For edible oils, you should try to eat less or no animal oils such as lard and butter that are high in saturated fatty acids, and try to eat more vegetable oils that are high in unsaturated fatty acids to avoid or prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The higher th

In recent years, people have generally realized the importance of good health. For edible oils, try to eat less or no animal oils such as lard and butter that are high in saturated fatty acids, and eat more vegetable oils that are high in unsaturated fatty acids to avoid or prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases .

The higher the grade of vegetable oil, the higher the content of unsaturated fatty acids , which is obviously more beneficial to the body, so how can it be said to be more harmful? Because it depends on the content of trans fatty acid eaten in the stomach.

what? Are there trans fatty acids in the vegetable oils we eat? Yes, the vegetable oils we eat contain trans fatty acids, and the content is very low, generally no more than 1%. However, if you cook incorrectly and artificially synthesize some trans fatty acids, you will end up with more trans fatty acids in your stomach, which may affect your health.

What are trans fatty acids?

trans fatty acids , is because vegetable oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, has poor stability and easily deteriorates. In order to improve the stability of oil, the cis structure of some unsaturated fatty acids is usually changed into a trans structure. This greatly enhances the stability of the oil and makes it easier to store.

What are the dangers of trans fatty acids?

According to the "Chinese Resident Dietary Nutrition Report 2021", "Excessive intake of trans fatty acids can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease death. The Meta analysis of 19 cohort studies results showed that trans fat intake Excessive intake will lead to a 14% increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease death; further dose-effect relationship analysis shows that for every 1% increase in energy from trans fat, the risk of cardiovascular disease death increases by 6%. "

According to GB 28050-2011. The national standard "National Food Safety Standard General Principles for Nutritional Labeling of Prepackaged Foods" states that "the daily intake of trans fatty acids should not exceed 2.2 grams. Excessive intake is harmful to health. Trans fatty acid intake should be less than the total daily energy 1%, too much is harmful to health. Excessive intake of trans fatty acids can increase blood cholesterol , thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

So how can we minimize the intake of trans fatty acids?

1) Look at the production process of vegetable oil

Our common vegetable oils are basically produced through the "degumming-deacidification-decolorization-deodorization" high-temperature refining process , especially the deodorization section, which produces more trans fatty acids than other sections. need more. As shown in the screenshot below, the trans fatty acid content increased significantly after the deodorization section, and was 576.92% higher than the trans fatty acid content of crude oil.

Chai Jie, School of Food, Jiangnan University, et al. "The Impact of Refining Process on the Quality of Sunflower Seed Oil"

Therefore, if possible, we choose a semi-refining process without decolorization and deodorization, which can greatly reduce the production of trans fatty acids.

For people who like olive oil, its trans fatty acid content is not low. As can be seen from the table below, the trans fatty acid content in refined olive oil is significantly higher than that in virgin olive oil .

Therefore, when we choose vegetable oil, we give priority to those produced by low-temperature pressing process, followed by semi-refined process, and finally refining process, which can greatly reduce the trans fatty acid content in the raw oil.

2) It depends on the way you eat it.

Whether food is fried, stir-fried, deep-fried or served cold depends entirely on your own preferences, but it cannot be entirely up to you. We have to look at the smoke point of vegetable oil.

Smoke point refers to the temperature when oil is heated to the point where it begins to emit continuous blue smoke. Generally, when the oil starts to smoke, even if it has not reached the smoke point, it will produce carcinogens such as trans fatty acids and benzopyrene .

So the best way for is cold dishes and steamed stews. If you need to stir-fry, wait for the oil pan to heat up before adding vegetable oil for stir-frying. This is commonly known as "hot pan, cold oil" stir-frying. Do not wait for the oil to smoke before adding vegetables to stir-fry. This can reduce the production of trans fatty acids. .What’s more important to note is that you must eat less fried food! ! !


If there is no way to choose the production process of vegetable oil, then we can only reduce the intake of trans fatty acids as much as possible by changing our cooking habits. What do you think? #Edible oil##Lard#

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