The beauty of Nanjing has thousands of faces: the ancient charm of the south of the old city, the beautiful Jinling scenery, the new literary and artistic district, the ancient and modern Nanjing dream...the combination forms the unique temperament of this city. In October, Nanji

The beauty of Nanjing has thousands of faces: the ancient charm of the south of the old city, the beautiful Jinling scenery, the new literary and artistic district, the ancient and modern Nanjing dream...the combination forms the unique temperament of this city.

html In October, Nanjing will launch four special issues with pictures and texts to take you to a different Nanjing!

The fourth issue: Ancient and Modern Nanjing Dream

Republic of China , suitable for roaming slowly and savoring carefully.

If you look at old text or black and white photos, you will find a lot of dynamic satisfaction.

For example, the hawkers all over the street, the pomegranate-red sunset, the cracked tea bowls, the gray cloth shirts, the soft shoes lightly stepping on the stone road, the graceful singing voice of the beauty, or those delicate cherries. Mouth.

If you are willing, please let me lead you on a historical journey.

⏰ 8:00am

「Press the alarm clock」

In the morning when I was half asleep and half awake, I was watching a movie "Ruan Lingyu"

"Ruan Lingyu's Cheongsam"

Shen Yizhu

It's the beginning and end of the year again, and the parties are busy and don't stop;

It's better to decide Calm down and watch an old movie.

Cheongsam is like a bit of cinnabar on a woman's mouth, vividly setting off the charm of the entire Republic of China. It also allows the years in troubled times to express the hardships and prosperity of the fleeting years in the most delicate gesture.

▲ Stills of "Ruan Lingyu". A generation of movie star Ruan Lingyu (played by Maggie Cheung) has a bitter life, from a brilliant screen career to a gloomy personal life.

In the 1930s, everyone chatted, smoked and joked in offices and basketball courts, and a movie was just in the haze of smoke. was born.

What lingers in my heart is the slowness, pace and eyes. Just like when drawing an eyebrow, you will draw it point by point and draw it carefully.

At this moment, you suddenly came back to your senses.

Oh, you're hungry.

9: 00 ~ 11: 00am

"Ruan Lingyu" (1991)

director: Guan Jinpeng

screenwriter: Jiaoxiong screen / Qiu Gangjian Zhang Manyu / Wu Qihua / Carina Lau and other

12: 00AM

"Taste Ducks"

Looking through the history of Nanjing City, every page is written about ducks

Hidden near the Daxing Palace, starting from Guanyin Pavilion in the north and ending at Changjiang Road in the south, there are 7 duck shops on a 300-meter-long street. shop.

In addition, there are a considerable number of small shops, supplying duck blood vermicelli , duck fat pancakes, duck blood wontons...

▲ Each tender and plump duck hides the original taste memory of Nanjing people.

"Baimen Cookbook", written by Zhang Tongzhi, a native of Liuhe, this Republic of China cookbook records 61 Nanjing delicacies. As for duck, the book says this:

" Jinling August period, salted duck the most Famous, everyone thinks that the meat has the fragrance of osmanthus.”

Although it is already October, the deliciousness of duck has not diminished. You must not miss the opportunity to discover the New World.

▲ Everyone will naturally go to their favorite store under the guidance of a unique taste experience.

Wangji Duck Restaurant’s salted duck with “white skin, red meat, and green bones”, Daji Roast Duck that is topped with old brine and is smooth but not greasy, Chenlin Duck Restaurant, which specializes in lean ducks, and Shaoxing Far Red Steamed Duck with unique exotic flavor Grass chicken...there is nothing you can't think of, nothing you can't find.

There were few asphalt roads in the streets before, and there were no Chanels on the streets. There were no bars, just big teahouses and small carts, where you could eat for a long time doing nothing.

And if you come to the Net towel market to take a look, the people coming and going always smell of fragrant duck, and the fireworks of old Nanjing are everywhere, and it seems as if it has been forgotten in time.

Netjin City



"Drinking tea and eating melon seeds"

It is really not easy to survive the Peking Opera of the Republic of China

Three whips sound, entering and exiting, singing, reading, doing and beating , the gong and drum guy banged for a century as soon as he got busy.

During the great upheavals of the Republic of China, instead of being on the verge of extinction, Peking Opera blazed a trail and vigorously created the most glorious page in the history of Peking Opera, known as "Oriental Opera."

▲ The teahouse is at one end of the Republic of China Pavilion. It is common for families to walk in to rest and drink tea.

In the Republic of China Pavilion of Nanjing Museum, from 2 to 4 pm, there is a special performance of folk arts at old teahouse .

The old teahouse is divided into pool seats on the first floor and private rooms on the second floor, with red beams and traditional Eight Immortals tables, all of which are full of style.

▲ Sitting in the old teahouse, I often feel like I am dreaming back to the Republic of China.

The prices of tea and snacks here are also very affordable. The jasmine tea is only 10 yuan per person, and the tea has a refreshing fragrance.

There is a unique performance on the stage, and below the stage there are "tea waiters" wearing long gowns walking between the tea tables.

As I wandered away while drinking tea and chatting, I might think of Tan Xinpei 's tragedy, Mei Lanfang 's pride, Cheng Yanqiu 's softness, and Gou Huisheng's brightness.

reminds me of that turbulent era: the four major factions were born, the four major beards were powerful, and the four famous and were popular at home and abroad.

The wonderful speculations under this opportunity, in the inattentive breathing of the times, suddenly began to poke around and breathe into the freshness of the sunny sky after the rain.

Nanjing Museum, Republic of China Pavilion



"Let's go hang out"

If you want to take a stroll, come to Yihe Road

There is no way around it when recalling the past of the Republic of China in Nanjing. Yihe Road.

In the hearts of Nanjing people, it is not just a separate street, but also refers to the Yihe Road Gongguan District surrounded by Jiangsu Road, , Ninghai Road, Beijing West Road, Xikang Road, and Ningxia Road. .

The sky-covering green trees and large garden houses outline the background of Yihe Road and highlight its literary and artistic style.

▲ The thick maple poplar tree that needs to be surrounded by one person is covered with green moss and full of vitality.

Arrive here through the noisy Shanxi Road, and travel back to the time of the Republic of China in one second.

The vehicles driving on the asphalt road in Guangping are flying, light and fast. The wheels are pushing rapidly on the asphalt surface, making a "buzzing" sound, which is really a bit airy.

In the past, Nanjing had many horse-drawn carriages, which almost became a feature of the city. If you were a passenger on a carriage in the old days, the horse's hooves would hit the gravel surface, making a sound of hoofbeats, as if playing the beat of a march, very leisurely and interesting.

On the recreational path between the fast lane and the slow lane, there are some acacias or plane trees planted, with clusters of shadows cast under the dark green leaves.

▲ Coming out of Yihe Road District 12 on Jiangsu Road, you can see the towering Zifeng Building in the alley next door.

The sycamores, maples and other green trees planted on both sides of the road have now blocked out the sky and the sun. Walking under these green corridors, there are few people and cars, and you can hear the crisp chirping of birds. The whole area is cool and quiet.

Yihe Road

5:00~Go home

The day ended quickly. Just like any other day, peaceful and simple.

The pace of history has never stopped, and people are constantly interpreting, enjoying, pursuing fashion, and creating beauty.

Life is like this.