Long-term drinking can cause serious harm to the human body. Alcohol is also classified as a Class I carcinogen by the World Health Organization.

Long-term drinking can cause serious harm to the human body. Alcohol is also classified as a Class I carcinogen by the World Health Organization. The metabolism of alcohol in the body varies greatly among individuals. Some people drink a lot of alcohol, while others get drunk every drop of alcohol. This is mainly related to genetic factors and partly to environmental factors. The alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydration enzymes in each person's body The activity of hydrogenase enzymes is different, so the amount of alcohol varies. Some people blush when drinking alcohol (commonly known as hurting the face), and some people drink alcohol as if drinking water. In fact, it is related to the amount and activity of the above two enzymes. When drinking, if you are particularly good at drinking, don’t think that others must be able to drink as well as you. It’s okay for you to drink a pound, but don’t think that it’s okay for others. Reports of accidents at the wine table due to drinking are not uncommon. So what harm does drinking alcohol cause to the human body?

1. If alcohol directly enters the gastrointestinal tract, it will definitely cause damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, erosion, ulcers, and even upper gastrointestinal bleeding. It usually occurs shortly after drinking and is mostly an acute injury. Hospital emergency rooms see a large number of cases of acute alcohol poisoning every year, and even more during the holidays.

2. Alcohol can cause serious damage to the liver: Alcohol is mainly metabolized in the liver, so alcohol causes very serious damage to the liver. Alcohol damage to the liver can be divided into acute liver damage and chronic damage. Acute liver injury: Generally, more than 250ml of liquor per meal lasts for about two weeks, causing serious abnormalities in liver function. At this time, the transaminase increases dozens of times, and may even reach more than 1,000. The higher the detected transaminase, it means that the liver cells are damaged. The degree of damage and necrosis will be higher; Chronic liver damage caused by alcohol: Generally, drinking more than 100ml of liquor every day for more than 5 years will cause chronic alcoholic fatty liver and mild to moderate elevation of transaminases. More than 80% of heavy drinkers have varying degrees of fatty liver, 10% to 35% can develop into alcoholic hepatitis, and 0% to 20% will develop into cirrhosis. Clinically alcoholic liver disease includes: mild alcoholic liver injury, alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. It is not uncommon for liver cirrhosis to cause hepatic ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, or even liver cancer. This is especially true when combined with viral hepatitis.
3. Alcohol can cause damage to the pancreas. Excessive drinking in a single session and eating a large amount of high-fat food can lead to the onset of acute pancreatitis. , especially patients with high triglycerides are more likely to occur. In addition, long-term drinking can also cause chronic damage to the pancreas. On the basis of chronic damage, it is more likely to lead to the onset of acute pancreatitis. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hyperlipidemia and high triglycerides, especially when triglycerides exceed 5.0mmol/L, are also very likely to lead to recurring episodes of pancreatitis

4. Alcohol can cause harmful effects on the brain and nerves. Systems can also cause damage. Long-term heavy drinking can cause damage to brain tissues and cells, causing symptoms such as tremors, memory loss, fatigue and fatigue. Long-term drinking can also cause mental symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations.

5. Scientists have found that even a small amount of alcohol consumed by pregnant women during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the intelligence of the fetus.
6. Excessive drinking can also cause anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (a mental and psychological disease that is difficult to get over after experiencing a trauma)
7. Alcohol can aggravate the occurrence of some diseases. For example, for patients with hepatitis B infection, drinking alcohol can aggravate liver damage. Will aggravate digestive system diseases.
8. The effect of alcohol on drugs: Everyone is familiar with the effect on drugs such as cephalosporins, metronidazole, and furazolidone. Drinking alcohol can cause symptoms of palpitation, shortness of breath, and arrhythmia in patients. In serious cases, alcohol can threaten life. It also affects the metabolism of various drugs such as statins, erythromycin, and rifampin.

9. Heavy and long-term drinking can cause damage to the heart. Acute damage is manifested as: sudden increase in blood pressure, heart rate disorder, accelerated heart rate, dizziness, headache, palpitation, chest tightness and other symptoms.Chronic disease will lead to alcoholic cardiomyopathy and eventually develop into heart failure, seriously affecting life and quality of life.
10. Long-term excessive drinking not only has a serious impact on the health of individuals and future generations, but also causes serious harm to the entire society. For example, the mortality rate of long-term heavy drinkers is 1 to 3 times higher than that of the general population; the incidence rate of neurological, psychiatric diseases, liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases in alcoholic men is 20% higher than that of non-drinking people. Serious alcoholics, It is even higher by 50%. Alcohol is also an important cause of family problems such as increased divorce rates, family instability, family breakdown, family poverty, and domestic violence. Alcohol abuse is also an important cause of endangering social security and will lead to an increase in certain crime rates. There are many others. of workplace injuries and traffic accidents are related to alcohol use.

I hope you can know the following facts:
1. All wine, whether high-end or low-end, national wine or foreign wine, is mainly composed of alcohol;
2. Modern medical research has not proven that drinking alcohol will be beneficial to health and prolong life. , or prevent and treat certain diseases;
3, the final metabolism of any alcohol in the body will generate heat, carbon dioxide and other nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Moreover, the intermediate metabolite acetaldehyde is quite harmful to the human body.
4. All medicinal wines are medicines, not wine. Never drink medicinal wine as wine.
5. The taste of various wines is different, mainly due to the difference in additives and flavorings, not the essential differences.
Quitting alcohol is the most effective and easiest way to prevent and treat alcoholic liver disease and other related diseases; drinking alcohol can harm your body, so you need to be careful when drinking.