is expanded and standards raised without authorization.

In addition, financial management is not standardized and supervision is not in place, which provides opportunities for illegal payment of subsidies or benefits.An investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission of Ningxia Helan County found that there was a lack of supervision at the county's notary office and chaotic financial management. Problems such as employees' medical and pension insurance payments were not paid according to the prescribed base and were arbitrarily increased, financial invoices were not attached with lists, and accounts were falsified.

The "chronic diseases" that are hard to get rid of are mainly manifested in: on the one hand, repeated bans and repeated offenders, continuous bans, and "continuous bans", which have shown an increasing trend in recent years. Judging from the national monthly report, the total number of such problems investigated and dealt with showed year-on-year increases of 38%, 23% and 31% respectively in 2016, 2017 and 2018. Reaching the peak in 2018, this partly reflects the governance efficiency brought about by the establishment of the National Supervisory Commission and its co-operation with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; the number of problems investigated and dealt with in 2019 dropped by 7.5% year-on-year, indicating that persistent rectification has achieved good results.

Even so, we should be clearly aware that from 2015 to 2018, the number of such questions accounted for 20.3%, 25.2%, 24.8% and 25.5% of all types of questions in the same period, always ranking first. Among the hedonism and extravagance problems investigated and dealt with nationwide in 2019, illegal subsidies or welfare issues still accounted for the first place.

On the other hand, under high-pressure conditions, the methods and means of violating regulations gradually changed from overt to covert. In 2019, the Hubei Xianning Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision investigated the illegal payment of subsidies and found that some sources of funds and payment channels are becoming increasingly hidden. When they see difficulties in public account expenditures, they start to manage objects, and some use public funds in "reasonable" ways. Expenses are "refunded" again, and "public money" is stuffed into personal "pockets" in a roundabout way. Some expenses are not recorded in the "clear account" but in the "hidden account", and are transferred to the canteen and other subjects in an attempt to conceal the truth...Invisible problems are increasing. This makes investigation and prosecution more difficult. The main reason is that we don't pay attention to it ideologically, thinking that "it's not a big problem, it's a trivial matter" and "it's a good thing to do things for everyone." Of course,

should also see that a considerable part of such problems investigated and dealt with in recent years are existing ones. In 2019, a total of 15,300 cases of illegal payment of subsidies, subsidies and benefits were investigated and dealt with, of which 76.1% were disciplinary violations that occurred before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This shows that the implementation of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules is getting deeper and deeper, and the results have been achieved. Further consolidate, expand and deepen.

Self-deception of "mental illness"

Judging from the cases investigated in recent years, it is obvious that there is subjective intention, fabricated names, illegal payment of subsidies, or a gradual reduction of benefits. However, through the problems, we can still see that some party members and cadres are lucky, paralyzed, etc. psychology.

The fluke mentality of "God knows and earth knows that you know and I know". "The eight regulations are mainly aimed at leading cadres. We are grassroots party members. How can the superiors care about it? Isn't it just a drop of money to give out a small souvenir of one or two hundred yuan?" This is what the party branch secretary of a village in Fujian illegally gave to party members on July 1st. Thoughts when giving benefits. "It's not a lot of money, it's not a big deal, so it won't attract attention." "We did it very cleverly, no one will notice." "As long as everyone doesn't tell, others won't know."... It's this kind of luck. With the help of mentality, some people choose to commit crimes knowingly.

Some people believe that compared with corruption, misappropriation or misappropriation of public funds, "not all the money goes into the leaders' personal pockets" and "everyone benefits" from illegal issuance of subsidies or benefits. This kind of mentality of "the law does not punish everyone" has caused some leading cadres to not pay attention to the ideological issues, not to resist the violations resolutely enough, and even added fuel to the flames. "This was decided upon through discussion among our team members." Many leading cadres who were dealt with used the so-called "collective research" and "collective decision-making" as excuses to avoid accountability.

caters to subordinates and is afraid of offending others. "Considering that I had just been transferred and broke the unit's routine as soon as I arrived, and everyone would have objections to me, I agreed to pay the Mid-Autumn Festival fee." These words of Liu Jianmin, director of the Dermatology Prevention and Treatment Center in Huichang County, Jiangxi, have a certain significance. representativeness. Although they know something is wrong, some leaders are worried that everyone will have "opinions" and that they will "lose their support" and "lose their authority" in comparison, so they use public funds generously to welcome their subordinates.

