According to an exclusive report by "Total Market", Serie A is brewing an ambitious plan. During the World Cup in Qatar, they plan to send 20 Serie A teams to the United States to participate in a brand new event.

Live Bar, February 5th According to an exclusive report by "Total Market", the Serie A League is brewing an ambitious plan. During the Qatar World Cup, they plan to let the Serie A 20 team go to the United States to participate in a brand new event.

As confirmed by Serie A head of operations Andrea Butti, Serie A has been considering organizing this event for several months. On the one hand, they hope that players who did not participate in the World Cup can participate in the competition. To maintain their form (Italy may miss the World Cup), on the other hand, they also hope to expand the influence of the Serie A brand in North America.

2018 World Cup in Russia , 58 out of 736 Serie A players participated in this event. At the World Cup in Qatar, Serie A is expected to contribute 80 to 85 people, which means that about 570 players will have a two-month break.

Serie A's idea is to organize a 20-day tournament, with the group stage going directly to the quarter-finals. All 20 teams will live, train and play in the same place, imitating the "bubble" model (closed system) of the 2020 NBA during the epidemic.

As for whether the schedule will conflict with the World Cup in Qatar, Andre Buti claimed that they have studied a schedule that will not conflict with the World Cup and will not cause harm to FIFA . However, whether this plan can be actually implemented still needs to wait for FIFA's approval.

(two monsters)