He sacrificed his life and blood for the sake of national justice. With strict military discipline, excellent command skills and a forward-looking view of the overall situation, he became the most outstanding general of that era. Before Yue Fei was executed, the Dali Temple of th

Yue Fei was a famous general who fought against the Jin Dynasty in the late Northern Song Dynasty. He sacrificed his life and blood for the sake of national justice. With strict military discipline, excellent command skills and forward-looking overall view, he became the best general of that era. The "Yue Family Army" led by him became famous all over the world, frightening the Jin soldiers and becoming the last dignity defending the Song Dynasty.

Yue Fei once led his army to Zhuxian Town, and was only one kilometer away from regaining his old capital. At that time, Yue Fei was in high spirits. He never drank alcohol, but at this time, he boldly said 16 words to his generals: This time I will kill the golden man and go straight to Huanglong Mansion. I will drink with you all!

However, Song Gaozong was afraid that Yue Fei's victory in welcoming the second Huiqin sect would cause his throne to be unsafe, so under the instigation of Qin Hui and other traitorous ministers, he issued twelve gold medals in one day to summon Yue Fei. Moved back to school. After Yue Fei received the gold medal, he cried and sighed: Ten years of strength was wasted in one day!

As a result, Yue Fei was arrested and imprisoned as soon as possible, and all military powers were lifted. Before Yue Fei was executed, the Southern Song Dynasty Ministry of Punishment Dali Temple determined that Yue Fei had three crimes: "not staying in," "rebuking the public," and "inciting Zhang Xianyi to commit rebellion." "Staying but not entering" refers to Yue Fei's self-respect and disobedience to the imperial court's command; "Rebuking Chengyu" refers to Yue Fei's disrespect for the emperor; "To Zhang Xian intending to rebel" refers to the period when Yue Fei was leisurely living in Lushan. Write a letter to Zhang Xian and others to prepare for the uprising. These three major crimes are all capital crimes. However, Yue Fei was imprisoned in October of the 11th year of Shaoxing (AD 1141) until the 29th of the twelfth lunar month of that year, which was New Year's Eve. It took more than two months before Song Gaozong executed Yue Fei.

Therefore, Yue Fei’s three crimes should not exist. The crime for which he was actually executed should be the three words mentioned by Qin Hui: Groundless.

Moreover, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty knew that Yue Fei was wronged from beginning to end. In the 32nd year of Shaoxing (AD 1162), Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty established his Zen position. He died in 1187 AD and had been the Supreme Emperor for 25 years. In the year when Xiaozong came to the throne, Yue Fei was rehabilitated. Gaozong also knew about Yue Fei's rehabilitation, but he did not intervene, which shows that Song Gaozong knew about Yue Fei from beginning to end. It's unjust.

According to historical records, the person who tried Yue Fei at that time was He Zhu. Yue Fei remained silent and revealed the old tattoo on his back with the four characters "Serve the country with all your loyalty." He Zhu is still an official with a sense of justice, and the case cannot be continued. So Qin Hui changed the case to the unscrupulous Wanqixiao .

The Song and Jin peace talks have been reached at this time. Among the conditions given by the Jin people to the Song Dynasty , Yue Fei must be executed. But Yue Fei refused to do anything, so Wan Qixiu tortured Yue Fei, Yue Yun and his son. Yue Fei just closed his eyes and allowed himself to be tortured. When their relatives visited them, they saw "their heads were naked, everyone was lying on their arms, their bodies were covered in blood, and they were moaning in pain."

Wan Qixi finally got Yue Fei’s "confession", which was 8 words: The sky is clear, the sky is clear!

At that time, many officials and ministers inside and outside the Song court interceded for Yue Fei, but most of them were dismissed from their official posts by Qin Hui. But the people didn't do anything anymore. They spontaneously gathered together to appeal for Yue Fei's grievances. Wan Qixi wrote to Qin Hui to inform Qin Hui about the people's "demonstration", but Qin Hui was hesitant after learning about it.

After reading the letter, Qin Hui's wife, Wang, laughed and said: "Old man, there is no way to make a decision! It is easy to catch a tiger, but it is difficult to release it." She urged Qin Hui to execute Yue Fei quickly.

In this way, with the cooperation of a group of traitors, Qin Hui entered the palace to meet Song Gaozong to discuss the solution. One day later, 39-year-old Yue Fei, Yue Yun and his son, and general Zhang Xian were executed in the form of "imperial edict".

After Yue Fei's death, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty cried for him. When the Jin people on the other side heard about it, they celebrated with each other and stayed up all night drinking and having fun.

Fortunately, after Song Xiaozong came to the throne, Yue Fei's injustice was finally vindicated. His body was buried in Qixialing, West Lake. Later, his posthumous titles became more and more noble.

In 1475 AD, in order to commemorate this great general, the people made bronze statues of Qin Hui, the mastermind at the time, and his vicious wife Wang, and knelt in front of Yue Fei's tomb to repent.

In 1513 AD, the eighth year of Emperor Wuzong's reign in the Ming Dynasty, General Li Long, who was the commander of the capital in Zhejiang at that time, also admired Yue Fei very much. So General Li Long once again cast the kneeling statue in front of Yue Fei's tomb, and added Wan Qixi, the judge of that year, to Qin Hui and his wife. Because Wan Qiman tortured Yue Fei to extract a confession, he was colluding and was called a traitor by later generations.

Later, an official from Zhejiang came to pay homage to Yue Fei. When looking at Yue Fei's case, he felt that Zhang Jun, one of the "ZTE Four Generals", also played a big role in this matter. Although Zhang Jun had meritorious service in his early years, he was one of the masterminds in framing Yue Fei with Qin Hui, and his merits and demerits cannot be offset. So there were four people in front of Yue Fei's tomb.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, someone added Luo Ruji. They believed that Luo Ruji was a member of Qin Hui's party and had framed Yue Fei, so they added his bronze statue to it.

Just like that, the kneeling statue in front of Yue Fei's tomb became five people. Then, in the late Qing Dynasty, local officials pardoned Luo Ruji on the grounds that Luo Ruji had committed a crime of "dereliction of duty" and had not yet reached the level of "genuflecting" that a thousand people would refer to.

In this way, there are only four kneeling statues in front of Yue Fei's tomb, including Qin Hui and his wife, Wan Qixi, and Zhang Jun.

It is precisely because of this kneeling statue that the descendants of Qin Hui have been living in shame, which is very embarrassing. Some of Qin Hui's descendants were not very burdened and actively defended Qin Hui. Some descendants of Qin Hui even threatened to demolish the kneeling statue of Qin Hui over and over again. In this regard, the Cultural Heritage Administration stood up and spoke out: "Qin Hui and his wife killed the famous patriotic general Yue Fei. Their kneeling statue has been the wish of people throughout the ages. Who dares to tear it down and give it a try?"