However, on the eve of May 20, the Tsai Ing-wen authorities handed over to the people of Taiwan an epidemic prevention report card with more than 90,000 new confirmed cases in a single day and more than one million cases in total. The epidemic prevention work led by Chen Shizhong

[China Jingwei Network Comprehensive Report] On May 20, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen celebrated her sixth anniversary in office. However, on the eve of May 20, the Tsai Ing-wen authorities handed over to the people of Taiwan an epidemic prevention report card with more than 90,000 new confirmed cases in a single day and more than one million cases in total. The epidemic prevention work led by Chen Shizhong only scored 59.53 points. In addition to the unsatisfactory epidemic prevention, many things have happened in Taiwan this year, including the initial international vaccine shortage, vaccine controversy, frequent power outages, four major "referendums", and the recent initial sales of real-name rapid screening reagents. The long queues to buy were ridiculed by the Green Camp Internet Army... The Tsai administration's "bad" political achievements one after another have led to public resentment and a resurgence of "hate the DPP" on the island.

Latest poll: Tsai Ing-wen's popularity is 46.2%, down 3.7% from last month

According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", the "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation" released the latest poll today, Tsai Ing-wen's popularity is 46.2%, down from last month. A decrease of 3.7%; the disapproval rate was 39.5%, an increase of 3.9%. As a result, the approval rate decreased by 7.6% compared with the previous month. The

poll shows that 9.7% strongly agree with Tsai Ing-wen's way of handling political affairs, 36.5% moderately agree, 24.7% do not agree at all, 14.8% do not agree at all, and 14.3% have no opinion, don't know, or refuse to answer.

The epidemic situation in Taiwan on May 19

You Yinglong, chairman of the "Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation", analyzed this. Looking at the general trend, Tsai Ing-wen's reputation has declined for two consecutive months, with a total decline of 5.6%. He does not agree with Tsai Ing-wen's "governing" "The number of people with this method has also increased for two consecutive months, and the total has reached 6.1%. This is the clearest warning sign.

He said that in the next one or two months, according to official statements, the epidemic will reach its peak and then enter a plateau period, which will be an unprecedented disaster for the entire Taiwanese society; in addition to the possible war in the Taiwan Strait, Tsai Ing-wen's eight The most severe challenge and test during his term of office.

How Tsai Ing-wen can turn the tide and save Taiwan from a terrible disaster is a top priority. If it fails, all the polls accumulated since January 2020 will be burned, and it may also bear the historical infamy of "bringing disaster to the people."

The epidemic prevention work led by Chen Shih-chung failed with 59.53 points.

A poll showed that 49% of the people did not believe that the DPP authorities were prepared for the Omi Kerong leader of the Taiwan authorities’ health department, Chen Shih-chung. The evaluation of the "Epidemic Command Center" averaged 59.53 points, failing for the first time in 2 and a half years. You Yinglong believes that this means that the "advanced deployment" that the DPP authorities have long been proud of is no longer convincing, and the public's confidence in the recent performance of the epidemic command center is on the verge of a complete collapse.

Especially the anti-epidemic officials of the Democratic Progressive Party have been shouting "model students in epidemic prevention" and "the world has seen Taiwan". However, "Taiwan" appears in major news media around the world because it is deeply mired in the epidemic. Taiwan has been Ranked at the bottom of the world in epidemic prevention; moreover, due to backward deployment, lack of rapid screening, lack of drugs, and lack of medical capacity, Taiwan has not been reborn, only injured muscles and bones; no matter how nice the name of the "New Taiwan Model" is, it can only Watching people lose their lives in endless queues.

Not only has it caused chaos in masks, vaccines, and rapid screening, it has even been frowned upon by the United States, which the Tsai Ing-wen administration is proud of as a "major diplomatic breakthrough." According to Taiwanese media, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has raised the epidemic risk level in Taiwan to the third highest risk level, which is equivalent to stamping "failed" on Tsai Ing-wen's answer sheet.

The "vaccine procurement controversy" has been the most talked about in the past year

According to Taiwan's "DailyView Network Thermometer" through a year-long statistical survey of big data on the island, the results show that the "vaccine controversy" has had as many as 3,653,505 online comments, including purchases, shortages, Topics such as stock prices and the blocking of privately donated vaccines.

