I actually got hit on many times...even though everyone started the conversation with the same phrase. **The reason is that it is in my hand**. Because they will **put the chicken steak into the cup**.

Today I was walking on Fangta Street, and

I was hit on many times...

Although everyone started with

"Wow, where did you buy this???"

The reason is that I have it in my hand. It


renrenzhengxin chicken chops cups


It is the

chicken that is popular in the streets! Row! cup!

What should you do if you want to eat delicious chicken steak

but also want to go shopping slowly?

What should I do if I want to go to a movie but also want to eat?

Chicken steak cups can help you solve this problem

because they can put the chicken steak into the cup

You can hold it up and eat it!

comes from South Korea secret sauce,

is marinated in a secret method, and has a unique taste ,

is very popular in Korea ,

There are long queues in front of the store every day,

is so popular that it is even popular in the mainland,

some domestic foodies do not hesitate to I go abroad just for this delicious chicken steak cup.

In addition to such a cool shape,

tastes incredibly delicious!

suddenly thought, can I have some other "cups"?

Of course!

In addition, Renrenzhengxin store also has snacks and desserts series,

to meet the needs of different foodies!

You are responsible for enjoying the food,

I am responsible for making the food.

While shopping, I held up the tender and juicy Renrenzhengxinjun

The rate of return is so high!

Are you excited? Join now!