Last week in the Singapore men's singles semi-finals, Momota fell behind Axelsen 6-16 in the second game, but won 21-18 in the end; he faced Ginting in the final. Momota Kento only scored 10 points in the first game, and fell behind 11-16 in the second game. In such a passive sit

Last week in the Singapore men's singles semi-finals, Momota fell behind Axelsen 6-16 in the second game, and finally won 21-18; in the final against Ginting, Momota scored only 10 points in the first game. Falling behind again 11-16 in the second game, Momota actually staged a comeback to win the championship in such a passive situation. With such a strong psychological quality and ability to play against the wind, he is indeed the leader in men's singles in today's badminton world.

Looking back on Momota Kento's career, he has used many racket models, which have had an impact on the equipment purchase of amateur golfers. Today we will take a look at the badminton rackets used by Momota Kento in those years.

won the World Youth Championship in 2012 and made his debut: Bow Sword Z

Many people may not know that Momota Kento also has the title of World Youth Championship, but he defeated Chinese player Xue Song 2-1 in the 2012 World Youth Championship final. won the championship and became the first men's singles champion of the World Youth Championship in Japan's history. At that time, Momota was relatively thin and looked very young, feeling like the younger brother next door.

The racket Momota was using at the time was the Gongken Z, which was also the battle racket of his idol in his youth, Kenichi Tianer. Gong Z is a speed attack racket launched by YONEX in 2009. It is characterized by a small sweet spot in the egg head frame and a concentrated sense of hitting power. Lee Chong Wei and Taufik also briefly used Gong Z.

Growth period in 2013: VTZF and NRZSP

In 2013, Momota Kento began to enter the international adult arena. This was also a period of rapid growth for him. At that time, he used two rackets, VTZF and NRZSP. VTZF is an offensive racket with a high balance point and a strong head-heavy feeling, nicknamed "Big Brother-in-law". NRZSP has set a record of the fastest smash at 493km/h in a test environment. The extremely small racket frame brings obvious sweet spot convergence, which allows the hitting power to be concentrated and the ball to be released quickly, but at the expense of Fault tolerance, high difficulty to get started.

rose to prominence in 2014 and was suspended in 2016: VTZF2

In 2014, Momota Kento participated in the Thomas Cup for the first time and won six games, helping the Japanese team win the championship, and he also won the title of his first world champion. That year, YONEX launched the big killer VTZF2, which is commonly known as the "second brother-in-law". Although the second brother-in-law is very violent, in terms of hitting the ball, it is still slightly inferior to the "eldest brother-in-law" VTZF. However, thanks to the thinnest mid-pole in history, it has good power transmission and a hard hitting feel with strong explosive power. Although the Second Brother-in-law has been launched for 5 years, it has always been very popular among amateur golfers. The Second Brother-in-law is also the racket that Momota Kento has used the longest.

Returned from suspension in 2017: Double Blade Z

After Kento Momota returned from suspension in June 2017, he used the latest Double Blade Z launched by YONEX at that time. As a member of the "Z" series, Double Blade Z also adopts a compact type. Small frame design. From the bow sword Z to the double-edged Z, it can be seen that Momota had a soft spot for the "Z" series of small frame rackets.

Momota used to be like Ginting, an offensive style of playing to kill the net. As he matured with age and improved his skills, he gradually transformed into a style of playing that involves pulling, controlling and attacking. The small frame racket can improve the sense of power convergence caused by the concentration of string tension after hitting the sweet spot, making it feel like all your power is used at one point at the moment of hitting the ball, thus enhancing the offensive power and reducing physical energy consumption. It is suitable for Continuous attacks, this may be the reason why Momota used to prefer small-frame rackets.

From the 2018 Asian Championships to the World Championships: Tianaxe88D

Momota became famous in the Asian Championships last year. He had just qualified to play in high-level competitions and won the championship over Shi Yuqi , Zhou Tiancheng , Lee Chong Wei, Chen Long , For a while, he attracted the attention of the entire badminton world. After his comeback, Momota has obviously changed a lot in his playing style. The proportion of offense has been reduced, the control of pulls has increased, and the defense is much more stable than before. It is difficult to see the big movements that he used to use his whole body to kill the ball, and even more so. Most of them are small movements that pursue suddenness and precision to kill the ball.

Tianaxe 88D was originally designed for doubles backcourt offense, but because of its obvious head-heavy feel and thick and solid hitting feel, it is also very suitable for singles.After the transformation of his playing style, Momota no longer relies so much on offensive scoring, so he also began to use the Amahawk 88D, a large frame racket with a strong sense of ball control and high fault tolerance rate. After all, the high fault tolerance rate brought by the large frame is useful in handling some defenses. When playing with the ball and passive ball, danger can often be saved.

From the 2018 World Championships to the present: Sky Axe 99

After Momota Kento won the championship at the Nanjing World Championships, he also brought his battle photos to the podium, which gave Sky Axe 99 a high degree of exposure for a while. and heat. Skyaxe 99 uses "Namd", a new dimensional carbon material, on both the mid-bar and frame, allowing the mid-bar to store energy while bending, greatly increasing the rebound speed. After trying ASTROX 99 for the first time, Lee Chong Wei commented: "I tried smashing the ball with ASTROX99 and felt a new power. This is an incredible racket."

At the same time, ASTROX 99 It is also the offensive racket with the highest balance point and the strongest head-heavy feeling in the Sky Ax series. It requires a good foundation of power and strength conditions to control it. Ordinary new golfers should not try it.

The above is the history of Momota Kento's racket use compiled by the editor of Aiyuke. It can be said that there is still a great relationship between one's own playing style characteristics and racket selection. I wonder what you think of the rackets Momota Kento has used. ?