Taiwan's "DailyView Network Thermometer"

It is understood that last year, international vaccines were developed and mass-produced and launched. The world was rushing to buy them, and Taiwan was also trying to buy them. At the same time, it started a series of vaccine turmoil and incidents in the past year.In the early days of the vaccine rollout, due to the limited number of injections being carried out in batches and by groups, there was an outbreak of so-called "privileged vaccines" or fighting for the injection of residual doses; later Terry Gou expressed his intention to donate the vaccine, but the resulting documents were blocked. Doubts. In addition to the insufficient number of vaccine purchases that have triggered discussions, the island's self-produced high-end vaccines are also the focus of attention. In June last year, Ke Wenzhe criticized "More than a hundred people died from the new crown epidemic and Tsai Ing-wen was not seen, and the high-end dropped to the limit and held a press conference." The discussion of high-end vaccines was sparked; in November, the United States announced that seven vaccines recognized by WHO were required before entry, but high-end vaccines were not among them, triggering a saying that "vaccines are in vain, and vaccines are mixed". In April this year, the local epidemic began to heat up again. There were confirmed deaths of children in New Taipei and Keelung. The issue of children's vaccines has received considerable attention.

In addition, the opening of food imports from Fukushima, Japan, the drunk driving incident, the "Greater Hsinchu Merger", the real-name sales of household rapid screening reagents, the by-election of public opinion representatives in Taichung City's second district, rolling adjustments to epidemic prevention and residential isolation policies, Chen Baiwei, Lin Changzuo The recall case, the “four major referendums”, and Taiwan-wide power outages were ranked 10th to 2nd respectively.

Is the DPP complacent? Su Tseng-chang "highly praised" Tsai Ing-wen's six-year political achievements

However, Su Tseng-chang, the head of the Taiwan authorities' administrative agency, yesterday detailed Tsai Ing-wen's "political achievements" in the past six years since she came to power. He claimed that under Tsai Ing-wen's leadership, Taiwan's "economic structure has become stronger." It has been resilient and has repeatedly achieved good results in economic growth. It has received a lot of recognition internationally and has achieved many good results, which has also allowed the people on the island to receive better care."

Kuomintang public opinion representative Lai Shibao later posted on Facebook that the great achievements achieved by Tsai and Su Xishu on the 6th anniversary of their inauguration are so perfect in every aspect that they are almost overflowing. “Living in Taiwan is simply a utopia, it couldn’t be better.” Okay." Lai Shibao gave examples. Su Zhenchang said that the basic salary increase was the highest in 15 years, the military, public and educational salary increases were the highest in 25 years, the economic growth of 6.45% last year was the highest in 11 years, and the export value and export orders hit a record high. According to this statement, Taiwanese people should feel that they are almost drowning in money.

Su Zhenchang’s complacency also aroused the criticism of a large number of netizens on the island. They all angrily cursed Su Zhenchang: “Living in the parallel universe of and ”, “The good thing in recent years is the technology industry. These industries are based on the past 20 or 30 years.” Years of hard work has nothing to do with Tsai Ing-wen", "prices have been rising and I can't afford a house", "the purchasing power is the strongest, and then all the stores collapsed"...

Taiwanese people "hate the DPP" wave is coming again

Facebook users left messages. (Photo taken from Tsai Ing-wen's Facebook)

Taiwan's "China Times" published a comment and directly criticized Tsai Ing-wen, who has been in full power since 2016. She always talks about "humbleness and humility", but she has turned around and is arrogant and arrogant. Having a green party card will bring you privileges. , people's anger exploded in 2018, and the "hated DPP" became the largest party in Taiwan. The Korean Wave swept across Taiwan as the trend of the times, and the DPP suffered a disastrous defeat in the "nine-in-one" county and city elections.

After 4 years, Xiaoying is still unable to "govern". She continues to seek political benefits by manipulating the sentiments of "hatred of China" and "fear of China", and then relies on the assistance of the Green Camp's flanking cyber army , even though she has no political achievements and no improvement in people's lives. Even though he is becoming more and more depressed, he can still accumulate a certain base of public opinion. Until this wave of chaos in epidemic prevention, people's anger exploded again, and their hatred of the DPP became more and more obvious.

This wave of "hate the DPP", whether it is Tsai Ing-wen's posts, Su Tseng-chang's nonsense about the "new Taiwan model" or Chen Shizhong's arrogant speech about "independent response", has made the people resentful and can no longer bear it.

The "advanced deployment" boasted by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities has proved to be completely failed in epidemic prevention. Not only are there insufficient rapid screening reagents, there is a shortage of drugs to treat COVID-19, the medical care capacity is on the verge of collapse, and the epidemic prevention insurance policy may even cause a financial crisis, the Democratic Progressive Party The party authorities are unable to solve it.

Can the Democratic Progressive Party, which neither "governs" nor prevents epidemics, be able to withstand the wave of hate from Taiwanese people?