Recently, in Taiwan, China, some enthusiastic netizens captured this horrifying video. The video was posted online for three hours and attracted strong condemnation from more than a hundred netizens.

Recently, in Taiwan, China, some enthusiastic netizens captured this horrifying video. As soon as the video came out, netizens were frightened.

This video was posted online for 3 hours and attracted strong condemnation from more than a hundred netizens. One-sidedly blaming the knight who is suspected of being his father, some netizens said: "Dad, this is a fast road!"

Some netizens said: "Can you not gamble with your child's life? You should have the ability to buy this kind of bike." A trolley, right? Protect your children."

Many netizens commented, "This is the kind of father who makes fun of his children's lives." Give the photo to the police...please save the child and other drivers." "It's not my biological son, it's a drag bottle. Who would do this?" The location of the motorcycle in the picture is suspected to be on the 68 Expressway, from the west. Riding east towards Nanliao, it is also clear from the video that the man is riding a green heavy motorcycle wearing a full-face helmet. The little boy is not wearing a helmet and only hugs the man with his hands, and his head is slightly leaning on the man's waist. , the man held the handlebar with his left hand and the child with his right hand, then let go and put his hand back on the handlebar, riding on the highway at high speed.

Hsinchu City Traffic Team stated that large heavy-duty locomotives are traveling on highways. Unless otherwise provided by the regulations, they should follow the regulations for small cars. Both the driver and the passenger with the passenger seat should wear safety helmets in accordance with the " Road Traffic Safety Rules", and their helmets should be full-face or 3/4-type. Violators will be fined in accordance with the "Road Traffic Management Punishment Regulations". A fine of more than NT$600 but not more than NT$1,200 (approximately between NT$100 and NT$250) is imposed, and according to regulations, children under 4 years old cannot ride on heavy-duty aircraft, so children will be punished for not using safety seats in accordance with regulations. In addition, men who ride heavy machinery in a dangerous manner may be fined.

(Source: Internet Editor: Liu Yusi)