In addition, some leading cadres are seriously path-dependent and do not work hard on innovating ways and methods to motivate cadres. They are still "obsessed" with the old routine of illegally issuing subsidies and subsidies to "mobilize cadres' enthusiasm and open up work situations", and use "promoting work" as " "Gold Medal for Immunity" has made it more difficult to stop this unhealthy trend.

The "Greed Disease" that makes money blind

"It is easy to steal in the mountains, but it is difficult to steal in the heart." Some party members and cadres "enjoy" illegally issuing subsidies or benefits. In the final analysis, greed is the cause.

Some people adhere to the attitude of "you have the right not to have it expired" and "everything you can get is worth it", and they can't help but use their "crooked brains" when it comes to the balance of funds in the company's account. Judging from the typical cases investigated and dealt with, some departments and units with a lot of "oil and water" and strong power are often the "hardest hit areas" for illegal payment of subsidies or welfare issues. In addition, some unit leaders get "itchy" as soon as the end of the year comes and attempt to use up the budgeted funds "in full" by issuing subsidies or benefits in violation of regulations, and take advantage of the opportunity to reap some benefits themselves.

's greed is also reflected in the astonishingly large amount of money issued in violation of regulations. For example, in January 2019, a subsidiary of Yunnan Urban Investment Group illegally paid 8.4107 million yuan in incentives to 11 people. Some scholars pointed out that the payment of subsidies or benefits is disorderly, and some have already deviated from the original intention of "compensating for special or additional labor consumption and ensuring that employee wages are not affected by prices." This undoubtedly exposes the violators' intention to enrich themselves and the public. Greedy heart.

Inject "vaccines" and eliminate "diseases"

"Those who are good at eliminating harm will look at their roots, and those who are good at treating diseases will eliminate their sources."

First of all, we must adhere to "zero tolerance" and attack and severely punish such problems when they appear. Continue to maintain a high-pressure situation. It is necessary to carry out targeted special rectification based on actual conditions, keep a close eye on the problem, conduct in-depth investigations, and work hard to reduce the stock. We need to focus on each node one by one, strengthen supervision, investigate one by one, and work hard to curb the increase. It is necessary to fight a "people's war", fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the media and the masses, give full play to the role of public opinion supervision and mass supervision, so that those who violate regulations and disciplines have nowhere to hide, and work hard to catch and eliminate them. It is necessary to do a good job in notification exposure and warning education, use typical cases to sound the alarm from time to time, educate and guide party members and cadres to firmly establish a correct view of power and interests, correct cognitive deviations, correct ideas and concepts, and truly have warnings in mind and never exceed "Red line", work hard to strengthen "don't want to".

The Central Committee’s eight regulations set rules for the entire party. Rules must also be established when granting subsidies or benefits. First, we must establish new rules, combine them with the new situation, new tasks and new requirements, pick up the missing pieces, build up what is not there, and formulate new rules and regulations so that those who abide by the rules have evidence to rely on. Second, we must revise old regulations, pay close attention to the needs of the development of the situation, conduct a bottom-up review of previous system regulations, revise what should be revised, and abolish what should be abolished, focusing on solving the problems of obsolescence, lag, generalization, and further clarifying the list of regulations and delineating policies. Boundaries provide no holes for those who intend to violate the rules. Improving and improving the policy system involves different levels at the central and local levels, including organizations, human resources and social security, finance, state-owned assets and other departments. All parties should actively assume corresponding responsibilities and work together to do this work well. Third, we must focus on implementation, urge financial auditing and other departments to perform their supervisory duties, take effective measures to promote relevant units to implement the rules and regulations to the letter, strengthen rigid constraints, and make the cage of the system tighter and stronger.

Illegal payment of subsidies or benefits may seem like everyone participates and everyone benefits, but the decision is usually made by the main leader or leader in charge of the relevant unit, which requires keeping a close eye on the "key few" and consolidating the main responsibilities. Judging from the practice of supervision and discipline enforcement, focusing on the "key few", especially the top leaders, severely punishing those responsible, and truly tightening the burden can often achieve twice the result with half the effort. In recent years, many places have stepped up accountability when investigating and dealing with such problems. They have seriously held accountable the ineffective implementation of responsibilities and frequent problems. They have paid attention to urging leading cadres to perform their duties well and strictly manage the "money bag". Resolutely put an end to random signatures and random payment of money, and achieved good results.

(Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine)