In the journey of the development of the times, Xi'an High-tech Zone strides forward, solving problems with hard work, answering with practical actions, and responding to the propositions of the times. From now on, we launch a series of reports on "Strive for Hi-tech and Sail Fas

[Strive for high-tech and sail fast]

We have been going through ups and downs, and we have forged ahead with perseverance. In the journey of the development of the times, Xi'an High-tech Zone strides forward, solving problems with hard work, answering with practical actions, and responding to the propositions of the times. From now on, we launch a series of reports on "Strive for Hi-tech and Sail Fast" to fully witness the high-tech zone's development process and panoramically display the magnificent picture of the "Four Hi-tech" construction.

Xi'an High-tech Zone: The "key variable" for scientific and technological innovation is the "maximum increment"

On February 4, the Beijing Winter Olympics grandly opened. With the perfect combination of concept innovation and technological power, Winter Olympics The opening ceremony presented an ethereal and romantic artistic feast to the world. Behind the stunning visual effects, in addition to industry giants such as BOE and Leyard , there is also a hard technology company from Xi'an High-tech Zone, Xi'an Nova Nebula Technology Co., Ltd. ("Nova Nebula" for short).

Nova Nebula's independently developed ultra-high-resolution server, ultra-large-scale video splicer, and over 100,000 receiving cards provide a control system with precise control and safe backup for the LED display system of the Winter Olympics opening ceremony. At the same time, its single-port 8K control technology provides technical support for more than 20 8K LED display giant screens across the country, allowing viewers to get an immersive visual experience of ice and snow without going to the Bird's Nest site.

What is little known is that this "low-key" technology company has been "associated" with large-scale international sports events many times by virtue of its outstanding technological innovation capabilities. As early as 2008, Nova Nebula's founding team successfully broke the foreign technology monopoly and lit up the main background screen of the "Pangu Grand View" of the Beijing Olympics. Since then, Nova Nebula has been behind top events such as the 2016 Rio Olympics, the 2018 World Cup in Russia, and the CCTV Spring Festival Gala from 2019 to 2022.

Nova Nebula is an outstanding representative of science and technology innovation enterprises in Xi'an High-tech Zone, but it is not the only one. Over the past decades, Xi'an High-tech Zone has continuously cultivated the soil for innovation and entrepreneurship, cultivated many outstanding high-tech enterprises, and produced batches of scientific and technological innovation achievements, contributing science and technology to the national and regional economic and social development and the improvement of people's living standards. strength.

Just in the past year, a number of epidemic prevention and anti-epidemic intelligent products such as the "epidemic prevention service robot ", "epidemic prevention and disinfection robot" and "body temperature detection robot" developed by Shaanxi Zhongjian Jianle Intelligent Robot Co., Ltd. have been on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. Played a special role; the extravehicular spacesuit camera developed by the Xi'an Institute of Optics and Mechanics recorded the stunning moment of Nie Haisheng and Liu Boming's "space walk"; in the "Shenzhou 12" manned spacecraft During the launch, AVIC Fujitec provided high-order low-passive intermodulation connectors and cable assemblies, replacing imported phase-stable cable assemblies, which played an important role in signal transmission...

Prior to this, Xi'an High-tech Zone was also born The world's new generation of intraocular lens , my country's first IoT core chip, Qiming 910/920 two-generation artificial intelligence acceleration chip, my country's first GPS chipset and the first global wireless communication security international standard are a number of hard-verified products. Strong scientific and technological innovation achievements.

The continuous gathering of various scientific and technological innovation elements such as talents, funds, and platforms is the source of the continuous burst of scientific and technological innovation vitality in Xi'an High-tech Zone.

Data shows that at present, Xi'an High-tech Zone has 49 scientific research institutes, 311 key R&D platforms, 186 new R&D institutions, and more than 3,800 high-tech enterprises. A number of industry leaders such as Huawei and ZTE have deployed research and development Center, Hillhouse , Sequoia Capital China Fund, IDG Capital, Shenzhen Venture Capital and other well-known domestic investment institutions have successively invested in scientific and technological enterprises, forming artificial intelligence, aerospace, biotechnology, optoelectronic chips, information technology , new materials, new energy, intelligent manufacturing and other technology industry clusters. In addition, Xi'an High-tech Zone also has a steady supply of talents from dozens of universities in the ancient capital.

In the past development, technological innovation has been the "soul" and "password" of Xi'an High-tech Zone. Today, when international competition is becoming increasingly fierce and the demand for high-quality development of is more urgent, technological innovation is still the key to Xi'an High-tech Zone's success in the future. .

In 2021, facing the new mission of "dual-zone" construction and the new opportunities of the construction of Qinchuang's original new drive platform, Xi'an High-tech Zone once again placed technological innovation at the core of high-quality development and launched the construction of "technological innovation and high-tech" to Accumulating strength in scientific and technological innovation, we will accelerate our progress towards world-class high-tech parks and strive to be the vanguard of high-quality development.

Under the macro guidance of "science, technology, innovation and high technology", Xi'an High-tech Zone has successively launched the construction of the Silk Road Science City and the Silk Road Software City, introduced the "Nine Technological Innovation Rules" and the "Ten Rules for Listing" and promoted the "1+3" implementation of Qin Chuangyuan's construction Plans and other policies and measures will accelerate the construction of a number of innovation platforms such as Qinchuangyuan Xi'an Science and Technology Innovation Fund Park and Qinchuangyuan Integrated Circuit Accelerator, injecting strong momentum into the creation of Qinchuangyuan's mission practice area, core engine area and demonstration model area. The

data is the best transcript. In the past year, the number of newly recognized high-tech enterprises and 3,207 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises in the Xi'an High-tech Zone reached 1,513 and 3,207 respectively, with an increase of more than 30%. The R&D investment intensity of the whole society reached 6.64%, and the technology contract recognition amount reached 650 100 million yuan, 8 companies have been successfully listed, 4 of which have been listed on the " Science and Technology Innovation Board ", and the mutual amplification effect of technology and finance has become more prominent.

In 2022, Xi'an High-tech Zone plans 19 "technological innovation and high-tech" projects, continues to strengthen the "lifeline" of scientific and technological innovation, and strives to achieve a 7.5% share of RD expenditureGDP with stronger measures and greater achievements, and technology contracts A series of goals such as a transaction volume of 78 billion yuan and a 30% increase in the output value of high-tech industries have accumulated stronger momentum for the construction of the “four high-tech” and Qin Chuang original innovation-driven platforms. (High-tech Media Reporter Zhang Jingpan)