The promotion papers that Tsai Ing-wen should have submitted while teaching at the university also "missed", triggering doubts among netizens on the island. Kuomintang "legislator" Chen Xuesheng said on Facebook on the 17th that there have been rumors on the Internet and among th

Source: Overseas Network

Original title: Tsai Ing-wen's "paper gate" has been upgraded again. During her teaching career at the university, her papers were also "missing"

Tsai Ing-wen (Taiwan media data map)

Overseas Network, July 17th. During the Democratic Progressive Party's primary election a few days ago, the Green Camp Celebrities have questioned Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral thesis for falsification. On the 17th, a KMT "legislator" revealed that the promotion thesis that Tsai Ing-wen should have submitted while teaching at the university was also "missing", triggering doubts among netizens on the island.

According to "Feng Media" report, Kuomintang "legislator" Chen Xuesheng said on Facebook on the 17th that there have been rumors on the Internet and among the people recently that Tsai Ing-wen could not find the documents that should be submitted for promotion when Tsai Ing-wen taught at National Chengchi University and Soochow University Papers and monographs, it is suspected that Tsai Ing-wen was promoted to a teaching position without due process.

Chen Xuesheng said that many experts and scholars have searched through various channels, including "Google Scholar", National Chengchi University, Soochow University Library search system, etc., but they have not been able to find the documents that Tsai Ing-wen must submit and meet the qualifications when she was promoted that year. Thesis or monograph. In addition, due to the recent incidents of professors forging papers and being promoted, claims that Tsai Ing-wen was "promoted to a teaching position without due process and was suspected of violating the law and not qualifying for qualifications" are rampant. He specifically asked the education department to request National Chengchi University and Soochow University to provide Tsai Ing-wen with the papers and other necessary materials that should be submitted when she is promoted to a teaching position before this Friday (19th).

Tsai Ing-wen’s “thesis scandal” has been fermenting. In June of this year, Cao Changqing, a well-known Green Camp speaker, published a long article titled "Is Tsai Ing-wen's PhD thesis fake?" The article stated that Tsai Ing-wen's doctoral thesis at the London School of Economics and Political Science was "inexplicably missing" and that all channels were exhausted to find out in all public academic publications. Tsai Ing-wen’s doctoral thesis cannot be found in the database. What’s even more outrageous is that the name of the thesis advisor cannot be found.

Because the London School of Economics and Political Science was once found to be "selling degrees," Cao Changqing proposed a method for Tsai Ing-wen to prove her innocence by "publicly publishing her doctoral thesis" and "announcement of the name of the professor who advised her doctoral thesis", but she never got it respond. This incident caused an uproar on the island. People said that one person, one letter should be launched to request Tsai Ing-wen to publish her doctoral dissertation for everyone to read. Taiwan's "China Times" stated that Tsai Ing-wen, as a political figure and academic figure, must make this matter clear.

Tsai Ing-wen, who had always remained silent, took out her diploma a month later in an attempt to prove her innocence. However, netizens on the island did not buy it and angrily said: "It's one thing if you have a diploma, but what about the most important thesis?" "People are doubting your thesis, but the cheating English use the diploma to shift the focus!" Sure enough, the paper still cannot be produced.” Some netizens ridiculed Tsai Ing-wen, “You can cheat in polls, but there is nothing else you can’t fake.” (Overseas Network/Yang Jia)

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