Friends who like "One Piece" may know the book "Sanji's Full Food"! It introduces a lot of delicious dishes that Sankichi has made or detailed in One Piece. Hey, in order to express my passion for this comic, I want to try and see if I can DIY them all!

Friends who like "One Piece" may know the book "Sanji's Full Food"! It introduces a lot of delicious dishes that Sankichi has made or detailed in One Piece. Hey, in order to express my passion for this comic, I want to try and see if I can DIY them all! Let’s start with something simpler. Based on the original recipe, I made some small changes according to the situation and share it with you ^_^

This is the last recipe in the book~

I heard that it is the favorite tuna of the author Mr. Oda. Fish/tuna rice balls and fried chicken are simple and delicious!

I was embarrassed to be rude~hahaha~but it’s really delicious~

(When I first started flipping through the book, every time I saw a dish: “Uh, it’s too difficult. I’ll talk about it next time.” “Hey, skip it.” “Buy this ingredient. Let’s just forget it.” “It’s so complicated to give up...”

Then... I had already turned to the last page~

Then... I was disgusted by my friends: "Can you feed me? !" Stare~

Fortunately, this page of surprise: "Tsk...this is too simple XD!")

The book also revealed that Mr. Oda likes to eat childlike noodles at home~

Hey~ I feel like it even more! (Collapse)

Difficulty: Cut into pieces (beginner) Time: About 10 minutes


Rice 220g Canned tuna (in oil) 40g
Miso 1/2 tablespoon 3 pieces of seaweed
Green onions 5cm


sugar 1 /2 teaspoons 3 small pieces of seaweed
1 tablespoon of water

"One Piece Sanji Cuisine" ⑾ Teacher Oda's favorite tuna rice ball recipe

. Mina-san, look over here! This is the book! (I just realized that a Chinese version has been released) Hey, let’s get to the point

. Heat a pan, add slightly deoiled tuna, stir-fry over medium-low heat until it spreads

. Add miso, sugar, and water, stir well, and remove from the pan Sprinkle with chopped green onion, mix well, and set aside (it’s really fragrant when fried like this, is it because the chef is called Xiangji?)

. Take an appropriate amount of rice and place it on the plastic wrap, and put about 1/3 of the fried tuna on the rice. Filling, then spread a thin layer of rice, wrap it with plastic wrap to form a rice ball

. Open the plastic wrap, attach the seaweed sheet, and then wrap it neatly with plastic wrap

. ps. There is a rendering in the attached book, the size is very uniform .

. ps. Let’s get started~ You can add some of your favorite sauces


. The recipe can make 3 rice balls weighing about 85g.

. It is also revealed in the book that Oda-sensei’s favorite food is canned tuna under the Sino brand.

. The original way of kneading rice balls is not to use plastic wrap, just use your hands: first dip your palms in some water, then take a little salt, let your palms be dipped in a thin layer of salt grains, take rice and tuna and knead them into rice balls. It feels impossible to control, and your hands will become distorted. Xianhaha never tried this method.

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