Just two days after announcing the "severance of diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, the West African country Burkina Faso signed a joint communique with China on the 26th, announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations. When the Dominican Republic "changed its mind" towards T

didn’t keep the world waiting too long. Just two days after

announced the "severance of diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, the West African country Burkina Faso 26 signed a joint communique with China, announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations.

html On May 26, Wang Yi signed a joint communique on the resumption of diplomatic relations with Burkina Faso’s Foreign Minister Barry in Beijing.

"Real gold in diplomacy is exchanged for ruthlessness."

In a report on the 27th, Taiwan's "United Daily News" lamented with a "dreak" tone.

Screenshot of Taiwan's "United Daily News" report

This is the second "ally" that the Taiwan authorities have lost within a month - more than 20 days ago, when the Dominican Republic "changed its heart" towards Taiwan, Taiwanese media used the "wave of severing diplomatic relations" to Predict the embarrassing situation that Taiwan authorities may face.

But no one expected everything to happen so quickly.

And Burkina Faso's "leaving" finally made public opinion on the island begin to seriously face such a topic - when will "zero diplomatic relations" come?

In fact, when faced with this problem, Taiwanese netizens already have their own answer: at this speed, the "breakoff of diplomatic relations" can be completed around November next year.

"Friends" are leaving one after another, is "zero diplomatic relations" still far away?

Burkina Faso is Taiwan’s fourth country in the world and the second in Africa to have severed diplomatic relations since Tsai Ing-wen came to power in 2016.

After Taiwan announced the "severance of diplomatic relations" this time, the number of so-called "diplomatic countries" with Taiwan has been reduced to 18, and only one country in Africa is Swaziland.

In the words of the BBC Chinese website, Taiwan lost its "diplomatic states" in a row in May, and Taiwan's "diplomacy" continues to be in turmoil.

Screenshot of BBC Chinese website report

The "continuous critical attacks" encountered in just over 20 days have caused concern on the island.

"The prophecy of 'avalanche severing of diplomatic relations' has come true." "United Daily News" asked worriedly, to what extent will Taiwan's "diplomacy" and the cross-strait situation "collapse" in the future, will Tsai Ing-wen really feel it?

At the same time, the media on the island began to worry about "zero diplomatic relations" and its consequences.

Taiwan's "Wang Bao" stated that if Taiwan reaches the point of "zero diplomatic relations", even if it has the ability to be independent, if it is not recognized by any country, it will only be "self-explanatory Taiwan independence."

In response to the voices of some "Taiwan independence" elements on the island who "don't care", " China Times Electronic News " compared "Western Sahara" and "Somaliland" with Taiwan to describe the "tragic end" that is not recognized by the international community.

Screenshot of "China Times Electronic News" report

Compared with the bleakness and discouragement revealed in relevant reports by Taiwanese media, Taiwanese netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with Tsai Ing-wen and the Taiwanese authorities in a sarcastic and joking tone.

Tsai Ing-wen was furious and was ridiculed by the crowd for her "faint move".

Being "abandoned" twice in a month, Tsai Ing-wen was obviously furious.

On the night of the 24th when diplomatic relations were "cut off", Tsai Ing-wen made a speech overnight, attacking the mainland's "diplomatic suppression" of Taiwan and declaring that she "will no longer tolerate it."

This statement was called "pity" by "China Times Electronic News". Netizens choked, "I just want to hear your resignation speech."

Screenshot of the China Times report

On social media, Tsai Ing-wen was already incoherent. Not only did she claim that the departure of two "diplomatic countries" in succession "revealed China's uneasiness and lack of self-confidence", she also posted six posts in three days. Shouting "Taiwan will continue to move toward the world", the mainland is using "gold-dollar diplomacy to suppress Taiwan."

As soon as this statement came out, Taiwan's " United News Network " directly "scratched" on " Facebook ": "Did I hear it wrong?"

