Not enough time and too lazy to exercise! Bianer Mi understands these sentiments very well~ So, I will share this article today. It only takes 5 minutes a day to clean up the fat at home. It kills two birds with one stone, it is perfect! Straighten your back to vacuum the floor.

I don’t have enough time and I am too lazy to exercise! Bianer Mi understands these sentiments very well~ So, I will share this article today. It only takes 5 minutes a day to clean up the fat at home. It kills two birds with one stone, it is perfect!

Straighten your back to vacuum the floor, simply swing your back.

Lift the vacuum cleaner body, take a step forward, straighten your front feet, and slowly move your body's center of gravity back. At this time, your back should be straight and your arms should be stretched back! This is step 1

Step 2 is to step forward with the other foot, keeping the back straight! Then, repeat steps 1 and 2 to suck the ground forward. Repeat 10 times and then switch to the other foot. This way of vacuuming or mopping the floor can make you feel the tension in the back and shoulder blades, and it can exercise the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and erector spinae muscles, allowing the thick muscles to The back slowly disappears, and the girl's tight and beautiful back is restored.

Twist your waist to wipe the table, and easily shake the bucket waist and tuna belly

Even if you don't suck the floor every day, you will at least wipe the table after every meal~ As long as you use 5 minutes, By wiping the table and twisting your waist, you can activate the rectus abdominis, oblique abdominal muscles and transversus abdominis around the abdomen! After wringing out the rag, fold it into the size of your palm. With your back to the table, slowly twist your waist and wipe backward while using abdominal breathing.

At this time, you will obviously feel the tightness in the side muscles of the waist and abdomen, just maintain it. Then, start wiping inward from the tabletop far away from the body, wiping in a U-shape, using the lower abdomen and side waist to support the body. After wiping on the right side, switch sides. It only takes 1 week to find that the tuna belly and bucket waist gradually shrink. Oh!

Wipe the windows with your feet, fat calves can also become beautiful legs

Back muscles Straighten, stretch your arms, slowly lift your toes, wipe the windows or walls with the U-shaped rubbing method, move your arms slowly, you can exercise the humerus Biceps , triceps , help eliminate butterfly sleeves . In addition, by raising and lowering the heels while moving, it can also improve the swelling of the calves, and the fleshy legs can gradually become firmer!