Netizens posted a photo of Japanese star Kento Momota kissing a black collar after winning the men's singles championship at the 2018 All-Japan Badminton Championships. They also posted a photo of Yuki Fukushima wearing the same collar, sparking heated discussions as he was suspe

On December 3rd, Beijing time, on the largest badminton forum in China, netizens posted a photo of Japanese star Kento Momota kissing a black collar after winning the men’s singles championship at the 2018 All Japan Comprehensive Badminton Championships, and posted a photo of Fukushima Yu A photo of Ji wearing the same necklace aroused heated discussions, and it was suspected that the relationship was true.

As you can see from the photo, Momota Kento is kissing the black collar around his neck. This was his celebration of his 2-1 victory over his teammate Queen Nishimoto in the men's singles final of the 2018 All-Japan Comprehensive Badminton Championships, which quickly sparked heated discussions online.

Because in a photo that Fukushima Yuki posted before, she was also wearing a black collar around her neck. After careful observation and identification, it was found that the two collars were almost the same, and they were suspected to be couple models. This also made the two The theory of human love seems more and more confirmed.

In mid-October this year, the Japanese media "デイリーNew Wave" reported the news that in May the Japanese Anti-Doping Agency raided Fukushima Yuki at 6 a.m. and found her in Momota Kento's single dormitory. There was an uproar. However, Momota Kento did not admit to the public that the two were in love or dating, but defended that "Fukushima Yuki passed by his room when he was going for a morning jog in the morning, and saw the door open and came in to chat." Although this statement was not recognized by netizens and fans, due to the Japan Badminton Association's attitude of "downplaying major issues", it only gave the two people a stern warning and no further punishment, and the incident gradually subsided.

However, the subsequent interactions between Momota Kento and Fukushima Yuki made netizens feel that they were "too ambiguous". For example, at the China Hong Kong Badminton Open, Fukushima Yuki once hit the ball to Momota Kento. When he walked over to pick up the ball from the playing field, Momota Kento hid far away from the field and was joked that he had "something in his heart"; and outside the All-Japan Championship venue, the two were seen playing and having fun; and now they are being Kento Momota was found kissing what appeared to be a couple's necklace; everything seemed to confirm the relationship between the two.