"United News Network" Facebook screenshot

Many media on the island They all "slap" Tsai Ing-wen in the face with real hammers: Burkina Faso's statement on "breaking off diplomatic relations" did not mention the mainland at all, and only emphasized that this choice was made for the benefit of the country and its people.

But what is even more ridiculous is yet to come -

Taiwan's "China Times" reported that Tsai Ing-wen announced on the 26th that she would donate US$1 million to the World Health Organization (which has refused Taiwan's participation in the conference) as a means to combat the Ebola virus. fund.

Screenshot of "China Times" report

As soon as the news came out, some Taiwanese netizens immediately commented:

At the same time, Tsai Ing-wen also tried to use senior US officials as a "prescription."

On the evening of the 26th, US Republican Senator Gardner of the "Taiwan friendly faction" suddenly flew to Taiwan to meet with Tsai Ing-wen.

According to the "China Times" report, Tsai Ing-wen said that the meaning of this meeting with Gardner was "very different."

Gardner (picture from Taiwanese media)

However, the people on the island were very dissatisfied with Tsai Ing-wen's "hugging her thighs", pointing out that Tsai Ing-wen was "so stupid and naive."

In fact, the Tsai Ing-wen administration’s self-evasion and blame-shifting under the “zero diplomatic relations” situation have long made Taiwanese media uncomfortable with it.

"Wang Bao" pointedly pointed out in its comments that "Taiwan independence is the key to severing diplomatic relations." The Tsai administration should find the reasons within itself and draw a clear line with the "independence faction", so that all problems can be easily solved.

According to Liu Guijin, the first Chinese government special representative for African affairs and former ambassador to South Africa, the Tsai Ing-wen administration’s loss of Burkina Faso was “purely self-inflicted and self-inflicted.”

“If you don’t adhere to the one-China principle and don’t recognize the ‘1992 Consensus,’ you will only alienate yourself and become a lonely person.” Ambassador Liu said.

Chinese Ambassador revealed the details of the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Burundi: Mainland China did not spend a penny!

"African countries with some long-term ambition and vision...mostly will give up on Taiwan." BBC Chinese quoted Taiwanese scholars as commenting on Taiwan's past choices among non-"friendly countries".

Ambassador Liu revealed to Xiaorui that in fact, the Burkina Faso government once expressed its hope to resume diplomatic relations with China, "but at that time we comprehensively considered cross-strait relations and did not make a positive response."

Ambassador Liu particularly emphasized that the restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Burundi is a process that "comes naturally and naturally" and "China has not engaged in the so-called 'buying diplomacy' behavior."

All this, in the words of Burkina Faso’s Foreign Minister Barry, the decision to “break off diplomatic relations” is to better safeguard the interests of Burkina Faso and the people of Burkina Faso, and also to better promote the development of Burkina Faso and surrounding areas. regional socio-economic development.

Scenery of Burkina Faso

This is confirmed by a set of figures revealed by Ambassador Liu to Xiaorui: Burkina Faso’s annual trade volume with Taiwan is only US$8 million, while the annual trade volume with mainland China would reach US$200 million.

" The results of China-Africa cooperation are obvious to all countries, and Burkina Faso is no exception." Ambassador Liu said, "This is what people want and the general trend."

It is worth mentioning that just as China and Burkina Faso resumed On the day of diplomatic relations, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that for a long time, China and Africa have been looking forward to an early "grand reunion" and a "family portrait."

Wang Yi said: "Currently, there is only one country in Africa that has not established diplomatic relations with China. We sincerely hope that this country will join the big family of China-Africa friendship at an early date."

This country is the Swazi that Xiaorui mentioned in the previous article. orchid.

In this regard, Ambassador Liu said that Taiwan has a relatively close relationship with Swaziland, but with the deepening of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation between China and Africa, more and more countries will hope to prosper together with China.

"This year's Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is a good platform and opportunity. We believe that one day it will join the big family of China-Africa friendship." Ambassador Liu said.

(Editor/Huang Yingying)