I don’t know if the students who love to browse Weibo have noticed that Coca-Cola is going to cause trouble recently! According to reports, "Kuroko's Basketball" has linked up with Coca-Cola.

I don’t know if students who love to browse Weibo have noticed that Coca-Cola is going to cause trouble recently! According to reports, "Kuroko's Basketball" has been linked with Coca-Cola. Kuroko, Kagami and Aomine each have two versions, which are sold in major convenience stores. As a loyal fan of Black Basket, I really want to buy the complete set for my collection. Even if I don’t have the money, I will pick up the complete set when picking up bottles! (Especially the tsundere Cuicui whom Baibai loves, Cuicui is the best!)

Unfortunately, this linkage event is only in Taiwan. My fellow Taiwanese are envious of it, eh!

But we in the mainland should not be too sad, because at this time, Nongfu Spring is also causing trouble!

Recently, Nongfu Spring cooperated with the mobile game " Onmyoji " to launch a new package of fruity water drinks in the Onmyoji series. The four flavors of water lemon, water lychee, water grape and water grapefruit correspond to 12 styles of divine versions. , this series of products has also been put on sale on major domestic platforms and offline channels at the end of April. NetEase Kaola Overseas Shopping, as the launch platform of this series of products, will be the first to be launched on the entire network on April 24.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar. Fans rushed to buy it. Some people even went to many different supermarkets to find a set.

Of course, in addition to the appearance that attracts fans, this series also introduces a large number of game interactive settings, including winning official game peripherals, winning in-game shikigami summoning coupons and other forms. Nongfu Spring stated that the coverage rate for uncovering prizes will reach 100%. This is undoubtedly another highlight to attract consumption. (The senior African chief said in vain that if I buy a bottle of dog juice, can I get dog juice?)

In fact, in recent years, news about cross-border cooperation between the two-dimensional industry and the three-dimensional industry has become more and more common. Just like not long ago, "Onmyoji" also cooperated with KFC.

The popular domestic animation " Master " also cooperates with McDonald's. Do you still remember our crazy collection of McDonald's Master Series cards?

Some people even went to the Hangzhou-themed restaurant in Xinxing’s home stadium:

The advertisements in the full-time animation are really tough, and the promised meal was turned into a McDonald’s meal (dumbfounded.jpg)

But Ye Shen is really pleasing to the eye. Lick~

Even Xiaomi joined in the fun and launched the Redmi Note 4X Hatsune Miku limited edition set in February this year. Mr. Lei is really extraordinary~

Then the question is, why are more and more three-dimensional industries choosing What about cooperation with the two-dimensional industry? The answer is actually very simple: because the two-dimensional market is very large, it contains great potential value, it is easy to make money, and it can drive GDP to a certain extent.

In Japan, where the two-dimensional industry is developed, although there are still many people who don’t like otakus and fujoshi, it is precisely because of these otakus and fujoshis that they have made a certain contribution to Japan’s economy. This industry can continue to survive and develop. According to statistics, in 2016-2017, with the support of enthusiastic audiences, derivatives of popular anime characters appeared in many product categories. In addition, traditional manufacturers saw the boosting effect of copyrighted characters on sales. Characters in recent years have The commercial market is booming, and the consumption of otakus is also considerable.

And our great dynasty also takes a fancy to this point, and pays more and more attention to the two-dimensional commodity market. Even the big boss CCTV has done relevant special reports:

CCTV’s vigorous promotion of reports is nothing more than the hope that there will be more People are invited to explore the economic value of the ACG field, thereby driving the development of China's tertiary industry and pointing the way for the transformation of some enterprises. Merchants also understand this and launch related products to attract fans.

But in fact, some otakus don’t like Tianchao’s approach... Because in the domestic Internet and social environment, some businesses may only see the word "money". Just add a "two-dimensional" label to the product casually and sell it without really paying attention to quality, just like some netizens complained that Nongfu Spring water drinks are not actually delicious.Judging from the results, the merchants made a lot of money, but the consumers suffered a huge loss. We fat people are not easy to bully!

Generally speaking, in China, the prospects of the two-dimensional industry are still good, but I hope that merchants can take the two-dimensional as a gimmick while also taking into account the quality and not let consumers feel that they are being cheated; secondly, don’t be casual If every product is labeled as "two-dimensional", the term "two-dimensional" will gradually become commercialized and eventually change its flavor.

But no matter what, as long as the second dimension we love in our hearts has not changed, and there is love in our hearts, then nothing can change our minds! Bi Xin ~

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